

Oct 1, 2020
Well, what if I told you that there is a video that makes people commit suicide? It does not exist, it is not that it exists as such and it is not something that causes you an existential crisis or some shit like this does not! That is a myth that comes from four subnormals who have been selling us the idea that famous people like Hemingway Kurt Cobain or even Socrates committed suicide because they could not find the meaning of life, the reality is that people who commit suicide do so because he has unbearable suffering.

You will agree with the idea that the more difficulties life presents you and the more problems you overcome, the stronger one becomes; while poorly bred people who have everything who live full of comforts become much weaker. This is one of the biggest lies that exists and for a long time it has been known that the people who suffer more depression who have more anxiety than those who commit suicide are not by far neither the rich nor the spoiled, they are the most poor and what worse happens in each country and I assure you.

So in the third world they will be very screwed up? no, you are four times more likely to suffer from an anxiety disorder if you live in a rich country than if you live in the poorest country in the world, I am not telling you that poor people live in lollipop country, which I'm saying is that on a psychological level they suffer less than we do, so what the hell do you have to do to make someone suffer so much or make someone commit suicide? the hope.

Nietzsche said that hope was the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torment of man, now we had to wait 150 years for a psychologist to prove it scientifically but for you to understand well what this psychologist said, first I have to explain why You don't want to be king because, now, have you ever considered being king? Have you heard someone around you who wants to be king or queen? I really don't know, maybe because I'm not from the nobility, I say that there are no cases throughout history in which a villager has married someone from royalty but it turns out that it is more likely to marry someone from the nobility to win the lottery. This is due to an instinct of man known as WYSIATI (What you see is all there is) and in very short it comes to say something like that our decisions are not based on probability or good judgment, not even on what It will benefit us the most, but they are much more influenced by what we see more frequently.

Because of this mechanism, there are people queuing to buy the lottery and not to meet the Infanta Leonor, for this reason there are so many children who want to end up being the same as their parents, as well as for this reason there are so many people that their favorite color is blue because they are things that we spend hours and hours looking at but there is one thing that influences our decisions even more, that you share the name with someone, when you know that someone is called like you an instinct is activated in our head that inevitably will make that person like you better, pay more attention to him, you will even get to copy him gestures, postures or even opinions and this not only happens with the name passed with the birthday, but for wearing the same shirt or even when the person has the car that you want to compare yourself, that is, anything that makes you believe that you look like that person is enough to activate this instinct because these two mechanisms demonstrate our limiting environment Ita our decisions and that we tend to imitate the people we resemble are the basis of avila social psychology.

According to social psychology, our behavior in society is based on three pillars: the first is known as the "real me" which is something like the set of ideas that you have of yourself, that is to say what you think you are, for example Your "real me" will be something like that I am a boy that I am 15 years old, I am a student, I am a striker in a soccer team but on the other hand there is the pillar of the "responsible me", this is the "I" that should , the one that groups the qualities or actions that you should have to fulfill your obligations for example in the subject of student "responsible me" will surely tell you something like that you have to do your homework, that you have to study every day, go to school or get good grades not clear and finally there is the pillar of the "ideal self", this pillar is something like what we would like to be both for you and for others but it is not so linked to our responsibilities but to our desires and just like the "responsible me" whose id eal would be based on what our environment tells us, for example, it is valid for the forward issue your responsibility today is to score goals, now your "ideal self" would be to be the top scorer or very handsome.

In conclusion, these three pillars are a guide to live in society, a guide that every human being needs that tells us what role we occupy in the group, what are our responsibilities with that group and what is the most important or desirable in that group. The move is that it is not the same for everyone, it is not the same to be a student here as it is in Japan, just as it will not be the same to be a student for you than for your neighbor, because it is the environment of each one that defines our responsibilities and our ideals and no two environments are the same, sometimes they can be very similar, these same pillars are what make a Taiwanese maybe work 17 hours sewing shoes without complaining or that a girl in Iraq wants to marry an old man because that is the most desirable thing or that a person wants to give his life for his religion.

There are no painful or pleasant ideals or responsibilities, but suffering appears when we cannot fulfill them, that is, if that girl from Iraq does not marry the old man, she will surely suffer from anxiety or depression. When our brain feels that our "real self" is moving away from its "ideal self", it automatically makes us feel sadness, despondency, dissatisfaction and in extreme cases depression, while when it is our "real self" that is moving away from the "responsible self "The sensations are of nervousness, fear and agitation, which can lead to an anxiety disorder.

The world does not end for not getting a good grade colleague, of course it does not end but your brain is not so clear, when you suspend your brain it thinks that you are going to die, that is, when we do not fulfill our "responsible self" with "our self ideal "most of the time nothing happens or at least nothing serious but in another time this was very different when we lived in caves and our responsible self was nothing more than being a good hunter if the evil threw the spear or ate you a The tiger or the prey escaped and you and your tribe died of hunger but even if you fulfilled your responsibilities, if you did not have something that stood out, that is, if your tribe did not see something in you or that was worth keeping for the following generations it is most likely that you did not have offspring, our brain during all these times that lasted hundreds of thousands of years associated that failure in our "responsible self" and our "ideal self" meant endangering the basic instincts of any being alive which are survival and reproduction.

That is why our brain throughout all those years developed this automatism of releasing that agitation or that slight anxiety when it felt that it separated from its responsible self because this really helped your great-great-grandfather to throw the spear better just as you did. It helps to study more in the same way that that dissatisfaction that you feel when you are not the top scorer is really what makes you try harder in your next training session, motivates you to run more, and if that instinct is so great because it is supposed to make us sick? To sum it up a lot and perhaps too much let us say that we get sick when we are for a long time throwing a spear badly, that is, when someone really aspires to a "responsible self" or an "ideal self" that is a very difficult to fulfill or impossible for aspirations such as wanting flying, being the mega-millionaire, being super mega happy or some shit like that, I am not saying that this suffering can appear with much more everyday aspirations than that, it is just what has happened to a large part of my generation.

Young people between 20 and 30 years old, the millennial generation suffer more anxiety disorders than at any other time in history in which there is record, in fact, suicide is the second thing that kills more young people in the world and a One of the causes that most experts agree on that has made this increase so much is the myth of great work, that is, many of my generation were convinced that we should study to achieve great jobs and once installed that idea is very difficult to change the slap that was, and they told too many of us at the same time and that caused those great jobs to become shit and not only that but on top of that there was not even for everyone, that is, to Today there are thousands of young people whose "responsible self" is telling them that they should be great psychologists, great chemists, great biologists and it turns out that it is not that they are doing better or worse, it is that they cannot even do it. Each
The day of his life is literally a failure. How do you think those kids feel?

But your generation is going to be much worse than mine, until 2009-2010 more or less, finding cases of suicide, anxiety or depression in young kids between 8 to 10 years old or 15 to 16 years old was quite rare, and well In less than ten years they have multiplied by four and do you know what is one of the reasons? that today the kids want to be youtubers, but my father also wanted to be a footballer when he was little and he does not have depression for not being one. The difference between your father and today's children is that my father did not spend six hours a day watching soccer players playing games, today the internet has become the environment of millions of people, today we spend more hours watching the phone than talking with our family or with our friends, even at school and during all that time the kids spend hours watching youtubers, they send us messages like don't let anyone put limits on you, fight for your dreams or that with effort you can get where you want. And with our parents they also told us that you can get great jobs but although my parents were wrong, my parents knew me and my circumstances, my parents were open if I could get a career abroad, my parents knew if I could pay me some studies or I could not but the youtubers the people who today influence millions and millions of people have no idea who is listening to them, the only thing they know is their age because you believe in youtubers of 30 and 40 years that appear in their videos that look like teenagers, why do you think they make those faces that especially attract the attention of young children? Why do you think they spend so many hours playing video games that are really childish or that their rooms seem to be taken from a gamer window? Each of these details is meticulously chosen so that you believe that they are like you and remember that it influences us more, even than what we see more frequently the people with whom we identify the people we think we resemble, in the moment they have your attention trapped for hours and have created that bond with you.

These people become the perfect influence persuasion machine, the perfect advertisement, that is to say, of course they are going to convince you that anything is possible just as they are going to convince you that they love this game, and that they love it. Like your new iPhone let's open the long-awaited iPhone 12 and that you want to buy it and that your favorite drink is Monster War or whatever they have behind it or that you do not need to know absolutely anything to get far in life. But come on, it would be stupid to say that this is only affecting young people, that today there are youtubers, streamers, influences or advertisements for all topics and for all ages that are responsible for convincing us that there is a secret method to be able to work for more than 10 hours, that it is possible to get that great body with its secret or that you will only be successful when you have that house on the beach. Listen to this because it is the most important thing, the problem is not these messages, the problem is not that they are lying to us that this is their favorite drink or that it is a lie that with that trick you can have that body; These messages have always existed. The problem is that these people do not know who they are telling them to buy this house in order to be happy, they do not know if they are telling a lawyer or a man who sells potatoes on the road. It is the first time in the history of humanity that the environment of a privileged few is literally raising millions who do not have privileges, this is causing people who do not have to pay for heating to get mortgaged to buy an iPhone, than people who cannot Going to the gym feels that your body is unpleasant, it is causing many people to leave the house where you live, that you feel that your teeth are horrible, that your love relationship is shit, that you do not eat enough, that what you eat is garbage, that he does not know how to dress well, that he is not a real man, that he is not a real woman, that he is a bad mother, that he smells like a pig, that he has an unpleasant face, that people do not look at him enough or that they look at him too much, that your car is rubbish, that is too much.

Can you imagine that there was a video capable of making people commit suicide? What madness!
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Aug 18, 2020
Sorry I do not have the time to read that all. But I am kind of YouTube/ internet addict. YouTube has eased my depression. Or at least helped me to cope. However you can get I think in a suicide related algorithm. But I am not fully sure. I watched a lot of DFW videos (an author who ctb) and they showed me more and more.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
That is a myth that comes from four subnormals who have been selling us the idea that famous people like Hemingway Kurt Cobain or even Socrates committed suicide because they could not find the meaning of life, the reality is that people who commit suicide do so because he has unbearable suffering.

I don't understand why you oppose existential crises and unbearable suffering, both go hand in hand.
Some suicidal people don't turn to religion out of the blue, they do it because it brings them some relief.

Some people suffer unbearably and it brings about existential crises, some people have existential crises and it brings about unbearable suffering.
I'm probably in the middle of both cases.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Gosh. Thats long to read. I get triggered by youtube videos sometimes. Sometimes it makes me feel somewhat entertained
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Oct 1, 2020
I don't understand why you oppose existential crises and unbearable suffering, both go hand in hand.
Some suicidal people don't turn to religion out of the blue, they do it because it brings them some relief.

Some people suffer unbearably and it brings about existential crises, some people have existential crises and it brings about unbearable suffering.
I'm probably in the middle of both cases.
The detail is that many take for granted that this happened and now, when they do not deduce the reasons that triggered all that

Gosh. Thats long to read. I get triggered by youtube videos sometimes. Sometimes it makes me feel somewhat entertained
Can someone at least get my main point here?
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Fate plays chess with 2 queens
Aug 21, 2020
I just read through all of it and is quite interesting, putting some interesting ideas on the table, even though I would need to check how true they are (like the idea of our brain having some "caveman" mechanism); still an interesting read.

Basically we are encouraged to the impossible, and fail does a LOT of damage, separating ourselves from the 3 pillars.
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Sad Sack
Jul 29, 2021
Extrapolate this to all social media and traditional media but yes these are in general correct thoughts. None of the stuff we are told we need is actually necessary.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Nice book, bro. This YT vid definitely induces suicide:
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Jun 10, 2020
I read your entire post and it was actually really interesting. You are a great writer. I do believe that the expectations on young people are too high these days and the demands on the human capacity too much. This is very interlinked with technology and in particular social media. I really do hope there will be more push back in coming years. I think a lot of anxiety and depression is preventable if people could live in a society that cares about them as people, not just their successes.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
If it wasn't for the growth of the internet I probably wouldn't kill myself
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Oct 1, 2020
I'm surprised to hear this from you, since your profile says that you are from venezuela. 76% of venezualans live in extreme poverty. Or maybe you're just an explat there?
Venezuela is an exception because its very poor condition cannot be compared to another country in the region, you can have a decent life in Colombia or Mexico, but Venezuela is another story.
however, if you insist that we're happier, I'll gladly exchange place with any of my first world overlords here :D but you'll have to come to me because my passport doesn't allow me to visit you haha
The point is that in a rich country you have a higher risk of suffering from anxiety or depression than in a poor country, but at the same time living in a poor country causes the damage or suffering you receive does not affect you immediately, but it can affect twice as much.
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Oct 1, 2020

btw, regarding everything else you said:

the real culprits are parents. Parents, especially boomers, are complete psychopaths. And they are the ones who aren't "suffering".

A boomer would rather have its child commit suicide than lose faces.

Every single decision they have ever made was at the cost of their children, grandchildren, descendants.

They gaslight their children into thinking they are unconditionally loved, but then they grow up to realise that if they're not successful and rich, their parents will abuse them.
I think the problem is that the boomers made a serious miscalculation, thanks to this the number of people who are professionals in something is enormous, but the amount of unemployment is at the same time very high, and it is the boomers who put us the idea that if everyone is professional in something or follows the same standards as the rest, they can have a successful life.


Jul 12, 2020

I'm from gen x. Some of us were aware of what you wrote is true. Some were told not to watch TV longer than about 30 minutes. Puts people in a trance so to speak. We would be encouraged to go in the neighborhood to play with other kids. Play sports. Not spend too much time in indoors. We went out and did stuff. We were told that so we wouldn't become like the kids of today.

A lot of problems going on in society are coming from these people who are in a trance. You can't take them out with logic, reasoning or reward. They are not living in the real world. They refuse to come out. And these same people can be easily manipulated and I can very easily see how if they can't get what they desire from this manipulation, they become very anxious and depressed.

People haven't been living in the real world for a very long time.

I read mostly. I avoid Watching TV, videos, radio, avoid listening to people speaking online. No video games. It helps.

Take porn for example. Many are aware how watching puts unrealistic expectations, messes with all sorts societal issues. Messes with the brain. Just take this knowledge to what is happening now. Prior generations knew all this.

People are generally NPC's because of all this. Everybody is essentially in one giant video game. Manipulated as such and people think they are free making their own decisions because their desires are their own.

People have given up their ability to think. They let others do their thinking for them. Very easy to be anxious and depressed then.
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