
Jan 11, 2021
watching all these women displaying their bodies naked. for 10 hours nonstop. daily. just to earn a living. maybe we don't have it as bad as we think. the lesson im learning from porn addiction. maybe we are too self centred and over absorbed with our shitty life to only think ctb is the only way out. those women smile, endure the cold in their bodies of being naked over 10 hours, rubbing their pussy for some wierdos' fun. now that is not a good thing. and they pretend to be happy and show the wierdos what they want to see. then you think, maybe we have a good deal and we just don't see it.


Jul 23, 2020
What? So because other people have it bad my problems are solved?
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
You're right. My PTSD is cured!

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Mar 28, 2021
Being extremely self-centred didn't cause my Complex PTSD. Being extremely self-centred didn't cause my debilitating disabilities. Being extremely self-centred didn't cause my chronic fatigue, chronic pain or chronic illnesses.

Honestly, this is similar to anti-choice, guilt-tripping, victim-blaming rhetoric many of us already encounter from medical professionals, loved ones and society: "Suicide is selfish", "Life could be worse", "There are other people who suffer more than you."

Even if it is true that life could be worse or that someone else is in an objectively more dire situation, it's a moot point and an asinine way of invalidating someone else's experiences, feelings and reality. It is similar to gaslighting, to saying "Things aren't that bad." The irony is that those who say such trite tripe rarely comprehend the full circumstances of the person they are invalidating.

Other people's problems do not stop us from struggling with our own. Struggling can result in turning our focus inwards, but that is a natural consequence of unbearable pain. Suffering is not selfish - it is unendurable torment. Expecting people, however, to preserve their lives at all costs regardless of its quality is selfish. Expecting people to find solace in the suffering of others because life could be worse is selfish. Invalidating, ostracizing and silencing suicidal people is selfish.

Society is far more careless, narcissistic and self-absorbed than suicidal individuals could ever be.
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glad it’s night

glad it’s night

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…
Apr 19, 2021
You're in the hospital because one of your arms got cut off. You see 10 other people missing both arms. Sure, their problem is worse relative to yours. But ultimately, when you go home, you are still missing an arm for the rest of your life and must deal with the consequences. Another person's situation being better or worse has no effect on your quality of life in the present, from moment to moment.
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