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Apr 10, 2019
It's not like I've been running myself ragged or anything; my other half's parents came to visit over the weekend, staying at a hotel nearby. We did a pub meal on Friday night, suit fittings for the wedding for the boys on Saturday morning and a trip to a local bird sanctuary that afternoon. Didn't even have to cook as we had takeaway, which somebody else even went to fetch from the village. Sunday, as the bible says (says the atheist), was pretty much a day of rest, and yesterday the only things I did were get my hair n makeup done (at home!) as the trial before my wedding day, then a meal out at a restaurant in the evening. Was in bed and asleep at a very reasonable time also. Piece of piss, right?


Why am I so bloody exhausted?? Can barely get myself out of bed today! I've woken up a few times and tried to get up but have fallen back asleep over and over - it's so frustrating! I've tried caffeine, exercise, even an apple and an orange (as apparently it's supposed to wake you up?) but I could cheerfully sleep another few hours if I put my head down, for my eyelids are again drooping as I write…

How to wake up and stay awake?!

Why is my stupid body so tired?? I've been resting in between activities and giving myself a break but it's hard not to feel terribly disappointed as it underperforms without my say so YET AGAIN, it's incredibly annoying!

Any tips??
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
I am sorry to hear you are so exhusted - I get the same way after seemingly normal activities and what seems to be a good night's sleep.

A couple of things come to mind:

First get checked for any potential physical disorders: B12 levels, anemia, or any other kind of health issue that can cause exhaustion. I had a severe B12 deficiency and was asleep more than awake (in fact I typically only spent about 2-4 hours out of bed on any given day until my B12 levels were corrected.)

Get checked for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can cause severe exhaustion even when it seems like you have had a good night's sleep.

You mentioned your wedding? Good events (just as bad events) can cause excessive stress, even if it doesn't seem like it. Stress is exhausting, so if it ends up you do not have a phsyiological measurable cause for your exhaustion (such as B12 deficiency), talk to your doctor to see if it might be stress causing the exhaustion, they might be able to give you a short course of meds to help with that if it is due to a stressful event.

Just some suggestions. I hope you feel better soon!
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Apr 10, 2019
I have had my B12 levels checked from time to time and nothing has flagged up. I guess there could be a some background stress about the wedding but because it's so small I didn't think it was too bad! Potentially there could be a certain amount of stress about his parents being around (his mother especially has an insidious, passive-aggressive way of making me feel that I'm constantly doing something wrong) might've taken its toll on me too and my body is just recouping that extra spent energy? Nothing like feeling like you're out of place in your own hone to knock you off balance for a while :ahhha:

Thanks for your advice, lots to consider there :heart:
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May 8, 2021
Cocaine should help with that. (this is a joke)
I have the same problem. Maybe try going for a walk or taking a shower, those things usually help me a little.
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Mar 26, 2020
Stress can take an exhaustive toll even when there is little physical activity.


Apr 10, 2019
Cocaine should help with that. (this is a joke)
I have the same problem. Maybe try going for a walk or taking a shower, those things usually help me a little.
Lol if only I had the money for cocaine! :pfff:

Showers are a big drain on energy - it sounds daft but simply standing in the shower takes a huge toll on my body n I can be exhausted for hours lol even a bath does the same as my body struggles to maintain temperature, it's totally pathetic…

As for walking, body issues turn every journey into a nightmare so this past year or two I've been using an electric scooter to get about - even these journeys are exhausting as I often need to rest on my return after being upright for so long. It's maddening!

I've tried caffeine, phenylethylamine, now even working through the last of my tramadol stores from previous prescriptions to try to energise n kick me into action but if my body decides it's too tired it just refuses to respond to anything, it's infuriating!

Stress can take an exhaustive toll even when there is little physical activity.

Yes I believe you're right - whether it's emotional/mental stress or physical it seems to take a huge toll! Which seems incredibly counterproductive really as you generally need extra energy to deal with it lol
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Have you been checked for chronic fatigue syndrome?

(And as an aside, my parents were so awful at my sister's wedding that I decided to elope instead. She used to call me crying almost everyday leading up to her wedding. It was so bad for her, I thought forget this - I would rather spend that money on a nice vacation/wedding without having to deal with the BS).

I hope you are doing a little bit better!
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Apr 10, 2019
No, I've not… Doctors very easily like to blame all that on my endo and osteoarthritis so don't really seem pressed to do any further investigations into it! I feel I've hit a medical wall in that respect so just try all known methods to try to improve my situation myself lol you've no idea the amount of drugs, supplements, litres of water, diets, tinctures, pills, "superfoods" etc etc I've consumed along with doing various exercises, weird breathing, acupuncture, yoga, invisible energies and whatnot, ooh yes shitloads of water and lots of hand waving are definitely the answer :pfff:

Aw that doesn't fill me with confidence lol hopefully it's small enough that everyone will be on their best behaviour being in such close quarters or if not, it'll be extremely difficult not to make themselves look like a complete knob for years to come if anyone misbehaves!

Tbh not actually had the interference of parents so that's been brilliant! It's been great to do it ourselves and they've stayed out of it, save coming down and looking at the venue I'm not all that fussed or stuck on it being "perfect" anyhow - I picked some what turn out to be very broadly defined colours for the theme and there are some "characterful" people invited amongst the tiny few that are coming. I'm not convinced that any part of it will run perfectly in any way and am looking forward to the chaos as it happens, although a couple of people are certainly somewhat of a worry… this is probably adding to the mental exhaustion come to think of it…

I'm really looking forward to the honeymoon a lot more than the actual wedding day. Lots less pressure and a lot more pleasure, and I'm not just being rude! Seeing scenery, travelling around, hanging out together… that sounds a lot more relaxed than putting on uncomfortable clothing and surrounding yourself with the people who all have great bearing on your life in one way or another, despite being of very different, and sometimes opposing, stock. For like 10 hours or something.

I did make it slightly later in the day so we didn't have to spend THE ENTIRE DAY with everyone :ahhha::pfff:

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