bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Hi friends, Here is a summary of the steps to follow for euthanasia in Spain:

Steps to request euthanasia Before starting the application process, it is important to make sure that the doctor to be euthanized is not a conscientious objector. If it were, it is essential to request a change to another that is not. STEP 1. The process begins formally with a request for euthanasia, in writing (dated and signed), to the usual doctor of the person who wants to anticipate his death. The doctor must sign the request, add it to the medical record and verify that the request meets the requirements established by law. After the first request, a deliberative process is held, lasting a maximum of 2 DAYS, in which the doctor and patient must discuss the therapeutic alternatives available, as well as the possibility of accessing palliative care. Within 5 DAYS of the request, you must send the information about your alternatives, in writing, to the person who made the request.

STEP 2. The person requesting euthanasia must make a second request to their doctor, at least 15 DAYS apart from the first, so that the process can continue its course. After this second request, a second deliberation process will be held with the same deadlines as the first. 1 DAY after the second deliberative process the doctor should ask his patient if he wishes to continue with the process. If so, the doctor must inform the healthcare team and family members (if so agreed), and his patient must sign an informed consent.

STEP 3. After signing the informed consent, the main doctor (responsible doctor) must contact a second doctor (consulting doctor), unrelated to him or the applicant, who must assess whether the request meets the requirements provided by law.

STEP 4. The consulting doctor meets with the applicant and must issue a report (favorable or unfavorable) in a maximum of 10 DAYS, which will be incorporated into the clinical history.

STEP 5. If both doctors agree that the request for euthanasia complies with the provisions of the law, the responsible doctor sends a report with all the information to the president of the Autonomous Guarantee and Evaluation Commission (CGE).

STEP 6. The CGE must appoint in 2 DAYS a team made up of a doctor and a lawyer to evaluate the case.

STEP 7. The CGE team has 7 DAYS to prepare a report.

STEP 8. They must notify their resolution to the Presidency of the Guarantee and Evaluation Commission.

STEP 9. If it is favorable, they must notify the responsible doctor in 2 DAYS.

STEP 10. From this moment, between 30 and 40 days after the original request, euthanasia can already be carried out at the moment in which the person who requested it decides (it does not have to be immediately after receiving the authorization) Five days after the medical aid to die, the doctor must send the CEG a report on the entire procedure.

They reject the request for euthanasia, can I claim? The request for euthanasia can be rejected at almost every step of the process. According to the euthanasia law, each of these rejections is regulated, has certain deadlines and can be appealed.

If the responsible doctor rejects the request for euthanasia, he must do so within a maximum of 10 DAYS from the first request, do so in writing and justifying his reasons. From the moment of this refusal, the patient has 15 calendar DAYS to appeal the decision of his doctor to the CEG. For his part, the doctor must send a report with his reasons to the CEG, regardless of whether his patient appeals the decision or not.
If the consulting doctor rejects the request, the patient can also resort to the CEG. If the team appointed by the CEG refuses euthanasia, the patient can turn to the CEG itself, which will form a group (without the original team) to evaluate the request. You have 20 DAYS to issue a favorable or unfavorable report and notify the healthcare team and the patient.

Finally, in the event of a final rejection of the CEG, the patient may appeal to a contentious-administrative court, which must definitively clarify his request. This last process has no deadlines.

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Mar 22, 2020
Wow! You're much more ahead than us.

Here, they're ve just barely started to talk about euthanasia lol:

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