
Jul 14, 2023
I have been visiting a counsellor and talking to friends, and they all say

"Life is amazing, or life is beautiful" they say it's great to live on this planet and such.

But I still don't understand, I don't get it. What's great about living on this planet? Everyday, just seems like a chore, makes me feel like it's my fault or my mistake that life isn't as beautiful as others view it.

Personally, I feel like just ending it all and pray that reincarnation is real so that I can understand what these people were saying about life.

What about yall? Do you think life is beautiful and why, and how did you come to that conclusion?

Please I just want to know.
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Looking for fair winds and following seas
May 27, 2024
My life has had it's moments. Like sometimes glorious, beautiful moments, where bliss is the rule. Sometimes freakishly shitty moments as well. A whole lot of meh moments. It is what it is.


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
i can see why it can be to some people. but personally for me, i feel its a waste of my time. im just living to suffer/distract myself and thats no life.

yeah hobbies etc can bring out that feeling of life, but its not something i feel like living for. just personally for me my scales are off balance... the hobbies/life is nice. but on the other hand....meaningless without family, friends, loved ones. im in near constant physical pain. mental disorders that have no cure.

as for your reincarnation comment, i personally believe that what needs to happen is what will. some come back as ghosts, go to "heaven", reincarnate, eternal sleep or other possibilities im not aware of. (but not hell, it doesnt exist.)
Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
you could say those things if you feel optimistic and light heated, or they want to point it out so they don't have to think other peoples misery, but I think everyone is able to suffer as much, regardless- everyone can say either I am worth it or not, depends on how they view it.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
I have been visiting a counsellor and talking to friends, and they all say

"Life is amazing, or life is beautiful" they say it's great to live on this planet and such.
Perhaps you need to find another counsellor. This is more along the lines of toxic positivity which is unhelpful at best, or harmfully invalidating at worst.

In looking at recovery, negative thoughts are meant to be countered with neutrality rather than positivity. Negatives and positives are opinion-based whereas neutrals are facts-based.

If you're trying to counter negative thoughts and feelings, you have to believe what you're telling yourself as you counter them. In order to make sure it's believable, you want to keep it grounded in objectively observable reality. One tip for doing this is to think of the five senses: What can you see, hear, touch, smell, or taste.

Your comment, "Every day is a chore."

Unhelpful positive thinking:
  • "Every day is a chore." --> "Life is beautiful."
  • "Every day is a chore." --> "It'll get better."
Conditioning the brain to be more neutral:
  • "Every day is a chore." --> "I have clinical depression"
  • "Every day is a chore." --> "I'm doing the best I can to manage my depression"
Opinions vs Facts -- if you're wanting to change your negative thinking, try to focus on the facts of a situation.
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May 13, 2023
Personally I do think life is beautiful but it is also a challenge and I wont go into why i see it as beautiful but rather say not everyone has things the same, isuffer through alot of mental health issues most people couldnt even comprehend which makes my life alot more difficult then others. Some people suffer through harsh living conditions and abuse like life at the end of the day is beautiful but it is also unfair and not equally experienced the same by everyone


Dec 12, 2023
Honestly I am a little surprised my therapist hasnt said the lines life is beautiful, he knows it isn't always and he has helped me even through me telling him I had a plan to ctb, I told him in great details what I would do. I layed the whole plan out, and he just listened. He didn't report me, he wanted to help, I found one of the few good ones who genuinely want to help and care about people rather than popping them up on pills

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