

Protesting the conditions of an inhumane world
Oct 2, 2019
"If people killed themselves because of every problem, there would be no one left."

I've heard this before and it makes me upset because it seems to downplay depression and other problems that may lead others to be suicidal. I also really don't like the "Just stay strong!" stuff. Just "staying strong" won't make my problems go away.
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The Queen of Meme
Aug 11, 2019
Stupid people. Stupid world ❤
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
i guess it just minimizes the value of "problems". essentially trying to indicate that everyones problems are the same and everyone faces and feels the same problems all the same. which is absolutely wrong. someone here is worse off than the next, shouldering the worst of the worst and terrible problems while others aren't as bad. in a sense, yeah the statements true; but critically speaking; no, not everyones heartaches, pain and suffering through the problems that they face are the same; if they were on the same level, equally for everyone, suicide wouldn't be as frowned up and would be more accepted within society.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Exactly the same as when Marie Antoinette said to the starving peasants in pre-revolution France who had no bread to eat said "let them eat cake". People who have no idea, concept of scale or empathy say stupid things
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Aug 8, 2019
The disgusting ideal of "mantain life at all costs" really makes me angry. Imposing life is no worse than killing, they're equal.
Love your profile pic btw.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
There are some problems to where you are just plain fucked. I get it that some shit is petty to ctb over but there are plenty reasons to ctb that are within sound logic.
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Sep 9, 2019
suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem - this is one of my least favourites!! what if it actually a rational solution to a permanent problem!! some peoples minds just seem to shut down when they consider or hear about suicidal thgts- like they lose the actual mental capacity - and ability to even imagine & 'entertain' the idea if you will, that maybe just f**kin maybe, even consider just for a moment-that for some people it might actually be the best solution/ resolution for them, intelligent people seem to become incredibly narrow minded when it comes to the subject ( of course I get that intelligent people can be narrow minded generally) yet youd hope they would have the intellectual scope to grasp that despite what they may think & feel- others feel very differently. Hope that makes sense.
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Sep 9, 2019
"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" - this is one of my least favourites!! what if it IS actually a rational solution to a permanent problem!! some peoples mind's just seem to shut down when they consider or hear about suicidal thgts- like they lose the actual mental capacity - and cognitive ability to even imagine & 'entertain' the idea - if you will- that maybe just f**kin maybe life is no longer worth it, & they seem unwilling to even consider just for a moment-that for some people it might actually be the best solution/ resolution for themselves, intelligent people seem to become incredibly narrow minded when it comes to the subject ( of course I 'get' that intelligent people can be narrow minded generally also) yet you'd hope they would have the intellectual scope & recondite imagination to atleast try and grasp that despite what they may think & feel- others feel very differently-and that for some life quite simply is not worth living. The reasons for which are multifarious & complex. Hope that makes sense.
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Sep 9, 2019
A different spin but "they took the easy way out" is one that irritates me. It's a combination of ignorance, cold-heart and a degree of smugness.
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No ctrl-z when you ctb
Oct 25, 2019
I also hate "everything happens for a reason," and "god doesn't give us more than we can handle." Well, the reason sucks and life is too much to handle.
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The only way out is through
Oct 23, 2019
And my favorites:
Count your blessings.
Have you done a gratitude list?
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I have a very permanent problem so I hate when people say that. And my favorite of them all....someone always has it worse than you. Why the hell do people always say that to me? It doesn't make me feel any better! I don't take pleasure in the fact of knowing people have it worse than me. It's kind of sick if that's why people say that to others. I think my problem is enough to want to die, having one if the highest ranking pain conditions and being a prisoner of my home for over 14 years because I can't take sound. But ok, I'll hang on because someone has it worse. Makes no damn sense.
I also hate "everything happens for a reason," and "god doesn't give us more than we can handle." Well, the reason sucks and life is too much to handle.
Omg I hate those too! God obviously gave people a lot more than they could handle because they killed themselves! People are so damn ignorant. And everything is meant to happen. No. Just plain no. So I'm supposed to suffer from age 20 until I die? Because I have an incurable painful disease. I'm 34 now. I serve no purpose. I experience no happiness but that's how I'm supposed to be?!? Again. Just no.
A different spin but "they took the easy way out" is one that irritates me. It's a combination of ignorance, cold-heart and a degree of smugness.
I hate that too. Or they're cowards. Death is easier. No not really. Do people know how hard it is to work up the balls to kill yourself? And especially when peoples attempts have gone bad and they have to try again? My friend who killed herself three years ago because she had Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is the same pain condition I have was strong as hell for doing so. She took charge of her own life and death when the doctors could no longer help her. Well they we're never able to help her. Like me, they tried a bunch of things over periods of years and nothing helped. I've had this for 14 years. More in fact and I think I suffered long enough to pay my dues.
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Jan 25, 2019
Yeah people say stupid shit all of the time. It's not the same thing really, but even that "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind!" stupidity drives me crazy. Im sure it sounded smart at the time but it's stupid. A really smart person coined it. I believe it was Ghandi just off of the top of my head. Had to be him. A lot more "compassion" than intelligence there. It reaches that threshold where you're so compassionate, that you're actually not compassionate at all.

Most of the world is incapable of empathy. They only feel it when it happens to them, so you'd actually have a whole world that can finally see! The harm they've caused anyway. The world would be full of empathy and therefore it'd be a better place. We'd all be scarred, but just look at the compassion on this forum? Because we're all scarred.

The quote you mentioned is even worse. I'm not even sure they're trying to be compassionate while effectively comparing someone's dog running away to someone who might have been sexually abused or beaten and tortured while they're brain was still developing. I get easily triggered so if someone said that to me? I'd make them feel just as stupid as they sound.

I believe in vengeance. Strongly. "Treat others as you want to be treated." Says it all right there.

(I googled the quote and it's attributed to Ghandi but with no reference as to when. Maybe something he commonly spoke of.)
A different spin but "they took the easy way out" is one that irritates me. It's a combination of ignorance, cold-heart and a degree of smugness.

Yeah. It's actually the hardest thing to do. Unless you're Hitler! He took the easy way out...
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Protesting the conditions of an inhumane world
Oct 2, 2019
A different spin but "they took the easy way out" is one that irritates me. It's a combination of ignorance, cold-heart and a degree of smugness.
I was never really bothered about this one but thinking about it again, it's irritating because if it was so easy, I'd have done it by now.
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Oct 6, 2019
suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem - this is one of my least favourites!! what if it actually a rational solution to a permanent problem!!

I have mentioned in other threads that
" Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" is also one of my least favorites and I have to say one of the most asinine sayings I've ever heard in my life!

I was in a psych ward when I was a teenager and as part of our "art therapy" we had to do a collage where we took magazines and cut letters and words out to spell out this saying and then we had to paste them onto cardboard and decoupage over it so that the letters wouldn't fall off. Then they forced us to hang them in our rooms and look at it every day. It was somehow supposed to remind us that our problems were temporary or some stupid crap like that. Well, that was about 36 years ago for me, and here I am still with a lot of the same problems I had then. Guess it turned out to not be very temporary! I knew it wasn't temporary even back then. It's just an easy way for people to dismiss a person's issues, but also puff themselves up by feeling like they're helping you. They get to dismiss you and help you all in one dumbass statement.
This saying was tailor-made for the psychiatric industry.
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Tired of Life
Oct 9, 2019
"If people killed themselves because of every problem, there would be no one left."

I've heard this before and it makes me upset because it seems to downplay depression and other problems that may lead others to be suicidal. I also really don't like the "Just stay strong!" stuff. Just "staying strong" won't make my problems go away.
Said by people whose biggest problem they have is next doors cat shitting in their garden
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Oct 26, 2019
agreed. people who say stuff like that have no concept of (or empathy for) the reality of people who suicide.
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pain in my heart

pain in my heart

Oct 26, 2019
I guess people have this mentality of 'If I can do it, so can you.' or something similar, which I find it to be quite demeaning and hilarious quite frankly. Every single individual has a different upbringing and life path which affects said individual in a unique way. Just because one has a happy life, does not mean everyone else does. It's mind blowing how little respect we get just because we might be tired of living in our society. Why don't we get a choice of when we want to end things? Why must we endure everything throw to us with a smile on our faces? Just because we as a society can't accept that the world has failed a great number of it's own population?
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Oct 22, 2019
No one talks to me so I dont hear such things really


Walking ThePathOfSorrow, destination Denebokshiri
Oct 12, 2019
It used to get to me, but after hearing it so much, my ears grew numb to the words. I told people that if I decided to Ultimately take my life in the end, that whatever they told me would just be a waste of breath and I'm just going to do it anyway. So then, after awhile people just took my advice and saved their breath, that's one annoyance out of the way now.

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