Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

The CEO of CTB
Sep 6, 2022
I want to share an idea with you. Maybe it's some dumb crap my Schizo brain cooked up, maybe not. I could go on forever about why and how we live on a Prison Planet, but really, all I want in my final days is to do SOMETHING, think of SOMETHING that can help people, especially Disabled people, have access to Euthanasia. I consider myself a Euthanasia activist, and have written on the subject outside of this forum and have swayed some normies over to my side.

I've often said on this forum we need to have a grassroots campaign to create an "Underground Railroad" to clean and reliable suicide. I've brainstormed on what that would look like. One idea that I've had bouncing around in my head is if it could be possible to convince pro-Euthanasia physicians to do what pro-Abortion physicians did with the "Women on Waves" program. If you don't know, "Women on Waves" is an organization that provides chemical abortions to pregnant individuals living in states and nations where abortion has been criminalized by taking them out on boats into international waters.

I've always felt that Euthanasia is such an easier sell than Abortion. With Abortion, you can convince stupid people that you're killing a baby when you do it. They'll have a stupid image in their stupid heads of a conscious, sentient baby being dismembered. However with Euthanasia - Disabled adults, we ain't so cute. If we present ourselves as consenting adults who (whether genuine or not) do not want to be a burden on society's resources and altruistically volunteer for death as it is the best option for us and society, even the dumbest, most Fascistic person would be swayed to our side.

The physicians who provide Abortions on international waters - They legally get away with it. Do you think physicians who provide assisted suicide on international waters could also legally get away with it? Do you think we could convince enough people that this is a good idea? I'm fully ready to start writing letters to pro-Euthanasia organizations with this idea.

What do you folks think?
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Let it just shine, you'll be free
Aug 27, 2024
The fact that each building must display a flag is to be taken into account under the law of said country


Aug 21, 2024
The issue people tend to have with euthanasia is the idea of people being pressured into it. IE, say I was due to inherit a large amount from a parent, and their mental health starts to decline. With euthanasia being legal, I could theoretically pressure them into CBT in order to receive that inheritance.

Plus, you'd also need to convince physicians to take the risk to essentially kill someone on international waters, which is going to demand a huge payment. You'd also need to live close enough to international waters, or else you'd have to make a long trip. For a lot of people, I don't think that's feasible.


Jul 11, 2024
The fact that each building must display a flag is to be taken into account under the law of said country
You are right about the flag and the implications.

From the article linked below: "if you murder someone on the high seas, you can be prosecuted by the country your boat is registered in, the country you're from, the country your victim is from or any country that perceives your murdering to be piratical in nature."

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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

The CEO of CTB
Sep 6, 2022
From the article linked below: "if you murder someone on the high seas, you can be prosecuted by the country your boat is registered in, the country you're from, the country your victim is from or any country that perceives your murdering to be piratical in nature."
I see. I'll have to read up. The reason I even thought of the idea was because the Abortion Boats were legally getting away with it, and in some of these nations and now US States, Abortion isn't its own category of crime, it's legally considered infanticide. Like there's no difference in the eyes of the law between Abortion and just taking a 3 month old baby and crushing it under a rock. Stupid yes, but that is how the law of these jurisdictions actually works.

But I'm no lawyer. I just really want to be a solution-minded person in regards to this Prison Planet. We can talk about how this Existence is the pinnacle of spiritual death and suffering and that we're all just Avatars for Demons while trapped in these bodies all day long, all year long. But what do we do about it? How do we make a tangible difference in making it easier for people to choose to leave this Existence?

Firstly, I think a lot of it starts with, as nasty of a task as it is, changing hearts and minds.

There was a leaked quote by Donald Trump where he said "I don't understand why severely Disabled people don't just choose to die." And I actually yelled "DAMN! HE ALMOST GETS IT!" The broken clock nearly hit a time of day when he was right. And I swear, give me 15 minutes alone with Donald Trump and I could convince him legal Euthanasia Centers in the US would be a good idea.

And if you can't have actual systemized, legal Euthanasia, the other thing you could do would have an "Underground Railroad" to suicide. a lot more complicated. What I want to see is a real way to get people together and give them access to clean methods of CTB such as fentanyl and firearms. None of this is legal, I know, but again, neither is seeking a back-alley abortion in Texas. I guess what I want is JUST AS MUCH fire burning for Euthanasia rights as Abortion rights. Just as much grassroots organizing.

The issue people tend to have with euthanasia is the idea of people being pressured into it. IE, say I was due to inherit a large amount from a parent, and their mental health starts to decline. With euthanasia being legal, I could theoretically pressure them into CBT in order to receive that inheritance.
You bring up a good point. In an ideal situation of Legalized Euthanasia, I do think there should NEUTRAL counseling, not Pro-Life Psychiatry bullshit, but actual, unbiased counseling to make sure that the person seeking their end is doing it of their own free will and are not being pressured by anyone else. On the contrary though, I think if a parent decides they've had enough of life and don't want to live to see dementia and diapers, and would rather see their children get their inheritance without burdening them whilst they suffer a slow end - they should have the option to do so. I'm sure MAID in Canada isn't a quick process and the patient goes through counseling before hand.

I'm just throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks. I just wish I could use my final days to do something tangible for the Right To Die movement.


My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
That sounds like a great idea!
I think I reality it would be hard to get off the ground though🌹💔


May 20, 2024
Even though I would really wish for this to be real, I can see a few problems associated with it:

1. I think getting the substances necessary to provide someone with a peaceful euthanasia may prove to be much more difficult than getting anything required to perform any kind of an abortion. Especially the barbiturates. And if a word got out that a certain doctor may be using them to help others in this way, they might no longer be able to get access to them in the future because the companies producing them or the pharmacies selling them might not want to be associated with anything similar.

2. Which brings me to the second point. Doctors still have to follow all kinds of additional requirements and codes of conduct constructed by official medical organizations of their respective countries, the ones they must be registered with and the ones which issue medical licenses. And they may simply lose their medical license, which will make them unable to order any medical substances ever again, thus even making a stop to their efforts to offer euthanasia in the first place.

I simply find it almost impossible for a doctor to be able to get away with something like this for a long time, unless they were willing to risk losing their license and be willing to operate using black markets.

However, to sprinkle this with a bit of positivity, what I find much more likely and hope for to happen is Sarco pods being used in Switzerland in the near future, while bypassing the need for a doctor's approval. You know, just 10 years ago, could anyone have predicted that such a device would exist in the near future and be almost ready to be used? Who knows how the availability of euthanasia changes for the better within the next 10 years? :)
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