
Legio Patria Nostra
Sep 9, 2024
I just got my regulator in today for my inert gas setup. I plan to ctb this Friday, I've got just a couple more logistical things to finish up. I get my final work paycheck this Thursday and would like to withdraw that on Friday, just so my family has cash and doesn't need to do any legal back and forth to get my money. I've got to create and print out a holographic will, and a couple other things. I've already tested my setup with a mannequin head and a gas detector and confirmed the exit bag gets around 1-2% oxygen with some bad testing. Once I do it for real, with a proper seal around my neck and such it'll probably be <1%. If I spray the N2 tube directly on the oxygen sensor it reads 0% oxygen.
I don't feel comfortable sharing photos as that's a moral problem for me, but while writing this, the forum did suggest this thread, of which mine is almost identical: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/sharing-my-set-up-for-inert-gas-before-i-ctb.177243/ . The only difference is I also have wrist straps, will strap my tank to a table leg, and I only have 3 body straps. I will keep the one around my chest loose so as to not restrict my breathing. I've got a 40 cu ft tank which should be about 10/11 still full.

I also did a test earlier where I filled my exit bag with N2 and breathed it in for 4-5 breaths over 30 seconds (I didn't put the bag over my head, just put my mouth to the bag.) I didn't pass out or anything but my oximeter dropped all the way down to 61% blood oxygen level. I'm sure I would have passed out in 10 more seconds if I'd kept breathing.

A final note that I was surprised by. It actually really not that loud. Certainly you don't need to worry about any apartment neighbors hearing and thinking it's a gas leak. I ordered a second flow meter as well that comes tomorrow. I'll use that to double check my current one is accurate.
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goodness, I can't wait to get out of here.
Sep 16, 2024
I just got my regulator in today for my inert gas setup. I plan to ctb this Friday, I've got just a couple more logistical things to finish up. I get my final work paycheck this Thursday and would like to withdraw that on Friday, just so my family has cash and doesn't need to do any legal back and forth to get my money. I've got to create and print out a holographic will, and a couple other things. I've already tested my setup with a mannequin head and a gas detector and confirmed the exit bag gets around 1-2% oxygen with some bad testing. Once I do it for real, with a proper seal around my neck and such it'll probably be <1%. If I spray the N2 tube directly on the oxygen sensor it reads 0% oxygen.
I don't feel comfortable sharing photos as that's a moral problem for me, but while writing this, the forum did suggest this thread, of which mine is almost identical: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/sharing-my-set-up-for-inert-gas-before-i-ctb.177243/ . The only difference is I also have wrist straps, will strap my tank to a table leg, and I only have 3 body straps. I will keep the one around my chest loose so as to not restrict my breathing. I've got a 40 cu ft tank which should be about 10/11 still full.

I also did a test earlier where I filled my exit bag with N2 and breathed it in for 4-5 breaths over 30 seconds (I didn't put the bag over my head, just put my mouth to the bag.) I didn't pass out or anything but my oximeter dropped all the way down to 61% blood oxygen level. I'm sure I would have passed out in 10 more seconds if I'd kept breathing.

A final note that I was surprised by. It actually really not that loud. Certainly you don't need to worry about any apartment neighbors hearing and thinking it's a gas leak. I ordered a second flow meter as well that comes tomorrow. I'll use that to double check my current one is accurate.
I plan on doing the same thing next week but I still have to procure the supplies. Would it be okay if I PM you to ask you questions about your inert journey so far?


death come kind. lay no curse on me.
Jun 29, 2024
Sounds like a you put a lot of work into perfecting your plan. I wish you a peaceful journey.
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Legio Patria Nostra
Sep 9, 2024
I plan on doing the same thing next week but I still have to procure the supplies. Would it be okay if I PM you to ask you questions about your inert journey so far?
Of course, go ahead and I'll see if I can help!
I plan on doing the same thing next week but I still have to procure the supplies. Would it be okay if I PM you to ask you questions about your inert journey so far?
For some reason it won't let me PM you, it just keeps saying can't send message because it resembles spam or inappropriate content. Even if I just trying send a single word or sentences. Here's the answer to your PM though:
No, everything felt completely normal. There have been multiple other accounts here on the forum who've used a mask to breathe the N2 clear until they passed out and they all said there was zero discomfort. Just like falling asleep after taking sleep medication, you don't even realize you are falling asleep.
here's a good post from gas monkey where he links to 4 other peoples experiments with the blackout test: /threads/gasmonkey-setup-nitrogen-scba.115434/post-1955962
as well as some others:
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2507813
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2482134
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2508418

It appears that you go unconscious around 30-50% blood oxygen level. Again I only tested up to 61%. I am 98% confident in succeeding. I've placed the tank several feet away where I can't accidentally rock the chair and hit the control valve as I've heard others doing. If I run out of N2 somehow I will suffocate by CO2, though this is unlikely as I have around 50 minutes of air left at 18 LPM. The only worry I have is the bag popping. Shouldn't happen though.
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Nov 16, 2023
I ordered a second flow meter as well that comes tomorrow. I'll use that to double check my current one is accurate.
It's possible to measure gas flow rate using the water displacement method. An empty vessel such as 5-10 L bottle or canister is filled with water, closed with a cap, flipped its opening end down and placed into a big washbowl with a small amount of water sufficient for prevention of leaks from the flipped vessel. The cap is removed and the pipe coming from the gas tank is placed inside the vessel. The gas coming out of the pipe will displace the water in the vessel and eventually (when all water is displaced) will be released outside of the vessel in the form of visible bubbles. In order to calculate the average gas flow rate, you need to divide the volume of the vessel by the time consumed by displacing all water from it.


goodness, I can't wait to get out of here.
Sep 16, 2024
Of course, go ahead and I'll see if I can help!

For some reason it won't let me PM you, it just keeps saying can't send message because it resembles spam or inappropriate content. Even if I just trying send a single word or sentences. Here's the answer to your PM though:
No, everything felt completely normal. There have been multiple other accounts here on the forum who've used a mask to breathe the N2 clear until they passed out and they all said there was zero discomfort. Just like falling asleep after taking sleep medication, you don't even realize you are falling asleep.
here's a good post from gas monkey where he links to 4 other peoples experiments with the blackout test: /threads/gasmonkey-setup-nitrogen-scba.115434/post-1955962
as well as some others:
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2507813
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2482134
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2508418

It appears that you go unconscious around 30-50% blood oxygen level. Again I only tested up to 61%. I am 98% confident in succeeding. I've placed the tank several feet away where I can't accidentally rock the chair and hit the control valve as I've heard others doing. If I run out of N2 somehow I will suffocate by CO2, though this is unlikely as I have around 50 minutes of air left at 18 LPM. The only worry I have is the bag popping. Shouldn't happen though.
that's comforting to hear. thanks for the links! from what i gathered, if you're using an oven bag or something strong then it shouldn't pop as long as you have something elastic around your neck & bag so it's not too tight & creates a seal. i think as long as the N2/Air is able to escape then it shouldn't be a problem.
Of course, go ahead and I'll see if I can help!

For some reason it won't let me PM you, it just keeps saying can't send message because it resembles spam or inappropriate content. Even if I just trying send a single word or sentences. Here's the answer to your PM though:
No, everything felt completely normal. There have been multiple other accounts here on the forum who've used a mask to breathe the N2 clear until they passed out and they all said there was zero discomfort. Just like falling asleep after taking sleep medication, you don't even realize you are falling asleep.
here's a good post from gas monkey where he links to 4 other peoples experiments with the blackout test: /threads/gasmonkey-setup-nitrogen-scba.115434/post-1955962
as well as some others:
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2507813
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2482134
- /threads/exit-bag-and-inert-gas-megathread.8393/post-2508418

It appears that you go unconscious around 30-50% blood oxygen level. Again I only tested up to 61%. I am 98% confident in succeeding. I've placed the tank several feet away where I can't accidentally rock the chair and hit the control valve as I've heard others doing. If I run out of N2 somehow I will suffocate by CO2, though this is unlikely as I have around 50 minutes of air left at 18 LPM. The only worry I have is the bag popping. Shouldn't happen though.
It's possible to measure gas flow rate using the water displacement method. An empty vessel such as 5-10 L bottle or canister is filled with water, closed with a cap, flipped its opening end down and placed into a big washbowl with a small amount of water sufficient for prevention of leaks from the flipped vessel. The cap is removed and the pipe coming from the gas tank is placed inside the vessel. The gas coming out of the pipe will displace the water in the vessel and eventually (when all water is displaced) will be released outside of the vessel in the form of visible bubbles. In order to calculate the average gas flow rate, you need to divide the volume of the vessel by the time consumed by displacing all water from it.
What kind of flow meter did you get? Do you have a rough idea of the cost for all supplies.

Today I bought a turkey bag, surgical tape and cling wrap. Later this week, I'm going to the gas company but I don't know much a cylinder is. Also, did the gas company have a regulator for purchase or did you have to go somewhere separate? It's a bit difficult for me to find this info since I don't speak the native language of this country I'm in.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Good luck! I hope u find peace!
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Legio Patria Nostra
Sep 9, 2024
It's possible to measure gas flow rate using the water displacement method. An empty vessel such as 5-10 L bottle or canister is filled with water, closed with a cap, flipped its opening end down and placed into a big washbowl with a small amount of water sufficient for prevention of leaks from the flipped vessel. The cap is removed and the pipe coming from the gas tank is placed inside the vessel. The gas coming out of the pipe will displace the water in the vessel and eventually (when all water is displaced) will be released outside of the vessel in the form of visible bubbles. In order to calculate the average gas flow rate, you need to divide the volume of the vessel by the time consumed by displacing all water from it.
This is such a cool idea, I will go buy a 5 gallon jug and test this in a bathtub. 5 gallons (18.9L) should be just over a minute at 15-18 LPM. I just want to confirm the flow meter is accurate, it'd be a dumb way to mess up
that's comforting to hear. thanks for the links! from what i gathered, if you're using an oven bag or something strong then it shouldn't pop as long as you have something elastic around your neck & bag so it's not too tight & creates a seal. i think as long as the N2/Air is able to escape then it shouldn't be a problem.

What kind of flow meter did you get? Do you have a rough idea of the cost for all supplies.

Today I bought a turkey bag, surgical tape and cling wrap. Later this week, I'm going to the gas company but I don't know much a cylinder is. Also, did the gas company have a regulator for purchase or did you have to go somewhere separate? It's a bit difficult for me to find this info since I don't speak the native language of this country I'm in.
Yeah, I'm using an oven bag. Everything in total cost ~$500, that includes a reclining chair and straps. But that also includes renting the tank, which was only ~$40. If you bought the tank it would be an extra $1-300. I rented from a billion dollar national company. Hopefully the rented tank can be returned but they'll live without my rented tank. I won't lol.
I got a dial flow meter/regulator combo device. One dial measures psi, the other measures lpm and cfh for argon. An argon flow meter will work for N2 as the gases are close enough. Technically the argon flow meter should be set to around 13 lpm to achieve a rate of 15 lpm N2. I had to buy the regulator online, for some reason welding shops (at least in my country) don't sell regulators.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I wish you the best, I hope that you find peace.
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