

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is something that existentialgoof (I'll always refer to him as 'EG' for brevity purposes) has said numerous times in his replies and responses towards the pro-lifers on Reddit. I have also written countless articles criticizing psychiatry and the coercive nature of it especially when it threatens a fundamental ultimate right, which is the right to die. Anyways, the quoted text is just one of his many responses towards pro-lifer rhetoric. I bolded and put the most important text in red to emphasize the main point of this thread.

I disagree. People should have the right to die by suicide and to have access to a decent method. Nobody asked to be born. If we had access to an effective suicide method, but it was made subject to a delay, then there would be far fewer impulsive attempts without the need to incarcerate anyone, and also, the knowledge that one could not be kept trapped in one's misery forever would also help prevent people from getting to the point where they feel that an immediate escape is the only option. The fact that you can be imprisoned even though you're no danger to anyone else and just want to exercise your own agency is why many won't even talk about being suicidal.

I suppose that if a short term stay in the psychiatric ward was part of the process of waiting for legal access to an effective and painless suicide method, then I suppose it would be a reasonable compromise. But in reality you could be just as miserable and desperate for death 20 years after your admission and you'd still be stopped from accessing an effective suicide method. Because the impulsivity argument is just an excuse to conceal the fact that suicide prevention is all about social control, and the same rules apply no matter how long you've been suicidal.

So, with that quote from EG (and many many more similar ones too), it simply shows that the CTB prevention is really all about social control and pro-lifers will go to any length including deceit, misinformation, logical fallacies, hypocrisy and more to ensure they have their way in perpetually keeping people suffering until natural causes (or other causes of death). I could give countless many examples, but that would make the thread like an entire thesis and that isn't really what I'm aiming for. Instead, I just want to drive home the point of how psychiatry and the concept of "mental illness" is such a dangerous tool when it is used to silence, punish, discredit, or otherwise undermine legitimate, yet dissenting viewpoints. It is yet another tool in a tyrant's arsenal of control in hopes to silence anything that may bring to light the barbaric and tyrannical acts of those in power.

Additionally, when he mentions the impulsivity argument it does draw similarities to one of my older threads regarding impulsive vs planned CTBs. The fact that one could plan, deliberate, and go through many hoops, yet be treated as some illness and pathological ill that must be cured is deplorable and disrespectful towards said individual. CTB should be considered an ultimate act of free will and the product of a rational decision taken to exit the futility of life as well as the inane suffering that one should not be subjected to. @RainAndSadness @Forever Sleep
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real human being

real human being

full of broken thoughts
Jan 28, 2022
Couldn't agree more that suicide prevention is not about compassion or preventing impulsive suicides but is all about social control.

Another interesting point is that on the one hand, people are incarcerated and prevented from killing themselves under the pretense that their sucidality is a result of mental illness, but on the other hand, being suicidal is by itself sufficient to be labeled as mentally ill. What this means is that the desire to commit suicide within the current medical framework can never be deemed as even potentially being rational, it is always an irrational decision resultant from mental illness, and therefore the agency, emotions, and reasoning of suicidal people never has to be respected, in fact, it should never be respected or taken at face value, it should always be framed as part of their illness.
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