

Jul 29, 2021
Earth is a prison and we are enslaved to our bodies. We have to deal with whatever happens to our body, we are dependent on water and food. We have to make money otherwise we will die, which most people have to work for (slavery). We need money if we get sick. We need money for every single thing. Money requires a lot of effort and mental energy. Life is constantly stressful. Once we are born, we are condemned to a life of slavery. If we do so happen to obtain wealth, we are still condemned to other forms of slavery from mental illness, physical illness and everything else. This entire existence is truly fucked up and the more you are aware of it, the more fucked it is. Life is like one of those pictures that look scarier the longer you stare at it. Stare too long and you will get traumatized. Earth is a nightmare and I genuinely believe that Earth is what "Hell" is in religion. I actually think this is Hell, there's no way it is anything else. Anyone who is natalist and disagrees lives in ignorance and they are fortunate to be ignorant. Nothing in this life holds any value, from life forms to materials. Everything is fleeting and will get destroyed. Life is a cruel joke to any being that is born. It is a kidnapping into a concentration camp. There is no justice for anyone and your fucked if you get the "short end of the stick" in life, you will see no justice for your suffering and will be condemned to a whole life of coping with your reality until the day you die.

this planet is a genuine hell? This world operates on predation, the law of the strongest, prioritizing individual survival at every level – from cellular interactions where cells consume each other, to the animal kingdom where creatures are forced to prey on one another and eat each other alive for survival, to our human society where we are all slaves to the powerful and the wealthy. Our societies are built on genocides, slavery, and exploitation. My phone is made from materials extracted by individuals reduced to slavery in Congo, as are the clothes manufactured in China. The chicken or beef I consume has lived a life of intense suffering and an undignified death. Why does everyone act as if nothing is wrong, continuing their daily routines, going to work for eight hours of exploitation, and returning home obediently
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It truly is hellish to be enslaved in this undesirable and harmful existence where there is endless potential for the most immense torment and cruelty. I see human existence as such a futile and torturous burden that was so tragically imposed in the first place by those who lacked the awareness not to procreate.

I find it horrific how humans choose to impose this onto others, forcing them to be conscious and aware an existence that is nothing more than meaningless suffering all while they are destined for nothing but to decay and deteriorate. For me death means finally being free from this prison which is why it's the most devastating tragedy how access to painless death isn't a human right, I never would have chosen existence, only eternal nothingness is ideal to me as it's the permanent absence of all suffering and harm.
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Apr 11, 2024
We're not enslaved, we can leave at any time.
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Jun 5, 2020
What about birth inequalities? Selfish parents who know that their children will suffer, especially if they have a disability, ADHD, autism, physical pain, or are small?

Hell within hell for theses victims.

Would life be less painful? Would the earth still be hell? If everyone were born equal, without diseases, with fulfilling educations, altruistic parents, a caring society... A society without rich or poor, without narcissists who govern (without multinationals companies, without politicians, without gafam, without shareholders, without investment funds, Bl*ckrock, etc.).

Would we be bored in a "perfect" world (or almost)?

Why do we get bored? Do we always need inequalities to have fun, on the fate of others who seem or are inferior to you? A predatory society, so as not to get bored?

Life is scary, existence too, in any case, no matter life, I would have preferred (and this is my opinion, my thoughts), not to exist, indeed. Intelligence, especially high IQ is, ultimately, a poisoned gift, especially if accompanied by an ugly body, handicapped, ADHD, autism, etc. Rejected by everyone, who, despite everything, asks you to help them intellectually, without thanks, just hate!

We are falling, in any case, into a world, imagined by the dystopias "Idiocracy" (a film that I advise you to see), "GATTACA" (Eugenics with selfish parents, in the wrong hands, allowing other selfish parents to procreate "disabled"), 1984 (thanks to gafam, the internet giants ...), Matrix or Terminator, with AI.

When people ask me the question "Does heaven or God exist?", I tell them, I don't know! No proof of existence, just like of non-existence.

When people ask me the question "Does hell or the devil exist?", I tell them YES! He is everywhere in the universe! The universe is hell!

The universe:

-By the big bang theory (without proof, but it is considered the most reliable, according to the scientific community)

-Then, by gravity which allowed the gravitational agglomeration of hydrogen atoms, until the fusion to create stars, allowing the creation of other atoms, until life (and all the hassle that goes with it).

-From cellular life, multicellular life, from evolution to evolution (sacrificing other invalidated lives in the process, damn nature, you scary) then to life with consciousness (supposedly intelligent, I doubt it with the human species, which prefers, for most people, intellectual laziness, consumerism, individualism, etc.).

Hell has remained, the human species becoming brand new demons, destroying the planet, according to an era called "anthropocene" (the era of the human).
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Jan 1, 2024
I believe Earth is a Hell realm
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May 12, 2024
You hit the nail on the head. We were essentially "born" into a place in hell. The universe is HELL. This is something 99% of the people fail to realize because they are distracted by the world when we were young (go to school, go college, get a job, earn money, get married, buy a house etc) and brainwashed. Why would anyone come from a state of non existence (no pain, no suffering) to a existing in a world where there is pain, suffering and torment? Sure, there are moments of fleeting "happiness" but this is by design to keep us 'alive" otherwise, more people would realize we are in hell and kill themselves.

A majority who are thinking of suicide are probably dissatisfied with their life and if suddenly came into wealth, would probably not contemplate suicide.

Only the enlightened ones will choose the correct answer to this question:

If given the choice between winning the lottery for a trillion dollars, or going to bed tonight and not waking up, which one would you choose?
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May 12, 2024
Im sincerely hoping for WW3.
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New Member
Mar 4, 2024
You hit the nail on the head. We were essentially "born" into a place in hell. The universe is HELL. This is something 99% of the people fail to realize because they are distracted by the world when we were young (go to school, go college, get a job, earn money, get married, buy a house etc) and brainwashed. Why would anyone come from a state of non existence (no pain, no suffering) to a existing in a world where there is pain, suffering and torment? Sure, there are moments of fleeting "happiness" but this is by design to keep us 'alive" otherwise, more people would realize we are in hell and kill themselves.

A majority who are thinking of suicide are probably dissatisfied with their life and if suddenly came into wealth, would probably not contemplate suicide.

Only the enlightened ones will choose the correct answer to this question:

If given the choice between winning the lottery for a trillion dollars, or going to bed tonight and not waking up, which one would you choose?
When I was young . it would be the money, but now I am exhausted and dissolusioned with this world and its parasite humanity, I would choose not to wake up. But, my problem is avoiding being re-incarnated to suffer all over again, a possibility that fills me with dread, born, die, repeat.

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