
just a guy trying to find peace
Aug 4, 2024
Some time ago i wrote a discursive essay for a class, I decided on the topic of euthanasia. By the sheer fact that i'm on this site you can guess what is my opinion on this topic, but I had to come up with some contrarguments for the sake of my classwork - which was a pretty fun task to do (as for training my creative writing). I could go about it for hours, but I had a limited amount of time and words. I'm curious what do you guys think about my work; if criticizing, please do it in a constructive manner:)
Here is the text:

Euthanasia - the easy way out?

Euthanasia, or assisted suicide, has been a topic of discussion for a long time now. Some think, that the question "Should euthanasia be legalized?" has only two possible answers but forget that this problem is very complex. There are many arguments for and against it, few of which I will mention in this essay.

Firstly, everybody should have the right to decide about themselves, especially when treating a medical condition. If an owner of an animal can put it down when it gets too sick to live a comfortable life, why isn't it not possible for a willing individual to decide about ending their life too? However, it can be a slippery slope: some, especially the vulnerable people (such as the erderly or disabled), can feel pressured into making this decision. They can think of it as "the easiest" option avaliable, as to avoid being a burden or falling into a financial crisis. Moreover, there is always a chance of unforseen recovery.

Suicide - which euthanasia is basically about, is considered an abominable act in many cultures and religions; for example, both Christianity and Islam see it as a mortal sin, for which there can be no redemption. Also, it generates a moral burden for the medical staff; the doctors involved are supposed to save life, not end it.

Ironically, the right to have an assisted suicide can extend a patient's life. Knowing that they have an option of ending their suffering at any time, they don't have to reach for extreme means as commiting suicide in ways that can leave them in even worse state, before the condition gets too unbearable.

Euthanasia is a very complex and complicated issue, but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't tackle it. In my opinion, everybody should have the right to die with dignity and on their own terms.
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Jul 23, 2022
Has there been any case where someone availed themselves of sanctioned suicide due to pressure exerted on them?

I know that scenario is often brought up. But it's like, okay they want me to die, I guess I'll go ahead and do it.

I don't know how much of a danger there is of that.


just a guy trying to find peace
Aug 4, 2024
Has there been any case where someone availed themselves of sanctioned suicide due to pressure exerted on them?

I know that scenario is often brought up. But it's like, okay they want me to die, I guess I'll go ahead and do it.

I don't know how much of a danger there is of that.
i dont know if this has ever happened on SS, it's an interesting question though


Jul 23, 2022
i dont know if this has ever happened on SS, it's an interesting question though
I'm talking specifically about state-sanctioned suicide. A lot of people have killed themselves on their own at least in part due to malicious pressure from others (which is not tolerated here).


just a guy trying to find peace
Aug 4, 2024
I'm talking specifically about state-sanctioned suicide. A lot of people have killed themselves on their own at least in part due to malicious pressure from others (which is not tolerated here).
ahhh okay, i didn't get that. yup, that was my point in the essay


Aug 24, 2024
I like it, actually, and think you are a good writer. I especially agree with (and have never understood) why people can kill pets left and right who are in pain - or in some cases are too old and are an inconvenience to the owner - but people can not kill themselves when in an incurable or excruciating state. Some conditions, especially ALS, have zero chance of survival, yet suicide is still a "bad" thing for those people. Totally illogical.
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just a guy trying to find peace
Aug 4, 2024
I like it, actually, and think you are a good writer. I especially agree with (and have never understood) why people can kill pets left and right who are in pain - or in some cases are too old and are an inconvenience to the owner - but people can not kill themselves when in an incurable or excruciating state. Some conditions, especially ALS, have zero chance of survival, yet suicide is still a "bad" thing for those people. Totally illogical.
thank you so much! it's my main reason - why can humans decide on other creatures, but can't have the possibility to die in a contolled way themselves? this is just bs
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
First of all, this isn't meant to be aggressively directed at you OP. It just touches a nerve, so my response has turned into more of a vent... Sorry!

I actually really hate that phrase: 'The easy way out.' Like life is a challenge everyone has to participate in and will be rewarded for. If we don't want to play the game- why should we? Life is something that was forced on us by our parents and now, we're conscripted to follow a bunch of rich person's rules till we die, that basically seek to make them even richer.

Plus, something has to have a great deal of worth in order for someone to carry on following the difficult route. What's so bad about taking the easy route if you think the whole game is rigged and corrupt? Why would we even want to participate in such a system?

I think one main difference between suicidal and non suicidal people is that suicidal people often see less worth in life itself. Many of us are more secular so, it doesn't have that divine quality. Plus, we can be a cynical bunch. The rewards in life the 'normies' seem content to pursue- the dream partner, job, house, possessions may either not mean quite so much to us or, they simply feel totally out of reach or, not worth the effort they require.

I think the truth is- it upsets other people if we die. Then- they should say that then. Admit that you want to keep us hostage here suffering for your sake. Don't pretend it's something we'll necessarily be rewarded for if we grit our teeth and carry on with the challenge of life. We'll feel proud of ourselves that we didn't give in. We stuck it out to later be taken down by Alzeimers or cancer or something equally horrible! I really hate it when people project their ideas of life on us.

Still, I will concede that this may be the case for some people. They may actually be glad that they did stick it out. It won't be the case for all of us though. Plenty of members here wished they'd died years ago! Saved themselves some pain!
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just a guy trying to find peace
Aug 4, 2024
First of all, this isn't meant to be aggressively directed at you OP. It just touches a nerve, so my response has turned into more of a vent... Sorry!

I actually really hate that phrase: 'The easy way out.' Like life is a challenge everyone has to participate in and will be rewarded for. If we don't want to play the game- why should we? Life is something that was forced on us by our parents and now, we're conscripted to follow a bunch of rich person's rules till we die, that basically seek to make them even richer.

Plus, something has to have a great deal of worth in order for someone to carry on following the difficult route. What's so bad about taking the easy route if you think the whole game is rigged and corrupt? Why would we even want to participate in such a system?

I think one main difference between suicidal and non suicidal people is that suicidal people often see less worth in life itself. Many of us are more secular so, it doesn't have that divine quality. Plus, we can be a cynical bunch. The rewards in life the 'normies' seem content to pursue- the dream partner, job, house, possessions may either not mean quite so much to us or, they simply feel totally out of reach or, not worth the effort they require.

I think the truth is- it upsets other people if we die. Then- they should say that then. Admit that you want to keep us hostage here suffering for your sake. Don't pretend it's something we'll necessarily be rewarded for if we grit our teeth and carry on with the challenge of life. We'll feel proud of ourselves that we didn't give in. We stuck it out to later be taken down by Alzeimers or cancer or something equally horrible! I really hate it when people project their ideas of life on us.

Still, I will concede that this may be the case for some people. They may actually be glad that they did stick it out. It won't be the case for all of us though. Plenty of members here wished they'd died years ago! Saved themselves some pain!
well, I have to admit that reactions like yours were my initial goal for the title. it's meant to be catchy, no matter if the person who might be possibly thinking about reading it is pro- or antieuthanasia. i totally understand your reaction to it - the essay wasn't meant to target people at SS, i simply wanted to share my work and get some input from people having the same opinion on this problem as me.

thank you for your input! appreciate that
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