“I am Chemistry”
- Dec 17, 2023
- 14
I don't have any words... truthfully... to make a short long story short.. I have BPD, and my boyfriend randomnly came home from work one day, packed up all of his things , and left... I found out I was pregnant shortly after. The emotional torture was so extreme... I think it caused me to miscarry. I started labor pains last night, and this night, I just passed what looks like the baby. It was developed enough that I could see it's little fingers and toes. I'm devastated, and all I can feel is hatred and rage for my ex partner. I begged him to please be nicer to me. I begged him to please take it easy on me. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. But I tried... I tried my best. When I had told him about the pregnancy, he had told me that he hoped that it would miscarry, and now that we are here... I'm just... I don't even have words. I'm all alone. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the photo of him/her here but if I am allowed, I can put it in the comments.. :(