Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
It's petty clear that the majority of people on Earth (the healthy and happy) simply do not understand what real suffering is, and do not support those who are. This needs to change ASAP. These same people would never even think of allowing an animal (domestic pet, in the wild, or even livestock) to suffer needlessly, and yet they believe a human being should be forced and expected to, often for decades. It's beyond cruel, it's inhumane insanity on a worldwide scale.

Personally, I believe that every adult on Earth should have the right, and access, to safe and humane assisted suicide if THEY feel they have no other solutions. This would likely result in FEWER people committing suicide, because of the much higher level of peace-of-mind that this would create.

People would know they'd have a safe and peaceful escape hatch if it ever becomes absolutely necessary (in their mind, not doctors and those who currently have all the power) to end their suffering. Like others have said in posts on this forum, this should be our most important basic human right. This barbaric problem that so many in this world are facing will not last forever (the masses will eventually come to their senses), but we need to (dramatically) speed this up.

When I read some of the posts, it just breaks my heart that so many have to resort to all of these painful, risky, and inhumane methods to relieve their suffering, and it just does not have to be this way. I'm actually very new to this way of thinking, and have spent 57 years feeling extremely healthy and happy myself, so I know exactly how these people feel.

Many have children of their own, and would be absolutely devastated if they were to lose a loved one. My parents would be devastated, and they're both in their 80's. This does not change the fact that human beings should not be forced to suffer needlessly, and have to resort to dangerous, painful, and most often brutal methods of unassisted suicide to escape their unrelentingly pain.

A little background on my personal life is that I'm a retired engineer and business owner,
am married, and have three (currently happy and healthy) children. By most people's standards I've had a very blessed and charmed life for almost 6 decades. Now, since my health issues began just over 2 years ago, things have gone south rather quickly. I'm living proof that things can change in a heartbeat, and it can happen to anyone.

This forum is a MASSIVE support and help to those who are suffering the most in this world. It's pretty obvious that not everyone feels the same way. In my somewhat unique situation, it's more than obvious that this forum is helping people immensely, and yet so many in this world simply cannot see it, yet.

I honestly believe this is about to change however, and very quickly. As far as I can.tell, this is the ONLY forum or major website ON EARTH that is very effectively and successfully tackling what is arguably the most important and controversial issue in existence.

Yes,, suicide is a nasty business, but ignoring those in the world who are suicidal only makes things much much worse. There needs to be discussion and support. Without it, there is just ignorance and stigmatization. The proof is that suicide is the number one cause of death in people under 35 worldwide, (with men it's number one under the age of 50!). Clearly what the world is doing now is not working.

The barbaric, non-supportive, dangerous policies of forcing people to do these things on their own must stop. No one, no matter how humane assisted suicide becomes, is going to want to die prematurely if they are not truly suffering, especially after trying all other solutions possible to remedy the problem(s). There obviously should be age limits and a reasonable waiting period, to eliminate the chance of impulsive decisions, but they should be the only restrictions. Also, precautions should be taken to ensure that no one is ever coerced into making this decision (especially the elderly).

If those with thoughts of suicide feel supported and loved, the chances of them actually committing suicide go way down. This is obviously why this forum and community is doing so much good in the world. Yes, it is going to seem gory and evil to some, but it's NOT being glamorized AT ALL.

In fact, the more posts I read, the more I'm realizing just how dangerous, painful, scary, and uncomfortable it really is. It's actually a huge deterrent, and yet oddly comforting at the same time. Probably because of the feeling of support and community (we know we're not alone in this), but also because at least there is, if absolutely necessary, an escape from all of the pain and suffering.

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Just leave us the f*ck alone!
Feb 3, 2024
I think you hit an important point and there is so much that be learnt to improve Mh services from SS rather than blindly attacking the site.

One common dominator between most sucides is not SS or SN, but instead the person CTBing not telling anyone before they do it. But from SS we know there's that wish that people have a way to communicate how they feel and their desires.

What stops people from communicating to loved ones is how we treat MH. The threat of being locked up is obviously going prevent people doing this.

Addiotbslly how we speak to people suffering, their either treated like kids, or hotlines like the Samaritans are too protective with what they say that they don't offer anything meaningful - and feels hollow.

If similiar to what you said we made CTB accessible and non judgemental people would suddenly feel alot more capable to talk to loved ones about what they are going through and their desires. Like on SS these interactions can absolultoey save lives, and I imagine many many more than locking someone up for a few months - until they get out and CTB anyway.

It's a shame authorities/governments/journalists/whoever are not willing to learn from this site rather than attack it.
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Sep 20, 2024
I agree that assisted suicide should be legal for not just terminally I'll people. I think literally anyone should have the right to end their life on their own terms as long as it doesn't directly physically harm some one else. I don't think you should even have to be depressed. Just had a bad day and want the CTB? That's your basic human fundamental right that is in no way shape or form my place to try to play God and intervene. I'm sick of all the assisted suicide people gatekeeping. "You need a terminal ill to prove!!! That you've tried it exhaust every option to "know" suicide is your best or only option"

who TF do these people have think they are? What do they think gives them the right to determine when, or how or why a person feels their life isn't worth living to themselves anymore. It gets so tiring.we are thrust into this world with 0 consent. And then the whole world wants consent he moment we want to exit. I think it's good to try as long as you can. I'd never tell someone else when that time is, how could anyone know better than the person suffering themselves?
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Jul 25, 2024
Suicide is not considered a sound of mind action at all
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Apr 30, 2024
Thank you so much for this post. Brought a tear to my eye. I have struggled with depression in the distant past & never reached the point of suicide. Not even close. I am not at all depressed now or in the last year or however long it's been. Two years. Three??? I can't remember. I'm old. And yet, here I am, hailing a bus that I never thought I'd hail.
Life circumstances change & change quickly & often can't be reversed & that is that.
Not everyone understands that.
I've had to deal with a great deal of mental gymnastics since joining this site - I have lost many people to suicide in my life, I occasionally viewed this as selfish, I always viewed it as someone just missing that last step that could have saved them, that they just couldn't see for themselves. I tried to save people. I'm Australian & old, I thought Philip Nitschke was a crazy person back in the day, I'm not gonna lie. And then you get some particular life experiences that just change your mind. I've watched countless family members die slow, painful, agonising & inhumane deaths. I've watched animals put to sleep with such grace. I'm so grateful that the tide is turning for the terminally ill & that that's a start. I wish I could go back in time & offer that assistance to family members who I have no doubt would've made that choice for themselves if given that option. I've really struggled here on SaSu, watching such lovely beautiful people choosing the bus I'm choosing - I've wanted them to succeed, been pleased that they've succeeded, & still grieved their loss in this world & wish they'd found another way. Not everyone has another way. I don't have another way. I just wanted to share really openly all the things I believed to be true - that there's always more options, that Philip Nitschke was insane, that I'd only get here via depression - it just goes to show that life & opinions & circumstances & progress, move on. Thank you again for your post. Best of luck to you.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
The most important right is the ability to move away from unbearable pain or extreme suffering. The tech is there now like nembutal. But they made that a crime

The worst thing the monsters did is making it a crime for someone else to help u commit suicide. For example with guns it's ridiculously easy for someone else to kill u if you are in unbearable pain and they want to help you. You could pay someone or a friend could do a favor for u .

But the monsters didn't stop there. They made nembutal, suicide booths, cyanide capsules etc any guaranteed suicide method a crime

It's totally illogical and evil to take away everyone's escape from extreme torture.

To believe this is logical fair or not evil one would have to believe that nothing very horrible could happen to a human.

In reality every moment a human continues to live they are gambling risking unbearable pain for no reason.

Why are these creeps who made nembutal and assisting suicide crimes our masters?

But the tech has always been there even in the stone age a rock If others are allowed by our masters to help us escape torture .
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
I want nothing more than the dignity and respect of being allowed to say goodbye to my loved ones. And my loved ones having the opportunity to say goodbye to me. And the stigma around suicide for the chronically, severely mentally ill has stripped that from me. I've been depressed since I was 9, suicidal since I was 10. I have worked my way through every nook and cranny of the mental health care system that is available to me. I may only be in my early 20s but this is far from an impulsive, irrational, unsound decision. But the belief that no mentally ill person could reasonably decide to end their own life and that there is "always help" and "everyone can recover" means I have to die alone, in a cheap hotel room, without the chance to say goodbye. It is dehumanizing to force people who have shown they tried valiantly to recover but simply couldn't to have to die this way. The narrative that there is never a good reason to CTB needs to change. Obviously there should be restrictions in place, but completely shutting down the issue is so harmful.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I really wish I had access to such so I can finally be at peace from this cruel, torturous existence I never would have wished for, it brings me so much pain how I'm trapped in this existence that just causes me to suffer instead. Personally I'd never wish for the cruelty and futility of suffering in this existence especially as there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they exist, I just want nothingness instead, I just want to never exist again, to be able to die in a peaceful way would be such a relief for me.

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