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Needs a savior
Mar 12, 2019
I myself do .
I see them eventually taste that poison they fixed up for me
**And many others they screw up whenever those others gets close enough to them .
The thing is , I'm not close by choice .

Yes , I may be - like many here - trapped .
All my efforts to push away any harm I get from poisonous people around is wasted by the very same wicked pastards .

I may fail to find good people to help me when they know for sure that I'm right and don't deseve it .
but they still choose to take their side thinking they should be safe and avoid their ultimate evil revenge for helping me out .

I may be left with no help of any kind , which feels awful most of the time.

But here is what I found out with time going by .

It's not too long before everyone tastes their own medicine .
No way around it .

It starts with the cheering supporters :
Every shit they supported and justified and was ok as long it's only hurting others , is done to them , sometimes by the very same assholes they supported .

The best part is , they have no right to whine about it , it wasn't wrong before , right ? so suck it up .

Sooner or later the big pastards follow just in time .

Luckily they are stupid enough to keep doing the same mistakes over and over again which only means they're screwing themselves up even more .

Their victims in the end get to benefit somehow and the minor harm they suffered turns out to the best with no help of them whatsoever .

The weird part here is , I never thought that I would see any sort of justice in that world or that "bad guys" would get part of what they desrve , it's basically fairy tales stereotype .

Of course it's coincidental since most humans despise and deliberately oppose any pursuit for justice , least they could end up facing their own demons .
So no one is doing for fairness sake .

It may feels like karma ..
but , eeehh :heh: I'm not superstition , tbh .
So I don't really get it .
I'm just happy it happens .

When I think more about it .
I get to think that it's logical and somehow predictable .

You can't feed a snake and wish it doesn't bite you - specially when you feed him your peaceful bird .

You may think you'll be safe if you're really cautious around it .
If you let it bite everyone around to steer clear of you .
But it will bite when you least expect it .
Snakes can't help it , it's what they really are .

So that's what I do when I'm done trying with no results in return .

I stop wasting energy for basically nothing .
I lay back .
I watch

It's amusing how things turn around in an unpredictable way .

" You end up falling down the hole you're digging up for your brother "

So , whenever I see some prick settin up a trap for an innocent poor fellow , I only wish they dig deeper and deeper , cause I know for sure who is gonna end up in that shit hole.

Even if it is set up for me ..
and I can be anything but a masochist , I just get some relief - lately - konwing that the deeper they dig the harder they screw their own fucking life sooner or later .
Whatever it is they think they're doing to me , they're really doing to themselves .

No matter they try to stigmatize their poor victims With all sort of bullshit , it never works , they eventually get even in a surprisingly similar way - but mostly worse cause they earned it .

Life is a circuit .
Life is a ride .
Whatever .

Watching it's ups and down is the best I can do when everything else fails .
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Dec 30, 2018
I don't agree it's always this way because some of the most ruthless bastards die peacefully in their sleep.
But I did get to see my father a molesting scrooge come to life die a hard painful pancreatic cancer death. He spent most of his money trying to bribe doctors to operate. This attorney refused to pay for any set of kids to college or anything really.
it was satisfying to see, however innocent ppl go thru it too.
He actually ctb due to pain. Karma idk
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Aug 4, 2018
Nah they are all doing good in life
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Needs a savior
Mar 12, 2019
I don't agree it's always this way because some of the most ruthless bastards die peacefully in their sleep.
But I did get to see my father a molesting scrooge come to life die a hard painful pancreatic cancer death. He spent most of his money trying to bribe doctors to operate. This attorney refused to pay for any set of kids to college or anything really.
it was satisfying to see, however innocent ppl go thru it too.
He actually ctb due to pain. Karma idk

What comes around goes around.
I'm not sure if that is a religious saying or what.
It's more about how they live than how they die though .

I agree with you that they many times get away with everything maybe for a long time , but some other times the pay their pills .
But there's other point I mention in my reply to @Eeyore here ⬇⤵

Nah they are all doing good in life

How do you know for sure ?

That's what I thought up until ... Well about two years ago .

But the point is : I thought they never took what they deserve only because I was cutting them out of my life and I never wanted to know anything about them .

What I found out that there's something they all do .

Whenever they taste their own medicine , they only tend to tell each other , but - needless to agree on it - they never let their victims to know that they went through the same trouble they once put them into .

It's mostly kept secret until something goes wrong with/between them .
Only then , everyone knows how bad they got it for years .

But since they know that there is many people out there who will think it's karma , it's sbout time they taste their own medicine , ..... etc .
They never want too many people to feel that relief because they got even somehow and hear all about "it's only fair" "what comes around , goes around" ,.... and so on .

You can't judge from the outside , as long you don't know what's really going on in their personl life , career or whatever .

They tend to be be VERY sneaky and show off too much to keep their image at best.

To "deprive too many people of that kind of joy and " prevent further damage done by haters " as they call it .
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May 31, 2018
I wish. My abusers are all doing really, really well.
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Aug 4, 2018
How do you know for sure ?

That's what I thought up until ... Well about two years ago .

Well I know they all have families who have money and who can salvage whatever they screw up. Of course I am not in their head and I don't know anything but I just know they are doing fine. They are driving their own car, some are getting married and some already have their own apartment. They are not struggling to get by nor do they fear interaction with people and they dont close up in their room for a week without anything to eat because they feel bad. Not all of them are like this but most of them surely are.
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Needs a savior
Mar 12, 2019
Well I know they all have families who have money and who can salvage whatever they screw up. Of course I am not in their head and I don't know anything but I just know they are doing fine. They are driving their own car, some are getting married and some already have their own apartment. They are not struggling to get by nor do they fear interaction with people and they dont close up in their room for a week without anything to eat because they feel bad. Not all of them are like this but most of them surely are.
Ok , you got me .
Maybe those little disasters is way less than my abusers deserve
and sure now is the perfect era for the filthy to thrive .

That's why I really hate that world and have no interst to be twisted enough to survive , just like many people around advice me to do .

The thing is , I don't wanna live in that kind of dirty world .
I just don't know why would ANYone wanna live on that fucked up savage materialistic world - including evil jerks .

Are wealth and consuming/shopping stuff so good for them to love that shit hole and do ANYthing to obtain ?!!
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Aug 4, 2018
Yes I agree and they deserve the worst.
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May 31, 2018
Well I know they all have families who have money and who can salvage whatever they screw up. Of course I am not in their head and I don't know anything but I just know they are doing fine. They are driving their own car, some are getting married and some already have their own apartment. They are not struggling to get by nor do they fear interaction with people and they dont close up in their room for a week without anything to eat because they feel bad. Not all of them are like this but most of them surely are.

The guy I helped when he was homeless and his own brother wouldn't help him, who then stole my life savings (business partner), used my money to buy a house for him and his girlfriend. They now have a family (2 children), a big house, two new vehicles, and a shady but successful sales business. All from my stolen life savings. And the US courts allowed it. Justice is a myth. You get it IF you can afford to make it happen and IF those vastly more powerful (police, lawyers, state officials, the courts) are inclined towards you to help. Evil people get away with things all the time and very many of them end up doing much better than their victims.
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Needs a savior
Mar 12, 2019
The guy I helped when he was homeless and his own brother wouldn't help him, who then stole my life savings (business partner), used my money to buy a house for him and his girlfriend. They now have a family (2 children), a big house, two new vehicles, and a shady but successful sales business. All from my stolen life savings. And the US courts allowed it. Justice is a myth. You get it IF you can afford to make it happen and IF those vastly more powerful (police, lawyers, state officials, the courts) are inclined towards you to help. Evil people get away with things all the time and very many of them end up doing much better than their victims.

See , this is the thing about good favours , not every one deserves them .

Poor people are not necessarily better or more trustworthy .

Many think that if they are kind to people (specially if they know how bad some of them are) they'll return those favours in time , that help may turn the bad into a good person .
That was always proven wrong .
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May 31, 2018
See , this is the thing about good favours , not every one deserves them .

Poor people are not necessarily better or more trustworthy .

Many think that if they are kind to people (specially if they know how bad some of them are) they'll return those favours in time , that help may turn the bad into a good person .
That was always proven wrong .

I couldn't have put it better if I tried. What's that saying? "No good deed goes unpunished."
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Aug 4, 2018
The guy I helped when he was homeless and his own brother wouldn't help him, who then stole my life savings (business partner), used my money to buy a house for him and his girlfriend. They now have a family (2 children), a big house, two new vehicles, and a shady but successful sales business. All from my stolen life savings. And the US courts allowed it. Justice is a myth. You get it IF you can afford to make it happen and IF those vastly more powerful (police, lawyers, state officials, the courts) are inclined towards you to help. Evil people get away with things all the time and very many of them end up doing much better than their victims.

I am sorry that happened to you. Nothing of that magnitude happened to me but I had some kind of similar things happen to me too. A few years ago my moms friend opened a shop and the employee of the shop stole the money and then sued my moms friend and that employee won. My moms friend ended up almost going to jail and losing business. These kind of people to me are worse than Hitler. There will always be people who see only themselves and the material and yes the legal system everywhere is terrible. The only thing you can learn from that is to be wary of people which I am sure you already know. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing is that you will make sure that nobody will hurt you but it will leave you isolated and you won't make friends easily as you used to. The worst thing is the anger that is built up over the years of being bullied. You keep that shit inside and try to forget it but eventually you snap in a lot of ways. The most extreme example of that are those school shootings and what not.
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May 31, 2018
I am sorry that happened to you. Nothing of that magnitude happened to me but I had some kind of similar things happen to me too. A few years ago my moms friend opened a shop and the employee of the shop stole the money and then sued my moms friend and that employee won. My moms friend ended up almost going to jail and losing business. These kind of people to me are worse than Hitler. There will always be people who see only themselves and the material and yes the legal system everywhere is terrible. The only thing you can learn from that is to be wary of people which I am sure you already know. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing is that you will make sure that nobody will hurt you but it will leave you isolated and you won't make friends easily as you used to. The worst thing is the anger that is built up over the years of being bullied. You keep that shit inside and try to forget it but eventually you snap in a lot of ways. The most extreme example of that are those school shootings and what not.

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