

Oct 6, 2019

Has anyone thought about just letting themselves die of dehydration by stopping the intake of food and liquid?

I realize this method might not be for everyone, and it would take several weeks to complete most likely. I've tried to do some research on it and it seems like the longest you can last without drinking is around 18 or 20 days. A lot of the websites say only three, and others say 10 days is the norm, but I think they're talking about people who are terminally ill and in hospice care. I believe if your body is relatively healthy and you don't have a terminal illness it could take longer.
Then of course, it also depends on how much you weigh, the chemistry of your body, the type of climate you are in, etc. I think there are really too many variables for them to do anything but give you a random guess as to how long it would take.

I don't know how many of you here have ever attempted to starve yourself or have had an eating disorder before, but I had a severe eating disorder about 10 years ago, so not eating is not too difficult for me because I'm used to it.

I did a test run just to see what it would be like to not only starve myself, but also go without water about a month ago. I have never gone without water before. I made it for seven days and it actually wasn't too bad. The strange thing that I found is that my thirst crowded out my hunger. I really wasn't hungry at all which is unusual for me. Usually when I first start starving myself, the first 3-5 days are very difficult until my body gets used to starving again. but when I wasn't drinking, that seemed to take precedent over eating. I assume that's because water is more important to your body than food.

Anyway, just interested in anyone else's thoughts on this.
Thanks for reading. :smiling:
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Sep 28, 2019

Has anyone thought about just letting themselves die of dehydration by stopping the intake of food and liquid?

I realize this method might not be for everyone, and it would take several weeks to complete most likely. I've tried to do some research on it and it seems like the longest you can last without drinking is around 18 or 20 days. A lot of the websites say only three, and others say 10 days is the norm, but I think they're talking about people who are terminally ill and in hospice care. I believe if your body is relatively healthy and you don't have a terminal illness it could take longer.
Then of course, it also depends on how much you weigh, the chemistry of your body, the type of climate you are in, etc. I think there are really too many variables for them to do anything but give you a random guess as to how long it would take.

I don't know how many of you here have ever attempted to starve yourself or have had an eating disorder before, but I had a severe eating disorder about 10 years ago, so not eating is not too difficult for me because I'm used to it.

I did a test run just to see what it would be like to not only starve myself, but also go without water about a month ago. I have never gone without water before. I made it for seven days and it actually wasn't too bad. The strange thing that I found is that my thirst crowded out my hunger. I really wasn't hungry at all which is unusual for me. Usually when I first start starving myself, the first 3-5 days are very difficult until my body gets used to starving again. but when I wasn't drinking, that seemed to take precedent over eating. I assume that's because water is more important to your body than food.

Anyway, just interested in anyone else's thoughts on this.
Thanks for reading. :smiling:
why torture yourself so much if there are better ways ?
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
That would be brutal. They used that as torture in the old days
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I recommend you give this a read. Even in a hospice setting with a lot of support, it's pretty brutal. Also, it doesn't seem doable without assistance.

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I’ll be watching...
Aug 6, 2019
Look up Wernickes Encephalopathy from malnutrition to read about what happens when an otherwise healthy person tries to starve themselves to death due to B1/thiamine deficiency. It's not pretty.
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Oct 6, 2019
Horrible way to go. Better methods exist.


Sep 9, 2019
yeah not ok, only marginally better if u were in a position where u could do it whilst receiving palliative care-even then-slow and uncomfortable


Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
One thing about a method is to give yourself time so there is no intervention. I would suggest if it takes more than a week, top of Mount Everest would be the best place to do it!


Jun 19, 2019
Before surgeries I was once so sick that I slept 2-3 days straight all the time. I had lots of medicine including opiates which have strong withdrawal symptoms and shouldn't be stopped cold turkey.
I felt good while waking up for seconds and falling asleep again. But I had terrible feeling often when I woke up. I don't know whether it was due to withdrawal of meds mostly or dehydration. If it was latter then it's really fucked up how old people are helped to die that way where I live. Though they are given morphine or at least should be.

I think that this works for sick people who will just sleep through it. Being awake it would be almost impossible to not drink water. If I had taken my meds when I woke up few times for few seconds I don't know what might have happened.
I get panicked from just thought of needle in my hand constantly which is why I just couldn't live in hospital then.
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Oct 6, 2019
Do it where nobody finds you and avoid the ER at all costs. Stan is indeed right. Do it where you are not going to be found. In the ER, you will be helped counter to your goal. Nothing personal, but that is the way it has to be. That is the natural fact of things


Oct 6, 2019
Thanks everyone for the responses.

I have been suicidal off and on for the past several decades.
I have been thinking of killing myself for close to 40 years. I went through a long period where I wasn't seriously thinking of attempting suicide due to some people being in my life that I didn't want to hurt, but now those people are all gone.
Therefore, I'm free to do whatever I want whenever I want.

I was only thinking about doing it by dehydration because it doesn't require you to buy anything or do anything. Yes, it's slower than many methods, but I had read that it was painless. Perhaps whoever said that was wrong. I've come to the conclusion that no matter what I do it's most likely going to involve some pain, so that's really not of much concern to me. I don't think there's really a way to die completely painlessly or "with dignity".
Death is a horrible process and I don't think it's ever pretty or painless or easy.

Those who have told me not to use dehydration as a method, then I ask you to suggest another method that would be better.

I've swallowed pills so many times I can't count, particularly when I was a teenager.
At that point I didn't really know what I was doing and I didn't really think anything through. I would save pills for months at a time and then when I had an impulse I would just swallow them all. Sometimes I threw part of them up and that caused me to not have enough in my system to die. Other times, the pills went completely through my system and I slept and woke up several days later, so I obviously didn't take enough pills in those cases to kill myself. In one case, I swallowed a bunch of sleeping pills and began hallucinating that my bed was on fire and I started screaming. That time I ended up in the hospital. All of these happened a long time ago when I was a teenager.

I only recently started thinking about committing suicide again seriously when my husband passed away. He had cancer and he had all kinds of excellent drugs that I could've used to off myself. Unfortunately, some family member of his gathered up all of his medication without my knowledge after he passed away and gave it all to hospice to dispose of. I don't even know who the person was, though I have a suspect in mind.
But they did this in my house without my permission and I was extremely upset because they ruined all the plans I had.
Over the years, my husband had been given many pain pills such as Vicodin & Tramadol.
I collected as much of his unused pain medication and saved it as I could, as he hardly ever took pain medicine unless he absolutely had to. I also had a few muscle relaxers and some other medications that I can't remember now what they were.
I started collecting them in early 2013 and continued collecting them until he passed away in October 2017. I had a mix of pills that should have killed me and I swallowed them on Thanksgiving of 2017. I don't know if some of the meds were just too old or what, but for whatever reason, I swallow the pills and woke up four days later. Perhaps I didn't take enough pills, I don't know. I still had plenty of pills left so I made another attempt this past winter. This time, I added an anti-emetic to the mix so that I could take more pills without getting sick. It didn't work. I believe I had enough pills in my system that would've killed me, but then I got sick a couple of different times. However, I don't even remember getting sick because I was already very out of it. Then I slept for an entire week or more, I think.
When I woke up I was in my bathrobe sitting in my kitchen and my sister-in-law had brought some food over for me to eat. I had obviously gotten up and let her in the house but I don't remember any of it. She never said anything so she must've just thought I was sick. Then I went into my bedroom and I found two piles of dried vomit (sorry to gross anyone out).
Even though I have no clue of what I was doing, I obviously had the presence of mind to take a towel and put it over one of the piles so that I wouldn't walk through it and track it all over my house. That's the only way I knew that I threw up because I don't remember throwing up at all. I remember it being night time and I swallowed all the pills and the next thing I remember is sitting in the kitchen in my bathrobe with my sister-in-law. I know a lot of time, as much as a week, must've passed between those two things, but I have no clue how much time passed.

At this point I've just come to the conclusion that I'm never going to be able to kill myself with pills. It doesn't seem to matter how many I take, I never die! Therefore, I need another way to do it. I was looking at the night night method, but it seems a little bit complicated. I got the bean bags & the ratchet set like it says on the discussion for that method, but I don't really understand how to put the straps through the ratchet correctly.
I've still got them lying right here on the floor. Every once in a while I pick them up and mess with them trying to figure out how to do it and I've looked at the video that the person posted of how to do it in the night night method section of this site, but it's still a little bit confusing to me. I guess I might get it if I practiced a little more, but just letting myself die of dehydration seems like it would be easier.

If anyone else has any other ideas I am open. I have no access to a gun, and I don't really want any blood or gore if I can avoid it.
I have no access to heroin or any serious drug or any gas that would kill me quickly.

I moved to the place that I am right now to be with my husband. He is buried in a cemetery in the town that I'm in right now and my spot is waiting for me. My name is on the headstone & everything. I don't want a funeral or an obituary or any of that crap, and I pre-paid for everything else. All I need now is to die so that I can be cremated and put in the ground next to him. It's too late for me now to avoid going through another anniversary of his death because it's next week, but if I can help it, I won't go through another Thanksgiving or Christmas season by myself. The season of Autumn used to be my favorite time of the year and the Christmas season used to be my favorite holiday time of the year because it was the time of the year my husband and I always spent together without anyone or anything else bothering us. Now it's just torture. We were married on December 27th so the period of time between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day is complete & pure hell. It was our special time of the year and I absolutely hate it now.
I can't face it again without him.
i'm so tired of crying all the time and feeling like shit. I just wanna be able to stop feeling and stop missing him, but there's no way for me to do that as long as I'm alive.
And now because it's been two years everyone's starting to tell me to snap out of it and that I need to quit mourning and "get back into life". Pretty soon people are gonna start bugging me to participate in their stupid Christmas rituals and bullshit that I have no interest in anymore because it all just makes me feel worse. I don't wanna have to deal with any of that this year.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Absolutely saddened by your story. Christmas holds a bitter time for me as well and I literally dread it now. The best advice I can give you is to follow the link below.

There are quite a few options available to you. I hope it helps. Keep writing here. It can surprise you how it can help.
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Jun 19, 2019
Thanks everyone for the responses.

I have been suicidal off and on for the past several decades.
I have been thinking of killing myself for close to 40 years. I went through a long period where I wasn't seriously thinking of attempting suicide due to some people being in my life that I didn't want to hurt, but now those people are all gone.
Therefore, I'm free to do whatever I want whenever I want.

I was only thinking about doing it by dehydration because it doesn't require you to buy anything or do anything. Yes, it's slower than many methods, but I had read that it was painless. Perhaps whoever said that was wrong. I've come to the conclusion that no matter what I do it's most likely going to involve some pain, so that's really not of much concern to me. I don't think there's really a way to die completely painlessly or "with dignity".
Death is a horrible process and I don't think it's ever pretty or painless or easy.

Those who have told me not to use dehydration as a method, then I ask you to suggest another method that would be better.

I've swallowed pills so many times I can't count, particularly when I was a teenager.
At that point I didn't really know what I was doing and I didn't really think anything through. I would save pills for months at a time and then when I had an impulse I would just swallow them all. Sometimes I threw part of them up and that caused me to not have enough in my system to die. Other times, the pills went completely through my system and I slept and woke up several days later, so I obviously didn't take enough pills in those cases to kill myself. In one case, I swallowed a bunch of sleeping pills and began hallucinating that my bed was on fire and I started screaming. That time I ended up in the hospital. All of these happened a long time ago when I was a teenager.

I only recently started thinking about committing suicide again seriously when my husband passed away. He had cancer and he had all kinds of excellent drugs that I could've used to off myself. Unfortunately, some family member of his gathered up all of his medication without my knowledge after he passed away and gave it all to hospice to dispose of. I don't even know who the person was, though I have a suspect in mind.
But they did this in my house without my permission and I was extremely upset because they ruined all the plans I had.
Over the years, my husband had been given many pain pills such as Vicodin & Tramadol.
I collected as much of his unused pain medication and saved it as I could, as he hardly ever took pain medicine unless he absolutely had to. I also had a few muscle relaxers and some other medications that I can't remember now what they were.
I started collecting them in early 2013 and continued collecting them until he passed away in October 2017. I had a mix of pills that should have killed me and I swallowed them on Thanksgiving of 2017. I don't know if some of the meds were just too old or what, but for whatever reason, I swallow the pills and woke up four days later. Perhaps I didn't take enough pills, I don't know. I still had plenty of pills left so I made another attempt this past winter. This time, I added an anti-emetic to the mix so that I could take more pills without getting sick. It didn't work. I believe I had enough pills in my system that would've killed me, but then I got sick a couple of different times. However, I don't even remember getting sick because I was already very out of it. Then I slept for an entire week or more, I think.
When I woke up I was in my bathrobe sitting in my kitchen and my sister-in-law had brought some food over for me to eat. I had obviously gotten up and let her in the house but I don't remember any of it. She never said anything so she must've just thought I was sick. Then I went into my bedroom and I found two piles of dried vomit (sorry to gross anyone out).
Even though I have no clue of what I was doing, I obviously had the presence of mind to take a towel and put it over one of the piles so that I wouldn't walk through it and track it all over my house. That's the only way I knew that I threw up because I don't remember throwing up at all. I remember it being night time and I swallowed all the pills and the next thing I remember is sitting in the kitchen in my bathrobe with my sister-in-law. I know a lot of time, as much as a week, must've passed between those two things, but I have no clue how much time passed.

At this point I've just come to the conclusion that I'm never going to be able to kill myself with pills. It doesn't seem to matter how many I take, I never die! Therefore, I need another way to do it. I was looking at the night night method, but it seems a little bit complicated. I got the bean bags & the ratchet set like it says on the discussion for that method, but I don't really understand how to put the straps through the ratchet correctly.
I've still got them lying right here on the floor. Every once in a while I pick them up and mess with them trying to figure out how to do it and I've looked at the video that the person posted of how to do it in the night night method section of this site, but it's still a little bit confusing to me. I guess I might get it if I practiced a little more, but just letting myself die of dehydration seems like it would be easier.

If anyone else has any other ideas I am open. I have no access to a gun, and I don't really want any blood or gore if I can avoid it.
I have no access to heroin or any serious drug or any gas that would kill me quickly.

I moved to the place that I am right now to be with my husband. He is buried in a cemetery in the town that I'm in right now and my spot is waiting for me. My name is on the headstone & everything. I don't want a funeral or an obituary or any of that crap, and I pre-paid for everything else. All I need now is to die so that I can be cremated and put in the ground next to him. It's too late for me now to avoid going through another anniversary of his death because it's next week, but if I can help it, I won't go through another Thanksgiving or Christmas season by myself. The season of Autumn used to be my favorite time of the year and the Christmas season used to be my favorite holiday time of the year because it was the time of the year my husband and I always spent together without anyone or anything else bothering us. Now it's just torture. We were married on December 27th so the period of time between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day is complete & pure hell. It was our special time of the year and I absolutely hate it now.
I can't face it again without him.
i'm so tired of crying all the time and feeling like shit. I just wanna be able to stop feeling and stop missing him, but there's no way for me to do that as long as I'm alive.
And now because it's been two years everyone's starting to tell me to snap out of it and that I need to quit mourning and "get back into life". Pretty soon people are gonna start bugging me to participate in their stupid Christmas rituals and bullshit that I have no interest in anymore because it all just makes me feel worse. I don't wanna have to deal with any of that this year.

I am so sorry for your loss and what you have been through.

My doctor said that tramadol medicine has some method that it wont work if taken over 450mg. It wouldn't relief pain if someone took more in a day. Anyway poisoning oneself with meds is one of the most painfull way and usually fails. Medicines are made nowadays to prevent death.

The methods that are used to euthanise people and animals are totally painless (Nembutal and strong opiates for people and CO also with animals). Their body don't make cortisol and other stress hormones when dieing that way and they don't seem to be in any pain.
Euthanasia organisations say that for example dieing with helium and nitrogen is painless also. Euthanasia organisation members have seen many people die with their painless methods and none have been in pain (otherwise they wouldn't tell people that those are painless methods).

I have nearly died from accident and I had nde due to slow (20min) deprivation of oxygen and I felt only euphoric and tired. That is why so many accidents happen with CO etc. because people don't get any negative symptoms.
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Oct 6, 2019
Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I'll do that. I'll scroll through all of the options again and see what I can find. Like everybody else on here, it's extremely frustrating to me that we can't just take a pill and lie down and be gone. I don't understand why death has to be so difficult and complicated.
I am so sorry for your loss and what you have been through.

My doctor said that tramadol medicine has some method that it wont work if taken over 450mg. It wouldn't relief pain if someone took more in a day. Anyway poisoning oneself with meds is one of the most painfull way and usually fails. Medicines are made nowadays to prevent death.

The methods that are used to euthanise people and animals are totally painless (Nembutal and strong opiates for people and CO also with animals). Their body don't make cortisol and other stress hormones when dieing that way and they don't seem to be in any pain.
If only they sold Nembutal at the corner drug store over the counter.
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Jun 19, 2019
They do
Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I'll do that. I'll scroll through all of the options again and see what I can find. Like everybody else on here, it's extremely frustrating to me that we can't just take a pill and lie down and be gone. I don't understand why death has to be so difficult and complicated.

If only they sold Nembutal at the corner drug store over the counter.

They do that in Mexico and few other countries. It was legal to make and sell carfentanil in China until resent years too. USA is restricting more the ways to die peacefully in future. Which is insane since it won't change the outcome.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019

Has anyone thought about just letting themselves die of dehydration by stopping the intake of food and liquid?

I realize this method might not be for everyone, and it would take several weeks to complete most likely. I've tried to do some research on it and it seems like the longest you can last without drinking is around 18 or 20 days. A lot of the websites say only three, and others say 10 days is the norm, but I think they're talking about people who are terminally ill and in hospice care. I believe if your body is relatively healthy and you don't have a terminal illness it could take longer.
Then of course, it also depends on how much you weigh, the chemistry of your body, the type of climate you are in, etc. I think there are really too many variables for them to do anything but give you a random guess as to how long it would take.

I don't know how many of you here have ever attempted to starve yourself or have had an eating disorder before, but I had a severe eating disorder about 10 years ago, so not eating is not too difficult for me because I'm used to it.

I did a test run just to see what it would be like to not only starve myself, but also go without water about a month ago. I have never gone without water before. I made it for seven days and it actually wasn't too bad. The strange thing that I found is that my thirst crowded out my hunger. I really wasn't hungry at all which is unusual for me. Usually when I first start starving myself, the first 3-5 days are very difficult until my body gets used to starving again. but when I wasn't drinking, that seemed to take precedent over eating. I assume that's because water is more important to your body than food.

Anyway, just interested in anyone else's thoughts on this.
Thanks for reading. :smiling:

Was it painful to go without water?

I used to be down to 300 calories a day (need to again to lose weight anyway) and it became easier just like you indicated, after a week, it was like I had more energy mixed in with occasional low blood sugar. I looked and felt amazing. Many people say fasting from food or going less than 500 cals daily is actually more healthy for you, and American 2000 cals is actually damaging and foolish. LOL

Did you have bad headaches that got better when you were VSED without water And without food? If so, did the headaches get better or stay painful?



The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Currently averaging 200 - 500 ml of water a day (for other reasons than suicide, mainly post jump ptsd), sometimes none. I dont piss anymore and when I do its literally 1 second stream, lips are all cracking, Im dizzy, body aches all over and vomiting clear fluid randomly, not to mention that I look like a corpse because I lost basically all water in my tissues so can clearly see all my bones and tendons jutting out whenever I move. Something like Eugenia Cooney, and Im not even underweight.
And its STILL upwards of 200 ml of water. I will never ever try to go this way.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
Currently averaging 200 - 500 ml of water a day (for other reasons than suicide, mainly post jump ptsd), sometimes none. I dont piss anymore and when I do its literally 1 second stream, lips are all cracking, Im dizzy, body aches all over and vomiting clear fluid randomly, not to mention that I look like a corpse because I lost basically all water in my tissues so can clearly see all my bones and tendons jutting out whenever I move. Something like Eugenia Cooney, and Im not even underweight.
And its STILL upwards of 200 ml of water. I will never ever try to go this way.

If you can, just put some coconut oil or even just an ice cube or water on your lips?

That does sound very uncomfortable. Hope you feel better soon. It seems like a tough way to catch the bus I guess, even though I've always thought of it as one of my top three go to methods.
Guess it's a lot harder than I thought. Or that a lot of people thought.


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Probably wouldnt ever go through it unless I screwed off all taps, locked myself in my house from the inside and threw away the key along with all liquids. Pure suffering.
I tried wetting my lips with water, I even tried wetting my tongue, swishing water, sucking ice cubes, putting mint toothpaste in my mouth to freshen it up, but I end up parched in like 5 minutes anyway. It wont go away unless I drink something,
The flashbacks are so bad now, Im considering just going to the hospital and asking for drips so I dont have to look at a glass of water ever again.


Oct 6, 2019
Was it painful to go without water?

I used to be down to 300 calories a day (need to again to lose weight anyway) and it became easier just like you indicated, after a week, it was like I had more energy mixed in with occasional low blood sugar. I looked and felt amazing. Many people say fasting from food or going less than 500 cals daily is actually more healthy for you, and American 2000 cals is actually damaging and foolish. LOL

Did you have bad headaches that got better when you were VSED without water And without food? If so, did the headaches get better or stay painful?

no it wasn't painful at all. I only did it for 6 days then I had to start eating & drinking again because my sister-in-law kept wanting me to go out to lunch with her. So I had to reacclimate myself to food & water. I was afraid she'd overreact if she found out what I was doing.
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Aug 10, 2019
no it wasn't painful at all. I only did it for 6 days then I had to start eating & drinking again because my sister-in-law kept wanting me to go out to lunch with her. So I had to reacclimate myself to food & water. I was afraid she'd overreact if she found out what I was doing.
Wow! 6 days! I only made it 3 days without water and I had to drink.
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Oct 6, 2019
Currently averaging 200 - 500 ml of water a day (for other reasons than suicide, mainly post jump ptsd), sometimes none. I dont piss anymore and when I do its literally 1 second stream, lips are all cracking, Im dizzy, body aches all over and vomiting clear fluid randomly, not to mention that I look like a corpse because I lost basically all water in my tissues so can clearly see all my bones and tendons jutting out whenever I move. Something like Eugenia Cooney, and Im not even underweight.
And its STILL upwards of 200 ml of water. I will never ever try to go this way.
I'm so sorry for your suffering. I was just doing it as an experiment. I used to have an eating disorder and I'd starve myself. I got down to 80 pounds or so and would've kept going but my thyroid problems caused me to stop losing weight even though I wasn't eating hardly anything. I have gone without food before for fairly long periods of time due to the eating disorder, but I had never gone without water also. I read an article on something called "dry fasting" that claimed it was very healthy for you, so I thought I'd give it a try. It didn't really do anything one way or the other for me. I didn't suffer, but I didn't feel better either like the article said I would.
Wow! 6 days! I only made it 3 days without water and I had to drink.
I'm pretty stubborn, so if I set my mind to something, particularly if it's self destructive, I can usually do it. I'm very good at hurting myself.
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Oct 30, 2019
Wouldn't they give saline or whatever via IV to those that can't drink water? I doubt they let people die of dehydration in hospice, maybe I'm wrong:0
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Aug 10, 2019
Wouldn't they give saline or whatever via IV to those that can't drink water? I doubt they let people die of dehydration in hospice, maybe I'm wrong:0
There are people who decide to stop eating and drinking. Hospice will support them. At least some will from what I have read.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
Probably wouldnt ever go through it unless I screwed off all taps, locked myself in my house from the inside and threw away the key along with all liquids. Pure suffering.
I tried wetting my lips with water, I even tried wetting my tongue, swishing water, sucking ice cubes, putting mint toothpaste in my mouth to freshen it up, but I end up parched in like 5 minutes anyway. It wont go away unless I drink something,
The flashbacks are so bad now, Im considering just going to the hospital and asking for drips so I dont have to look at a glass of water ever again.

it doesn't sound like it's going very well at all for you, if you think it's becoming an emergency and you don't want to continue, then I think it's perfectly fine to go to the hospital. Do whatever you think is best for you.

If it doesn't feel right, and you don't want to treat it at home, and you think it's potentially serious enough, there's no judgment here, I support your idea to get treatment with fluids.

I don't know much about it, but I think it affects Potassium levels which can affect the heart. So only you know how serious it may or may not be.

I don't have any medical training so I cannot give you any medical advice. But there's nothing wrong with getting it checked out to get fluids to replenish your system safely.

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the invisible girl
Nov 6, 2019
I've once done this extreme diet and didn't eat anything but a powder with a very tiny amount of water (I think it was 30g powder with 50 ml water, made some paste like thing, I was allowed 2 portions if this power day). I did that for 2 weeks, in the third week you then added some nutrient bar to it.
During this diet you were allowed to drink at much water and tea as you like, but I didn't feel any hunger or thirst, so I ate my portions and that was it.
I remember feeling euphoric, almost high, no pain.
But the dreams I had were horrible. I remember having the most vivid dreams about mozzarella with tomatoes, some pesto and basil leaves, every night. It was so vivid I remember waking up with those images in my mind and the taste in my mouth. I don't even like tomatoes...

In hospice care people dying through this method, this slow type of euthanasia, also receive morphine and other drugs towards the end, so they are knocked out and not in pain. As euthanasia is not allowed in many counties, this is the closest thing to euthanasia that is being supported. However, I think IV fluid is still given (necessary also for the morphine drip), so starvation not dehydration is COD.
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Nov 29, 2019
Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I'll do that. I'll scroll through all of the options again and see what I can find. Like everybody else on here, it's extremely frustrating to me that we can't just take a pill and lie down and be gone. I don't understand why death has to be so difficult and complicated.

If only they sold Nembutal at the corner drug store over the counter.
My opinion is that prolonged psychological pain is every bit as devastating as prolonged physical pain. I am denied relief and release because of primitive beliefs by people that have not endured 49 years of agony.
Your pain is real, and one day, I hope, that mentally ill adults can choose MAID.
I'm writing a book about a fictional woman that reaches her breaking point. Right now, I'm doing research, and if you want to pm me, I will answer questions/share the things my protagonist is learning.
Be at peace with your choices—they are all you might have.
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Oct 6, 2019
I remember feeling euphoric, almost high, no pain.

In hospice care people dying through this method, this slow type of euthanasia, also receive morphine and other drugs towards the end, so they are knocked out and not in pain. As euthanasia is not allowed in many counties, this is the closest thing to euthanasia that is being supported. However, I think IV fluid is still given (necessary also for the morphine drip), so starvation not dehydration is COD.

Yes, I used to get a " starvation high" from not eating when I had the eating disorder. I would feel light headed, euphoric, pain free, and "clean". It was very addicting. Of course, you have to get through the hard part of the fast to get to the high.

When my husband was in hospice, they did stop giving him food & water once they determined that death was imminent. He didn't have a morphine drip. They gave him drops in his mouth. They said the morphine was absorbed sublingually, or under his tongue.
  • Aww..
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
Yes, I used to get a " starvation high" from not eating when I had the eating disorder. I would feel light headed, euphoric, pain free, and "clean". It was very addicting. Of course, you have to get through the hard part of the fast to get to the high.

When my husband was in hospice, they did stop giving him food & water once they determined that death was imminent. He didn't have a morphine drip. They gave him drops in his mouth. They said the morphine was absorbed sublingually, or under his tongue.

That's a tragic loss of your husband, that surely one cannot put into words easily. I'm sad for your suffering.
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Oct 6, 2019
That's a tragic loss of your husband, that surely one cannot put into words easily. I'm sad for your suffering.
Thank you for your kind words. His final months, days, and hours were agony for me. He was referred to hospice on a Thursday Oct 12th. He didn't want to go into hospice. He wanted to do low dose chemo, even if it killed him. He wanted to go down fighting. He felt like hospice was giving up. He left the Drs office that day calling them all cowards for not letting him die the way he wanted to. Hospice was in our home on Friday Oct 13th. That evening my husband was very agitated and anxious. I'm sure he was scared. He didn't want to die. They ordered some meds to calm him down. While we were waiting for the meds, he said he was hungry. I fed him some cereal and some chocolate ice cream. Then the meds arrived and he said " I love you" and I said "I love you too" . We hugged and kissed and that was it. He never spoke another word again. The next day, Saturday Oct 14th, the hospice nurse said he was exhibiting the "death rattle" and if there was anyone who wanted to see him, they needed to come right away, so I started calling people. For the rest of that day and part of the next, Sunday October 15th, he had many visitors. He couldn't talk back, but people were talking to him anyway. They were telling him, and me, how much he meant to them and what positive effects he had on their lives. He was a wonderful, brilliant, and generous man and he impacted many people in a good way. Many people told me that they thought of him as their mentor. I was very touched and proud of all the nice things people were saying about him. I know he would've been pleased, but also embarrassed. He was not one to brag about his accomplishments or influence. Finally, at 8:50 PM that Sunday night, October 15th, he left me for the last time and my life ended along with his. :aw:
He had only been referred to hospice 3 days earlier. I didn't even have time to wrap my head around him being forced into hospice before he was gone.
  • Aww..
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