

Aug 27, 2018
Drugs get such a bad rep in society especially the illegal ones yet they have saved thousands of lives I also know there have been many who has died by drug overdoses either accidentally or on purpose but still I am sure they have saved many lives too.

I am sure there has been days where suicidal people has been on the verge of killing themselves but by coping with a drug they´d forget and/or feel good so they were able to survive another day. Yet the government have this war on drugs and has indoctrinated the majority of society to hate "illegal" drugs through ignorance even though one of the most dangerous drugs is alcohol.

I can imagine that there might have been some people who have killed themselves because the police seized (stole) their drugs either in person or in the customs, maybe that certain someone had no other copes at all and needed a drug to make him/her want to live another day but these tyrannical people (law enforcement workers) stole their property (the drugs) it´s so morally wrong and I don´t get how no one seems to care about it, "the black market" is just a free market but the government calls it the black market to justify their tyranny, no one is forcing anyone to buy their drugs it´s a consensual agreement that we give money for drugs like any other commodity.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Yea most people could be leading much healthier, happier lives if not for the gov control over being able to access the drugs u need in quantities u need, and u wouldn't need a script for it. There would just be education on how to use it and maybe like a disclaimer, we are not responsible if u misuse this drug and die. You would still have doctors in a free market but they would make money by preventing and curing illness not causing it like what seems to happen these days.

They make money by keeping u ill because there's not as much money in cure. I didn't need my thyroid destroyed but the medical complex decided that they will take the most invasive approach to treating my thyroid condition instead of figuring out why I have a goiter in the first place. I didn't need to end up on lifetime synthetic thyroid hormones. Dentist put mercury in my mouth as a kid :( and there's flouride in the water. Which is terrible for your health, lowers iq, slow poisoning and not there to prevent cavities.
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My demon will see me undone
Oct 20, 2019
I am this way with weed. if i have a razor to my arm, a bowl stops me for an hour or two, hopefully i can calm down by then.
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Jul 16, 2019
You're 100% correct. When I was at my absolute lowest, I coped with opiates. They made me ridiculously happy and productive. Fun to be around, even! I had so many people say I was so happy and in such a great mood, when I was totally high.

People are all about the slippery slope. I did feel the physical urge to take more, after about a week or two, that was hard to deal with. So I get it.

Suicide and depression are so misunderstood and overblown, I wonder if drug addiction is as well. In many situations, what people see as the cure is really the poison. If someone is happy and stable while taking drugs, why take them away because you disagree? Yeah, it might kill them, but a lot of things we do might kill us.
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Aug 27, 2018
Yea most people could be leading much healthier, happier lives if not for the gov control over being able to access the drugs u need in quantities u need, and u wouldn't need a script for it. There would just be education on how to use it and maybe like a disclaimer, we are not responsible if u misuse this drug and die. You would still have doctors in a free market but they would make money by preventing and curing illness not causing it like what seems to happen these days.
What you are talking about here is what is known as harm-reduction they use that a lot in the Netherlands there even is a YouTube channel sponsered by their government called Drugslab where 3 people take drugs that are tested with medical proffesions on standby.
In the future ALL drugs will be legal maybe not in 50 year or 100 years but eventually they will all be made legal it´s the only logical answer.
You're 100% correct. When I was at my absolute lowest, I coped with opiates. They made me ridiculously happy and productive. Fun to be around, even! I had so many people say I was so happy and in such a great mood, when I was totally high.

People are all about the slippery slope. I did feel the physical urge to take more, after about a week or two, that was hard to deal with. So I get it.

Suicide and depression are so misunderstood and overblown, I wonder if drug addiction is as well. In many situations, what people see as the cure is really the poison. If someone is happy and stable while taking drugs, why take them away because you disagree? Yeah, it might kill them, but a lot of things we do might kill us.
I so agree with this, I mean as I already said is it really a good thing suffering for years or decades without any form of fun or happiness in life as long as we are sober when we could be "happy" using drugs? I think part of it is because people ignorantly believe that everyone with mental problems e.g. depression, apathy, anxiety, suicidal thoughts can be "cured" they believe 100% that they can so they feel if these people become addicted to a drug they "ruin their life" when in fact their life are already ruined and they might even be close to killing themselves so if coping with a drug makes them happy and content while wanting to keep living what the hell is the problem?
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Nov 12, 2018
Drugs get such a bad rep in society especially the illegal ones yet they have saved thousands of lives I also know there have been many who has died by drug overdoses either accidentally or on purpose but still I am sure they have saved many lives too.

I am sure there has been days where suicidal people has been on the verge of killing themselves but by coping with a drug they´d forget and/or feel good so they were able to survive another day. Yet the government have this war on drugs and has indoctrinated the majority of society to hate "illegal" drugs through ignorance even though one of the most dangerous drugs is alcohol.

I can imagine that there might have been some people who have killed themselves because the police seized (stole) their drugs either in person or in the customs, maybe that certain someone had no other copes at all and needed a drug to make him/her want to live another day but these tyrannical people (law enforcement workers) stole their property (the drugs) it´s so morally wrong and I don´t get how no one seems to care about it, "the black market" is just a free market but the government calls it the black market to justify their tyranny, no one is forcing anyone to buy their drugs it´s a consensual agreement that we give money for drugs like any other commodity.

You are completely right. Without my 20 year heroin habit,I doubt I would made it past 25.
I haven't hurt anyone or stolen from any individual that cannot afford it
It doesn't solve the issues but makes them bearable
And I completely agree that when unadultered,the most dangerous drugs are alcohol and tobacco.
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