

hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
In the title. (planning on oding and drowning in bathtub after making myself pass out with NOS with a balloon) I want to mix that with old quetapine/seroquel pills if it won't make it me throw up. Anyone know? also if you know the quantity i would need for it to work? (im 4'11, 45kg, exercise, and i drink every other day i haven't taken the pills in a very long time so no tolerance)

i also heard it's good to take a promethazine pill or two like an hour before or something to help with nausea or throwing up before oding. please help :(

also what could i do to prevent throwing up while carrying tbis out?
also the alcohol of choice is wray n nephews, im not too sure how much of that i should drink as well to optimise this
Wolf Girl

Wolf Girl

Not looking for advice or a pep talk
Jun 12, 2024
You will most likely throw up even with promethazine. Please don't overdose on stuff like antipsychotics. It's not reliable and the consequences can suck if you survive.
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hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
You will most likely throw up even with promethazine. Please don't overdose on stuff like antipsychotics. It's not reliable and the consequences can suck if you survive.
what if i were to maybe replace the quetapine with some xanax? or not even overdose just take like 3-5 pills (the dose i used to take was 2 pills) just to kind of get that shallow breathing and sedation
to be honest the main goal is to pass out in the tub so i don't even need to overdose if i can get myself to pass out with the alcohol or anything else but then i might black out and not end up using the balloon and fail
and also as well the pills are justso that i get so tired i don't want to/can't move out of the tub before i pass out
what if i were to maybe replace the quetapine with some xanax? or not even overdose just take like 3-5 pills (the dose i used to take was 2 pills) just to kind of get that shallow breathing and sedation
to be honest the main goal is to pass out in the tub so i don't even need to overdose if i can get myself to pass out with the alcohol or anything else but then i might black out and not end up using the balloon and fail
and also as well the pills are justso that i get so tired i don't want to/can't move out of the tub before i pass out
the main thing that will end up getting me is the NOS because i plan to hyperventilate a bit then take it through the balloon so there will be very little oxygen in me, and pair that with drowning if i get this right i should die fairly easily
ORRR ACTUALLYYYY maybe i could skip the other drugs, maybe take a few promethazine pills or more depending on my research, MAYBE drink alcohol and just do as much ketamine as i can in the tub and just pray
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