

Jan 13, 2021
Either everyone else is insane or I am. The world is so unfair and cruel and just so evil, so how are people okay with this? Surely the only sane thing to do once realising this is trying to leave the world or make a change? I get that some people follow various religons to try to cope with the bad times and some people brush off evil acts as just 'human nature' but life is TERRIBLE. Why does no one else see it or are we all brainwashed to believe that the way we're living is okay????
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Nov 30, 2020
Because the vast majority of normal people just don't care unless it directly effects them.
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Nov 4, 2019
The majority might actually be insane: Depressive realism. (Thanks for the link, @DocNo.)
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Nov 9, 2020
To be fair, most people don't really have the power to make any meaningful change in this world. You could dedicate your entire life to the cause of improving things, but how far could you reasonably get as an individual? There are probably many people trying their best to make a change, that we have no idea even exist, because their voices are too small to make impact. That being said, dying is scary & most people are 'pro-life', so they wouldn't agree it was the right thing to do. If you cannot kill yourself, and you cannot make a change, then the only thing you can do is learn to ignore the cruelties, or accept things as they are, and move on with your life. That's what I think!
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Most people seem to live in their own bubble and pretend that all of the bad things in the world don't exist because it's more psychologically convenient to them. Having to face reality isn't conductive to living another day so people primarily focus on their own lives by ignoring the evil in the world that isn't directly affecting their own life.

This short story called "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" highlights how little most people care as long as they get what they want and it isn't affecting them like @Mentalmick said:

The story is about a near perfect society that exists because of the misery of a single child. If you're interested in listening to it then you'll need earbuds unfortunately; I'm not sure why bandcamp doesn't have a volume slider and lowers the sound to begin with.
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Apr 5, 2018
What insanity is about?
Inability to distinguish between what's real and what isn't?
Mental condition that compromises survival or well-being of the organism?
Mental processes (behaviors, thoughts, feelings) that are atypical for the average human being from the local environment?
Unreasonable judgement?
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Feb 7, 2021
its a lot easier to change the world when you have time and money and connections. the people that have time and money and connections have good lives. if you have a good life, why try to effect change?
i think some of them realise this and some of them do not and a very small amount of people actually do try to effect change
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
What insanity is about?
Inability to distinguish between what's real and what isn't?
Mental condition that compromises survival or well-being of the organism?
Mental processes (behaviors, thoughts, feelings) that are atypical for the average human being from the local environment?
Unreasonable judgement?
I'd argue that what society considers to be "normal" is more insane than the average person on this forum but I suppose it's all subjective. If you aren't pretending that the world is a magical place full of butterflies and sunshine then you're ironically seen as the insane one. I've seen Schizophrenics with full blown psychosis that have a better grasp on reality than the average normie living in willful denial and ignorance.
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Sep 21, 2020
So many good points on these posts. When I was younger I thought that all people really did have some inner drive to be compassionate and work toward being kind, humane, fair, etc., even if they struggled to bring it forth. But that was naive. It is all very multi-layered, but consciously or unconsciously, most people are not interested in making a change in the world that would make it a better place for all, even if it is just adjusting their attitude. Often it is more about soothing their own ego. And I love the comment by EmbraceOfTheVoid regarding the ability of those in psychosis to still see reality with great clarity. I worked in settings where we supported those struggling with psychosis. Quite often they could see the issue more clearly than the so called licensed professionals. I loved it when they would nail one of the doctors trying to pull some shit on them. It is like they had enhanced bullshit detectors.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Lot's of people are aware of this, they just can't imagine ways to make things better, and don't want to bum out the people around them. I see happy people and i worry i'll burst their bubble if i reflect about this harsh reality to them.

To be fair, most people don't really have the power to make any meaningful change in this world. You could dedicate your entire life to the cause of improving things, but how far could you reasonably get as an individual? There are probably many people trying their best to make a change, that we have no idea even exist, because their voices are too small to make impact. That being said, dying is scary & most people are 'pro-life', so they wouldn't agree it was the right thing to do. If you cannot kill yourself, and you cannot make a change, then the only thing you can do is learn to ignore the cruelties, or accept things as they are, and move on with your life. That's what I think!
You could make a change if you tried to, even if it's just a small change to the people around you. Who knows maybe you could flip the world over and cause a huge changes, you don't know until you try.

I mean what else are you going to do? We're trapped in this reality, if we can we might as well try to fix something.
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Nov 9, 2020
You could make a change if you tried to, even if it's just a small change to the people around you. Who knows maybe you could flip the world over and cause a huge changes, you don't know until you try.

I mean what else are you going to do? We're trapped in this reality, if we can we might as well try to fix something.
When it comes to 'smaller change', then I agree! A lot of people do small & sweet things for the people they care about, all the time. I'm sure you could even help change things for an individual in a big way if you really tried, so I don't think that type of change is impossible. And helping improve things for individuals you care about is wonderful, but it's not going to change the world in any significant way, or make life overall any less cruel. But if you attempted to do something bigger, I don't really think the average person is going to get very far.

Money & power is really important, and without that making change is going to be 1000x harder. You'd almost have to dedicate your entire life to improving things, for it to get anywhere (imo), which would be draining & probably be damaging to your mental health. Even if you truly dedicate yourself to it, I don't think the average person has the ability to change things in a massive way on their own. I'm sure there are many people trying to do just this, and we don't even know, because they just don't have enough influence to make an impact! Anyways, it's painful to try & try, over & over again, only to see your efforts haven't helped anything, so maybe there are people who have tried & given up along the way too.

I'm not saying you're wrong, or that it's bad to try and help - I just think a lot of people would rather focus on themselves and try to find happiness in their own lives, rather than shouldering the burden of 'changing the world'. And to be fair, that's a lot to ask of an individual, so are they really wrong? If you want to live a happy life, then the best thing to do is ignore the cruelties of the world. Not saying that it's the 'right' thing to do, but if you really care deeply about how horrible things are, you're probably going to be miserable, so what else can be done? Personally, I hate the way this world is too, but I don't have the strength or power to make any big changes either, so like OP said I'm going to try to ctb instead. I think it's all very evil in the way that it works, but unfortunately changing it all will take more than just a weak suicidal person like myself, and I think that's the harsh truth of it. This is all just my opinion though, I don't mean to sound argumentative or anything! I completely respect your opinions too, and thank you for sharing. :hug::heart:
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I think humanity's innate behaviour is cruelty. Kindness is not natural for mankind, it is an aberration.
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Belaya Noch

Sep 3, 2020
Reality is negative.

People can be happy only because they push negative facts out of consciousness - like the fact, that a huge part of Western civilisation "happiness" lies in the exploitation of Third World countries.

For example, recently I was watching a documentary about scrap shipyard in India - people (including many children) working themselves to death just to make things as cheap as possible. I don't want to sound populist, but I wonder if the success of Western capitalism would be even possible without this cruelty.
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Dec 11, 2020
A lot of people suffer from Selfish Laziness. Too selfish to consider anything except their won ego , and too lazy to put too much effort into anything. It has to be understood that humanity does have empathy, what it lacks is compassion. Humanity has a very selective empathy, as in they only have empathy for people similar to them, so humanity tend not to be able to put ourselves in people's shoe's. Unless they are similar to them in some way, or if they can relate to them in some way. Especially if they fit the " norm.' of society( nice, handsome, no mental issues,)

There are a lot of people trying to do good in this world, and might even be succeeding in small ways, whether through individual acts or collective action, unfortunately those people's efforts can sometimes be counter balanced by the cruelty of the world. Plus those people are often quieter about their efforts and don't usually get the attention they deserve because its seen as boring and evil and destruction is seen as sexy and alluring. Plus these people get dismissed as " not practical." and " not realistic." a lot in our world, and " doesn't bring results." even though they usually bring a lot of results(I've personally seen it myself, with an organizations slowly bringing in a lot of Food gardens throughout the community, especially poor areas and even colleges) unfortunately this does not get much attention in the media, which would've been very useful for these types of efforts, inspiring others to do these Fleet Farming projects throughout the country. As well as many other societal efforts that would've been good for individuals and society at large just simply not being considered because its not something that's " seen." or " gives immediate results."

So there's a lot of good things going on, and genuine people trying their very best, unfortunately those actions either doesn't get the attention it deserves , or they are quickly ruined, hijacked, and outright destroyed by viscous people/institutions. Then these same type of people who destroyed such good efforts are praised( even from those who are supposedly condemning them) are praising them for their " cleverness." there " shrewdness.', there " Machiviallism." and there use of " power." . So these people are often times praised for their awful behavior, especially if it gives them " results." ( monetary gain, weapons, art.). Our world see's selfishness and ruthless as the default setting, and seems to suggest that it should always be that way, despite claiming otherwise often. Revealing how people often times care more about results then the morality of actions( Roman Polanski is still being praised as a great film director despite being a rapist, Elon Musk is praised as a great inventor despite abusing his employers and refusing to pay them, cheating and abusing his previous wives and stealing the company of Tesla from those who actually started it originally. Steve jobs is praised for his invention and founding Apple, despite abusing his employees, exploiting workers in India and other countries and abusing hos own daughter and treating her like pawn even Hitler is praised occasionally for his " clever" for his actions, and these are from people who are not Nazi sympathizers by any means ).

Plus a lot of people don't wanna put that much effort into things, even if they can. and even for the smallest. While a lot of people are simply to busy trying to pay their bills and not become homeless to even think about the world beyond their own(especially if they have a family to feed). There is a lot of people who simply chooses not to, even if they can ( one dude admitted to me that he would walk away if he see's someone being killed in front of them for a Genocide, even if they were crying for help, my own family covered up a possible sexual assaults' by my uncle at his own niece in order to not cause problems in the family, even though my own mother was a victim of sexual abuse herself). So a lot of people, even when they are in a position to do some good, often times, simply decide not to do so because they don't see much benefit from it. Only doing nice things if it helps their ego and/or reputation so that they can feel good about themselves and/or humble brag it too other people. The ones who are genuinely kind and trying to do good have no need to do humble-brag or anything. Like that( as an example someone who presents herself as kind and sweet, evening showing a video of herself giving her nephew a FIFA video game for his birthday, was someone who abused and raped her boyfriend despite him begging no when he was at pain the most from his leg injury and have drugged people in the past to have sex with them). While I know these are extremes examples, its to help so that a lot of people in society are really egocentric and only put effort into things that will have immediate results/gratification.

Society( and a lot of people in general) lack patience, hence the laziness aspect of their selfishness. That lack of patience and desire for immediate results has caused a lot of personals and world-wide conflict over the years. A lot of people love conflict and causing crap to hit the fan because it helps with the boredom and makes things more exciting. Or even simply can't help themselves because again, lack of patience and desires for immediate results that's directly beneficial to them. Hence a lot of people have a zero-sums game mentality. The world as it currently is, on all levels, are based on the exploitations and sufferings of others, and frankly a lot of people like it that way( and the people who don't are giving very little faint attention, nodding their heads empathetically, then turning around and doing more crappy things.).

Its easier to destroy then it is to create. Its easy to destroy lives then to create them. Its easier to bully then to discuss. Its easier to bomb a country instead of making peace talks( which is why people like Abiy Ahmed, who actually won a Nobel Peace Prize for the Etrician-Ethopain peace deal and ending the border conflict after a long-time war that left a lot of deaths, are so far and between nowadays.) . Peace, compassion, and everyhing related, takes too much effort for a lot of people, and is seen as unrealistic ,and even weakness. Hence destruction, pain and suffering palys too mcuh of a role in society. And some of us like it that way.

Humanity is capable of creating a better society if we truly desire to. So is not a matter of can we. Its a matter of will we. And the answer seems to be No. Or at least No unless it takes little effort as possible.
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