

May 11, 2024
Being useless seems to be a source of agony to many.

What do you think about this mental gymnasitc feat?

A main reason society does not allow us to CTB is that we could be useful to society.
If you do in fact become useful to society, you are proving society right.

Instead, you could defiantly say that yes, society can keep you alive, but it cannot force you to be useful.

Uselessness as a political statement.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
I don't know. I haven't felt "useful to society" for some time now...

But not only do they see fit to keep me alive despite this, they are effectively paying me for it (read: disability benefits).

It's a strange thing to experience so much vitriol and hate, and yet also such resistance to the idea of letting me go. It's like, which way do you want it, guys?

I should clarify: I feel that society views me as a useless person. I don't necessarily feel like an objectively useless person, even if I'm not exactly the epitome of "useful". If someone was to call me useless, I wouldn't be so quick to argue their point, although I might quietly judge them for going out of their way to do that.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Idgaf about society. The more useless I am to society, the better it is for me. I won't allow myself to get exploited and used by society. I owe society nothing. I was born without my consent and I am expected to contribute to this sick soyciety just because I was born human. It's annoying to me, this double standard of "the world doesn't owe you anything", yet you are expected to owe society and the world everything. Being useful to society just means being used and exploited for your labor. I've never wanted to be useful to society and I don't feel bad about not being useful to it
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permanently tired

permanently tired

I know you're laughing
Nov 8, 2023
Idgaf about society. The more useless I am to society, the better it is for me. I won't allow myself to get exploited and used by society. I owe society nothing. I was born without my consent and I am expected to contribute to this sick soyciety just because I was born human. It's annoying to me, this double standard of "the world doesn't owe you anything", yet you are expected to owe society and the world everything. Being useful to society just means being used and exploited for your labor. I've never wanted to be useful to society and I don't feel bad about not being useful to it
The way I see it is if the world doesn't owe me anything then I don't owe the world my presence hence ctb. Ofc this is easier said then done with barriers like grippy sock factory. I concur with your thinking but not your choice of action. What is the purpose of neeting? It doesn't further the objective of peace through ctb or do you desire smth else? Would it not be better to put in some effort and temporarily contribute to the system so that you can further your self-interest? I read a lot of your posts and I mostly emphasize with your thinking, but I don't understand wanting to be a neet. I was one a few months and it made me want to cease existing more. I only live to improve my circumstances to ctb with certainty. Purpose does feel nice tbh.
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Aug 3, 2023
Being useless doesn't pay medical bills, unpaid medical bills means even worse and more painful life. Besides that I do use quite a lot of things that I get from being part of society (digital technology, medical services, housing, food, etc), being useless would mean I won't be able to afford any of that and make it not only harder to live but also harder to even get the materials to CTB. I can see how some people can use this to go against society, but not those who depend on goods or services directly from society.


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
The way I see it is if the world doesn't owe me anything then I don't owe the world my presence hence ctb. Ofc this is easier said then done with barriers like grippy sock factory. I concur with your thinking but not your choice of action. What is the purpose of neeting? It doesn't further the objective of peace through ctb or do you desire smth else? Would it not be better to put in some effort and temporarily contribute to the system so that you can further your self-interest? I read a lot of your posts and I mostly emphasize with your thinking, but I don't understand wanting to be a neet. I was one a few months and it made me want to cease existing more. I only live to improve my circumstances to ctb with certainty. Purpose does feel nice tbh.
Why would I contribute to the system? I don't gain or get anything out of contributing to society. I don't care about being accepted by normies. I heard that people become normies for social validation, but I could not care less about social validation. I enjoy being a NEET. It's the ideal life for me. The purpose of NEETing is to have free time and freedom from work and responsibilities. It's a way to actually enjoy life as best as I can even though I would never like living in any case. I don't understand people who want to contribute to society. I don't feel any obligation to society. I don't dream of labor and I never have. I don't understand NEETs who want to become normies and NEETs who cry about not having a job. Wageslavery is cucked. It's literal slavery but in this modern age. I would never become a slave
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permanently tired

permanently tired

I know you're laughing
Nov 8, 2023
Why would I contribute to the system? I don't gain or get anything out of contributing to society. I enjoy being a NEET. It's the ideal life for me. The purpose of NEETing is to have free time and freedom from work and responsibilities. It's a way to actually enjoy life as best as I can even though I would never like living in any case. I don't understand people who want to contribute to society. I don't feel any obligation to society
You can get money out of it which you can use to say move out and ctb without people interfering. Living by yourself has a lot of perks. Can order whatever materials you need and explore different ctb methods without anyone knowing. The purpose of work as I'm framing it, is not out of obligation for society but to ctb. You can't just hang yourself at home and expect your family not to find you unless they all magically leave the house. I'm not understanding the logic, if you prefer not living in the first place the next step for me is death not neet. We already exist, the closest thing we can achieve to never having existed is to die isn't it? Is that not what you want? It's what I want so maybe I'm drawing incorrect conclusions.


Jan 25, 2024
Why would I contribute to the system? I don't gain or get anything out of contributing to society. I don't care about being accepted by normies. I heard that people become normies for social validation, but I could not care less about social validation. I enjoy being a NEET. It's the ideal life for me. The purpose of NEETing is to have free time and freedom from work and responsibilities. It's a way to actually enjoy life as best as I can even though I would never like living in any case. I don't understand people who want to contribute to society. I don't feel any obligation to society. I don't dream of labor and I never have. I don't understand NEETs who want to become normies and NEETs who cry about not having a job. Wageslavery is cucked. It's literal slavery but in this modern age. I would never become a slave
It's very easy to make such statements in the comfort of your house when your parents pay for your living. I'm neet too but it isn't nice to depend on other people financially especially when they make sure to make you feel like a burden and tell you all the time you should "make something of your life". So I perfectly understand people who actually get jobs/careers. Sometimes I wish I had dreams and thrived like them. But I too have no interest or dreams in taking part into this rat race. Therefore it would be more gracious to just leave
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David Benatar Enjoyer
Apr 25, 2024
I Mean I would rather just CTB than even exist to be a drain on society, but I certainly understand the want to just sit back and not fall for any of the false ideas that contributing to society is a "good thing Actually". when Society is rotten structure of selfishness and mindless wandering, wandering through the hurdles society artificially throws at you to make you feel like you're actually getting meaningful things done.

But like I said I'd rather just, not be apart of it in the first place.
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Aug 24, 2024
I used to want to be useful. Now I don't give a damn because "useful", at least as I see it, is defined by some government official who thinks it equates getting a job, having a family, paying taxes, and being a "Good person". But, really, if I get a job and pay taxes to supplement their paycheck, this is all they really care about. Funny thing is we have millions who do nothing with their lives except leech out of the welfare system - no job, no contribution to society - but it's perfectly fine in a politician's eyes for those folks to exist. (I am not saying it isn't.) However, if I want to not contribute by society by ctb, it's wrong, when in reality they should be happy because I can't leech if I'm dead.

I think the stigma against suicide has more to do with someone feeling they have the right to control another person's decisions than it does keeping them alive simply to "contribute" to society. I don't want to open a can of worms, but it reminds me a lot of the abortion debate. That has more to do with wanting to control another person's choices than it does caring about a kid. If they cared about kids, we wouldn't have millions of them in abject poverty. Control, control, control.


Jun 5, 2024
your contribution to society is usually minimal, yet the value that there is in an abstract love of labor, coupled with providing utility to those around you while expecting some payoffs in the end, is in my mind quite great
i think that use is just coextensive with how well integrated an individual is, which in itself provides a great deal of personal value in life. that's how i view it, anyway


Aug 23, 2024
Technically I am useless because I don't work, but why should I feel bad about it? I never asked to be born, I am a prisoner on this planet just like every other human. Nobody has ANY obligation to do anything, because no one signed any contract before birth.
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Oct 10, 2023
There is a monetary value put on being useful and it is largely defined by how much we contribute economically to society.

The more you can do this the more valued and useful we are. Having a good paid job and/ or having children, paying taxes are useful ways that are valued for contributing financially to society. I have long been considered useless because I don't have a proper job or children and don't pay taxes as I can't afford a home. I look after my elderly father. This type of usefulness is not valued as it very low paid, it is expected of me and and my father takes it for granted and resents it. So he makes sure I know I am completely useless. This is often the case for many carers who are undervalued and underpaind, especally those looking after ungrateful family members.

I studied hard and did have a good job because I really desired to be a contributing menber of siciety and feel useful. I would choose this over being useless anynday. But I was kicked out of my job for reasons behoynd and control, so while I feel bad about it, this is the place soceity put me in and I no longer blame myself as its where the system positioned me. I don't feel great about it, but while soceity dosnt owe me anything, the system let me down and so I don't feel I owe it anything either.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I guess it's great if you either have other 'useful' people who are willing to support you. Or, you are a total maverick. You'll risk homelessness and starvation to prove a point.

Can't say I exactly blame people for not wanting to contribute to this corrupt society but, I wonder how much of it really is a statement- are they activists too? Or, would they just rather sit at home rather than do some shitty job? In which case, sure, wouldn't we all? Maybe they're just in a better position with people around them who are willing to fund their lifestyle.

What does it change though? Is it meant to be changing something? Are you hoping it will encourage other people not to work? What if that happens though? Who will then support you? Where do benefits come from if people don't pay taxes? Who builds your house, grows, harvests and prepares your food, takes away the rubbish, maintains the sewers? Can each of us be self sufficient? I doubt it. I don't know how to do all of that stuff and- that's work- no? Do you expect people to do that stuff for you for free?

So, now we're in a position where some people have to work to support those that don't. How do we decide who gets to work and who doesn't? How is that fair? I don't particularly want to work as hard as I do.

The only thing I would agree with is that, if enough people do it (refuse work,) it will put more pressure on parents who may reconsider reproducing and I'm all for antinatilism.

But honestly, on the one hand I understand the viewpoint. On the other, it may be for genuine reasons- disabilities. But, it's a also a privelaged thing to be able to do. Some parents either can't afford to support their children that long or, they simply won't. And, I don't think it's usually to make some big statement. I think the main motivating factor is- they don't want to work- and I don't blame them! It often sucks.
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Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
I honestly don't give a shit about whether I'm useful or not to society. I only care about myself and what I feel. Society is just the obstacle maker of my life for the most or half part and I don't want to think about it more than I have to. I am all that matters when it comes to my existence.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
it cannot force you to be useful.
I wish this were the case but I think that society sees us useful in some way as, after all, we are consumers. You're a consumer too as, to type your message, you must own a device and some wifi too. This is why society is keen on not legalising euthanasia and on making people survive for as long as possible. Even if we don't work, we do consume and society acknowledges that and uses it to its benefit. The more people there are on earth, the bigger of a profit the elites can get. The elites would never let their cattle go free

I have no desire to be useful to society. I want to be as useless to society as possible because I don't see why I should care about something that doesn't care about it. If society cared about me, they would adapt for me instead of forcefully making me adapt to them. At the end of the day, I only really care about myself because I am myself. It's as simple as that. I was born against my will so I simply don't see why I should contribute to society
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
So you feel great about being useless, but can I ask:

do you feel great in general? Would you describe yourself as content/fulfilled/satisfied?


memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
i don't like being useless per se, but i greatly enjoy not being profitable. i still like being nice though? so for example giving away lots of "warranty" replacement items at my old job because i don't care about making the company money, but making the day of someone working 2 jobs to make ends meet? that's a good feeling. and two birds with one stone, i get to hurt the pockets of my capitalist overlords and i can feel good about myself knowing i helped someone who actually deserved it.


May 11, 2024
So you feel great about being useless, but can I ask:

do you feel great in general? Would you describe yourself as content/fulfilled/satisfied?

I am older than the typical SaSu member. I have been useful for several decades, but
experienced a minor mental breakdown and quit my last job. I have enough to support
myself though, because I don't really spend that much.

Nobody is pressuring me to go back to work, but sometimes I feel bad that I could have
another ten years of work in me. I don't think I have the energy for that though.
That is where I try to comfort myself, by seeing uselessness as a political act.

I wouldn't describe myself as content or satisfied, but I don't feel I was when I was working.
For myself, I don't see much of a difference, although I feel that for most people
it does matter. I suppose being useful provides some self-esteem, and perhaps I already got that
from being useful in my past.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
I am older than the typical SaSu member. I have been useful for several decades, but
experienced a minor mental breakdown and quit my last job. I have enough to support
myself though, because I don't really spend that much.
Ah, I think you're presenting a very, very different viewpoint than most would assume, then.

There is a big difference between having put in the effort to support yourself and hitting wall versus never trying and insisting others support you. The fact that you've earned at least a bit for yourself puts you in a different category.

You have no obligation to "contribute", imo, if you aren't demanding a lot in return, and it's okay to take a bit from the collective pot when you have real, legitimate struggles.

I think there's a difference between being "useless" and siphoning from those around you when you're capable of helping out. There are also other ways to contribute besides with money.


May 11, 2024
Ah, I think you're presenting a very, very different viewpoint than most would assume, then.

I am not sure about my viewpoint. I just happen to be in a specific situation, where sometimes I feel
useless, and feel bad about it, but then I manage to change my view to be defiantly useless -
uselessness as a political statement - which makes me feel better.

People who responded to this thread described different situations I hadn't thought of,
and some have embraced being useless more than others.

One distinction is whether one starts out as feeling useless and then justifies it as a political statement,
or whether one actively seeks out to become more useless to embody that political statement.
As for latter option, @Final_Choice noted that you can become useless to a degree that you cannot afford to
pay your medical bills. That indeed sounds excessive, if only because the harm you are causing to yourself
is much greater than the harm ones uselessness would cause society.

There is a big difference between having put in the effort to support yourself and hitting wall versus never trying and insisting others support you. The fact that you've earned at least a bit for yourself puts you in a different category.

You have no obligation to "contribute", imo, if you aren't demanding a lot in return, and it's okay to take a bit from the collective pot when you have real, legitimate struggles.

I think there's a difference between being "useless" and siphoning from those around you when you're capable of helping out. There are also other ways to contribute besides with money.

I was trying to think why does "siphoning from those around you" bothers me more than getting social security or disability payments.
In the context of uselessness as a political statement, perhaps one could say that your parents aren't the ones who made
CTB illegal. Your parents also do not have the power to make CTB legal, so causing them harm by uselessness misses the target.
(even though they are the ones who brought you to life to being with.)

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