Reviews and ratings for Tramadol when used in the treatment of depression. 234 reviews submitted with a 9.3 average score.
A while ago i had some pain and wanted to sleep, so i took 3 tramadols. I sleep good and woke up actually feeling euphoric, and calm.This led me to think that the medication was responsible. So i reaserached tramadol euphoric effects, and what you know its listed as more effective than a bunch of anti depressants. I now take 2 tablets of 100mg each. I went back on it 2 days ago after stopping for abit. I take 2 every second day. And i feel great, not even suicidal as much. It actually calms me down. The downside is i sleep alot on it it drains me. sleep for 12 hours and even the next day i feel the grogginess. So thats why i take 2 every 2nd day. Now im not advocating for the usage of this, please dont. Im jsut talking about my experience and its noted effects on the mind, it is an SNRI. It shows a similar anti depressant may work on me, i may try that later .