
Mar 3, 2021
I have a heavy feeling in my head and eyes and a constant noticeable heart pounding, and severe fatigue. It's that drunk feeling like when you haven't slept enough. Sometimes it's a flu like feeling with sore throat especially after going out. It came after I took one pill of sertraline 4 months ago. I don't know whether this is depression as the docs say or the antidepressant fucked with my body.

Does anyone else have weird unexplainable physical symptoms that are ruining their lives?
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May 5, 2021
It's not quite ruining my life yet but I just feel a lot of pain/pressure in my eyes in response to weird things like drinking much water. I have to stay on the edge of dehydration constantly to avoid hurting them but that part's not awful. Generally pain in the eyes or behind that stays for months is a sign of glaucoma which would ruin my life and make me blind if my doctors can't spot it in time. I don't know why they can't spot anything now.
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Mar 22, 2020
Oh, sorry to hear that my friend.

As for me, my only problem is my overweight although I'm kinda worried about my left hand which has started to shake a little bit. Some say it's because of my extreme anxiety and some others that it might be Parkinson! Who knows!? (To make matters worse, I'm left-handed but I can do everything normally for now!)
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Pronounced dead
Jan 14, 2021
They can probably be explained, but i'm too anxious and autistic to go to hospital and get a diagnosis
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Oct 6, 2020
Yeah, I do. After years of symptoms for no reason, I'm pretty close to a possible MS diagnosis. If that's what it is, I'm out.
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Apr 2, 2019
I'm sorry for the symptoms you deal with. Having a diagnosed disease or condition is hard enough but I know well that extra added frustration (and fear) of having unexplained, undiagnosed symptoms and physical issues.

As for me, I have a few physical unexplained physical conditions that impact my life daily, some of them have been going on for almost 20 years. I guess the main ones are low platelet and wbc counts...I get nosebleeds and other bleeding and I believe (doctors have tried to tell me otherwise but I have a HUGE mistrust of doctors now after they've dismissed my concerns or messed me up worse over the years...and a couple times, missed diagnoses that could've cut down on how long I suffered /w stuff like infections). Anyway, the blood issue but MOSTLY it's this almost constant boring, gnawing "hollow" sensation pain in my stomach that started in July of 2003, just out of the blue. I literally woke up with it one morning and it's never resolved OR been explained despite a couple endoscopies, xrays, CT scans, bloodwork, etc. They find 'abnormalities' on these tests but not enough to I guess do anything further to investigate, and they always say those abnormalities wouldn't be the cause of my pain and GI problems. I had one doctor flat out say after all this time they'll never find out what's the cause of this gnawing/boring pain, and 'well you're not dead yet so it can't be anything too bad!" and then actually LAUGH. Then I get told to go to a psychiatrist and that's it's 'psychosomatic'. I KNOW IT'S NOT. But that pain, plus my other diagnosed AND undiagnosed physical issues are the main driving force I'm even on this site.

Chronic pain and no one helping to find out why or do something to at least give temp relief will kill your spirit and will to live pretty quickly, in my experience. And I'm tired out and can't do this anymore, especially with near zero hope that anything will ever get better or a diagnosis found.
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Not Really Here
Apr 28, 2021
unexplainable ' intermittent left facial numbness ' is what they put on my record after multiple tests from EEGs to MRI scans and looking into the cataract in my left eye in some pretty intrusive and painful ways. They can't figure it out or how it comes on. They figured I was having seizures but couldn't induce one apparently. It hasn't happened in a while but now and again it comes back with no explanation. They told me for further research id have to be hooked up to a EEG for about two weeks and I refused because the glue used to secure it down hurts my scalp.
So I'll never know.
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Mar 3, 2021
They can probably be explained, but i'm too anxious and autistic to go to hospital and get a diagnosis

I'm sorry for the symptoms you deal with. Having a diagnosed disease or condition is hard enough but I know well that extra added frustration (and fear) of having unexplained, undiagnosed symptoms and physical issues.

As for me, I have a few physical unexplained physical conditions that impact my life daily, some of them have been going on for almost 20 years. I guess the main ones are low platelet and wbc counts...I get nosebleeds and other bleeding and I believe (doctors have tried to tell me otherwise but I have a HUGE mistrust of doctors now after they've dismissed my concerns or messed me up worse over the years...and a couple times, missed diagnoses that could've cut down on how long I suffered /w stuff like infections). Anyway, the blood issue but MOSTLY it's this almost constant boring, gnawing "hollow" sensation pain in my stomach that started in July of 2003, just out of the blue. I literally woke up with it one morning and it's never resolved OR been explained despite a couple endoscopies, xrays, CT scans, bloodwork, etc. They find 'abnormalities' on these tests but not enough to I guess do anything further to investigate, and they always say those abnormalities wouldn't be the cause of my pain and GI problems. I had one doctor flat out say after all this time they'll never find out what's the cause of this gnawing/boring pain, and 'well you're not dead yet so it can't be anything too bad!" and then actually LAUGH. Then I get told to go to a psychiatrist and that's it's 'psychosomatic'. I KNOW IT'S NOT. But that pain, plus my other diagnosed AND undiagnosed physical issues are the main driving force I'm even on this site.

Chronic pain and no one helping to find out why or do something to at least give temp relief will kill your spirit and will to live pretty quickly, in my experience. And I'm tired out and can't do this anymore, especially with near zero hope that anything will ever get better or a diagnosis found.
I'm so sorry to hear all of that. It does sound like a nightmare to live with and I totally agree about narcissistic incompetent "doctors". My doctors just tell me to keep taking the antidepressants even though they caused the symptoms in the first place. They also have no idea what PSSD is even though the European medical agency has officially recognised it. Its all a huge scam imposed on us by big pharma. Modern medicine can often be a sick joke. And I totally get the psychosomatic shit.
unexplainable ' intermittent left facial numbness ' is what they put on my record after multiple tests from EEGs to MRI scans and looking into the cataract in my left eye in some pretty intrusive and painful ways. They can't figure it out or how it comes on. They figured I was having seizures but couldn't induce one apparently. It hasn't happened in a while but now and again it comes back with no explanation. They told me for further research id have to be hooked up to a EEG for about two weeks and I refused because the glue used to secure it down hurts my scalp.
So I'll never know.
Sound weird... I also had numbness tingling and weird sensations mostly on the left side of my whole body after not sleeping for like 2 days then sleeping for 18 hours and ever since then I've had issues.
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Not Really Here
Apr 28, 2021
Sound weird... I also had numbness tingling and weird sensations mostly on the left side of my whole body after not sleeping for like 2 days then sleeping for 18 hours and ever since then I've had issues.
It is odd.. when it comes back it does seem to happen mostly in the dark and I wouldn't notice it without my eye going numb otherwise.
Thats probably why they checked to see if it was related to cataracts. The usual sensation I get and flinching when about to touch my eyeball is completely gone while its numb and I could likely stick something in there if I wasn't careful. I can still see yet no flinching- and that's odd because the flinching comes from seeing what I'm about to do.
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Nov 6, 2018
I have chronic pain from scoliosis, explained.

But also, I have pain behind my left eye whose cause is unknown.

Plus, I have supraventricular tachycardia but its cause is a mystery. I had corrective surgery last year, but they couldn't find the abberant electrical node. They pumped me with more and more stimulant during the procedure to try to trigger the SVT, but instead caused an atrial fibrillation.

After the surgery, I wore a monitor for a week. It recorded an average of 5 SVT episodes per day, with pulse up to 231 beats per minute.

Yet, when they electrically mapped my heart with probes inside the chambers, nothing could be found.

As a final comment, about 17yrs ago I was in a car accident. The accident caused ongoing hip pain yet x-rays and mris showed nothing. For 2 years I had to walk with a cane, but nothing was figured out until a brilliant physical therapists put me in a certain position that triggered severe pain. That told him I had a labral tear. My doctor then ordered an MRI with contrast (no contrast used prior) and the tear was found. I had surgery to fix it a few weeks later.

Medical science is nowhere near as good as what many doctors claim & what the public at large is led to believe. It is full of gaps, so much unknown still, plus poor imaging technology, and medications that are more like shotguns than scalpels.

Unexplained medical issues have always been the norm through human history and remain far more common than what our doctors can admit.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Health problems can really be hell, it makes the body into a prison. I have had symptoms in the past and doctors have said it is all in your head/a result of anxiety. They just want to get rid of you as quickly as possible. I have heart palpatations which are unpleasant, last year I had unexplained eye pain which comes back occasionally, sometimes arm pain, I have random dizziness. I just generally feel quite ill a lot of the time.
I have other things such as ear problems but they have been diagnosed. It can be an awful experience having to see different doctors, it is one of the worst parts of being alive.
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