
Mar 22, 2020
Has it ever happened to you that even pointless things you can't change, such as politics, made you suicidal?

Well, it has happened to me.

There was a time in Argentina, 2015 to be specific, in which I was obsessed with politics and politicians. I wanted "MY POLITICIAN" to win no matter what and spent AGES in forums or wherever I could to get people to vote for him.

Then, the elections came and guess what?
He LOST!!!

And it made me very sad! I wanted to ctb because of that (apart from the other reasons).

Then, years went by and now I think: "OMG! What a fool I was!"

Also, the politician I wanted to win, ended up being as corrupt as most politicians here in Argentina.

My advice: Don't go crazy with politics. It sucks.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Yeah, but then politics have a way of interfering into our livelihoods that force people to do drastic things in the name of survival and family survival. Politicians like to pass laws and executive orders without much thought on how it affects the common citizen, but passing it to please the constituents and lobbyists that helped elect that person in office. When a law that forces a change in your life that is detrimental to your survival, then you become crazy with politics. When policy shuts down your business because of tax increases or you lose your job because employers refuse to pay your health benefits, people get sad and desperate. There's nothing in business discourse that teaches students how to navigate business hurdles when government makes a change that affects you.

I learned that all politicians are crooked and corrupt no matter what side their on.
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Dec 18, 2020
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Nov 5, 2020
I became obsessed with US politics to the point where I was picking fights on reddit and youtube almost everyday. It makes you miserable, frusterated and makes you feel rotten. I still pay attention to politics but nowadays whenever i see a comment chain going somewhere I dont like, i will just steer clear. Online politics on social media is a trap. Its designed to trigger an instant reaction/emotional response so that you stay glued to your screen. Whenever i get angry at post/comment i just remind myself of that
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Sometimes I get most suicidal when I realize I don't fit in with left or right US politics. I think I'm a little more center-right but sometimes I think I might just enjoy being a reactionary contrarian to whatever the people around me are. Seeing other people's politics make me sad and I usually have an urge to oppose them even when I agree. Wish there was a party purely for playing devil's advocate in every situation...
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
It took me a while to learn this, but never put your trust in someone who actively pursues power. Doesn't matter what side they claim to be on or what niceties they promise and polite words they speak. Anyone who pursues power seeks power over you so that they can enforce their will.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
I'm sorry for the situation in Argentina, I know this is difficult.
Concerning politics I've never voted yet so I don't know this feeling yet
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Dec 11, 2020
Personally, the more I learn about politics, especially in our society today, the more cynical I get, the candiatiates that had a clear track record of actually been good and beneficial for their citizens previously ends up losing just because they refuse to " play the game.'. How basically the whole system is basically designed to help the greedy, wealthy, powerful, ruthless and unethical, especially at the expense of everyone else, and not just by coincidence but intentionally. Hell it seems like the structure of the world is sort of built that way, politics is just another continuation of that. Although I still follow it cause at the end of the day it effects your life no matter what, and a part of me feels like if society actually attempts to solve a lot of issues it can, but at the same time politics sort of fills me with despair and numbness with how the cycle of corruption and destruction is just allowed to effect many innocent people. So in a way politics sort of justifies my pessimism and also inner desires for my death in a way.

God I rant too much. Sorry for the long comment lol.
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Jul 7, 2019
I was really involved in the politics of my country, I voted, went to protests and even wrote extensively about them...
Then I realized that the side I was rooting for was 3 times as corrupt and infinitely more bloodthirsty than the other.
At some point I had the realization that voting is fundamentally flawed and every single politician apparently hides a corrupt monster inside of them, so no point in worrying about it. I stopped caring about changing anything about the world.

It didn't helped that I was very much to the left, but the fact that I criticized the divisive and hypocritical identity politics was apparently enough for some people to send me really funny death threats. And when I found comfort in the fringes of the other side, big tech starting their political revolution by cleansing the internet of what they deemed offensive or problematic.

And now I sit comfortably in the center, because I still love the discussion around politics and love to hear the perspectives of different people, something that neither side is willing to do nowadays. Politics became fun when I began to see the human component in them.
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Jan 7, 2021
esto me esta pasando ahora totalmente, aquí en perú (y se que en muchos países latinoamericanos) la política está siendo más trascendental por el tema de la pandemia, pero de verdad me da tanta rabia ver a gente tan caradura en la política, que en cierto punto siento el deber de cambiar las cosas, pero no creo llegar a lograrlo, también le tengo miedo a la política así que mejor me voy (ctb) jaja. se me hace gracioso pero en realidad me pone muy paranoica saber que estas personas rule the world y no se puede combatir el sistema sola.
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Feb 4, 2021
Yeah, the same here in Brazil.

Our problem is the actual president: Bolsonaro.

This scumbag is ignorant, heartless, genocide, racist, homophobic and chauvinist* as fuck.

*Probably, his dream is transform Brazil as Gilead from Handmaid's Tale.

Because of his "management", inflation goes upper and upper, Brazil is leading with covid death and cases, a lot of people starving and becoming more poor than it is and recently he showed how he is giving a shit about mental health planning to cut all the public mental health centers and re-opens the sanatoriums to throw people to rot and die there, like 19th and 20th century and consider depressive, anxious, autists, down syndrome, even black, Indian and LGBT people(considering Bolsonaro is Homophobic and racist as fuck) as crazy people who deserves to be excluded in society. I'm not exaggerating.

Politics is one of things what made me lose my sanity. The situation here is extremely polarised (Left Vs extreme right).

Many people, exclusively boomers are in the side of Bolsonaro and they act like fanatics, a total collective hysteria. They claim that Bolsonaro will save Brazil against 'PT'(anterior political group which is controversial but at same time made a lot of benefits for poor people in our country, including defending free health services), communists (as they call who is against Bolsonaro), destroy LGBTs(they claim LGBT people is conturbated people who destroy the family ideals), more police violence and give a shit about covid because they say "it's only a little harmless flu and who is afraid is a fag".

I am tired to discuss and convince people that he is a scumbag, bad administrator and corrupt. I tried to convince maximum people before elections. I lost a lot of "friends", lost respect and caused a lot of problems in my job and my boss, even family is against me... All because of politics. Now, some people who I advised and elected him are regretful by seeing the reality about this monster. Other are proud people who don't want do admit that he is a terrible president.

If you guys do some research about Bolsonaro, you will see how fucked this guy is.
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