It can depend on the length of time before being found.
It depends on the length of time before the body is found
and the condition of the body.
Both major national universities in my state accept bodies for their medical schools. Absolutely no restriction for suicide. You can go online to the medical school of the university nearest to you and clearly see their information. There are various forms to fill out, nothing too difficult.
Another choice, and perhaps a better one, is organ donation. Every state asks if you want to be an organ donor when you get or renew your driver's license. Or you can Google organ donor and the name of your state. With just a few simple forms and 5 minutes you will be added to the registry.
THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTION FOR SUICIDE. Again, when the time comes, it totally depends on the condition of the body and the time before it is found. There is a tremendous, tremendous need for organ donors, you would really be helping someone with your final act, maybe a child. (Little know fact:
skin is the largest organ in the body, and it's needed for many medical procedures. Also your eyes are valuable.)