

Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
People imply the purpose of life for every creature is to survive long enough to reproduce. I believe this is a widely accepted myth and an overly simplistic view of evolution. I believe the bigger picture shows a very different purpose than simply "live" or "reproduce." If evolutions goal is for every creature to survive and grow old enough to reproduce, we must say evolution fails spectacularly in this regard, since in the wild, not only do huge numbers of young animals die, but they often provide food for others animals, enabling their survival and reproduction, suggesting that they were"supposed" to die as part of evolution. Sea turtles are a good example of this. 99% die shortly after birth. millions become food for various other animals. Humans only very recently in history had such excellent life expectancy compared to other animals. There was a time ,not very long ago,when many ,if not most human births did not result in genes being passed on but early death. While it seems true that most humans do reproduce now, We cannot say that is the purpose of life and the goal of evolution. It seems the ultimate purpose of evolution, if it has a purpose at all, is much more sinister than simply"make babies." It has been referred to by scientists as"survival of the fittest." There's an inherent cruelty to that. Another name I consider accurate is "natural eugenics." Predatory behavior, unfortunately , is an essential part of life on the planet. I find it odd that people condemn Adolf Hitler for genocide yet praise a predatory natural system as if it is an inherently good gift(life). People like Hitler, however rare, are evidently inevitable in this world and a natural result of evolution. It really bothers me that most people who are against abortion never consider the whole life of the child, they're only concerned about it's birth. People speak as if life SIMPLY is wonderful for all people. As if breathing is sufficient for happiness.It is contrary to reality to say life is a good gift by default. Unless we are to say growing old, suffering, dying,abuse are all good things. I understand some people love their life and feel very happy. I cannot blame someone for wanting to be happy, but it is generally true that in order for one life to thrive, another must suffer or die. Humans would not be where they are today without cruelty and violence towards other people and animals on a massive scale.
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Apr 19, 2022
Evolution, if true, doesnt have a goal. Evolution is just genetic mutations that get more common as those with it have more kids, it isnt a thing with a purpose but rather something that happens just like the weather or growing up, it just is something that happens.
Also if you dont include high infant death-rates; humans had the same life expectancy as they do now, it's just that now more people live to that life expectancy due to not dying as an infant. In-fact our true life expectancy is actually dropping because of the rising obesity epidemic causing people to die younger
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
By nature the important thing is not the individual, but the set of these, that is, in this case the human species ... there is only one on the planet and it is clear that its strategy 'imposing itself on the rest of the species is succeeding.

I think we may not be aware of this, that we are part of a single human being trying to impose itself, made up of a huge set of individuals, and that it has a millennial age.
To make a simile is like us with respect to our body, we are a multicellular organism where the tasks of each are assigned and where a lot of small organisms die every day while others are born in perfect symbiosis with other bacteria or viruses. who live within us and have their own lives outside of our decisions.

I don't like to think about it much because it makes me feel bad.
I guess this must be happening all over the universe, planets where species that try to impose themselves on each other at some point deplete the resources of the place where they live and suddenly, to survive, go into space to seek more resources and confront other species.

This Universe seems like a training ground for you to know that.

Per la natura l'important no és l'individu, sinó el conjunt d'aquests, és a dir, en aquest cas l'espècie humana... només n'hi ha una sola al planeta i és evident que la seva estratégia d'imposar-se a la resta d'espècies està tenint éxit.

Penso que potser no en som conscients d'això, de que formem part d'una sola criatura humana que tracta d'imposar-se, formada per un conjunt enorme d'individus i que te una edat milenària.
Per fer un símil es com nosaltres respecte el nostre cos, som un organisme pluricel·lular on les tasques de cadascún estàn assignades i on moren cada día un munt de petits organismes mentre neixen d'altres en perfecte simbiosi amb d'altres bacteris o virus que viuen dins nostre i tenen les seves pròpies vides al marge de les nostres decisions.

No m'agrada pensar-ho gaire perquè em fa sentir malament.
Suposo que això deu estar passant en tot l'univers, planetes on espécies que intenten imposar-se les unes sobre les altres en un moment donat esgoten els recursos del lloc on viuen i de cop i volta, per sobreviure, surten a l'espai a cercar més recursos i confrontar-se amb d'altres espécies.

Aquest Univers sembla un camp d'entrenament per ves a saber que.
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