

Apr 8, 2020
I live in the UK we had documentaries from celebrities on sucide prevention. One British celebrity called Roman Kemp he made a documentary called Roman Kemp: Our Silent Emergency which looks at suicide in young men. Roman had a close friend who killed himself and it came as major shock to him as nobody was expecting this. His friend was always outgoing and outwardly happy.

Like most suicide prevention documentaries Kemp talks about the importance of reaching out to family and friends and seeking help. The thing is NOT everyone has caring friends or family. I have a large family tree of aunties, uncles and cousins growing none of them don't care about me. I had an auntie who I was close too and trusted. She was gossiping about my insecurities to all my relatives and told everyone I was "crazy". The arsehole relatives were finding it hilarious my insecurities and me being the crazy one.

When I was at university and I mentioned I was suicidal to my friends in my law class. One of my friends is a Christian and she said I should talk to my family and relatives. She couldn't understand when I told her my relatives are not nice people and talking to them is not an option.

I wish suicide prevention campaigners can stop telling people to reach to family and friends because not everyone has caring friends and family. If a person doesn't reach out it is for a very good reason. People don't react well to suicide and mental health
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Sep 30, 2023
As usual, these celebrity do - gooder types are out of touch with reality.
They fail to realise that a large majority of the worlds population have either no friends or family, or like me, they have an extremely toxic family and no friends.
Even if I did have someone to talk to, they wouldn't understand.
Yet, at least the Sanctioned suicide family understands me.
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Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
I'm a bit conflicted when it comes to this type of suicide prevention/awareness things. On the one hand, it is unquestionably good that they discuss suicide out in the open, and I believe people like this Roman Kemp fellow mean well, are deeply affected by the loss of someone close, and want to do something to help.

On the other hand, focusing on preventing suicide is going about it backwards. Most people don't kill themselves for a laugh or out of boredom. Most people who kill themselves would rather live, if it weren't for the fact that living is immensely painful for them. If you could take some of that pain away and make the load of life a bit more bearable, a suicidal person might want to give recovery a shot. But alleviating suffering is not something that you can accomplish with a documentary, or an "awareness" campaign online.

You don't prevent suicide by telling people not to kill themselves. You prevent suicide by helping the suicidal person to have a life they feel is worth living.
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Sep 18, 2023
Seems spot on.

I think if someone were to make an accurate documentary, it would be rejected immediately by the mainstream (if it even gets published in the first place).

These types of truths are too difficult for them to handle.
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In the valley of death I am their king.
Apr 28, 2023
People don't want to hear what they don't understand, therefore. Documentaries on suicide are made for (and by) the mentally well. I cannot watch documentaries on suicide due to this exact reason.
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It was an indescribable pain
Oct 2, 2023
Not to mention that for a lot of people even having family and friends to reach out to doesn't really help because people's issues are different and complex and suicidality doesn't have the same root for everyone. I've yet to find a documentary on the topic that doesn't feel extremely out of touch to me.
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Oct 19, 2023
Not to mention that for a lot of people even having family and friends to reach out to doesn't really help because people's issues are different and complex and suicidality doesn't have the same root for everyone. I've yet to find a documentary on the topic that doesn't feel extremely out of touch to me.
Also the complexity, that most friends and family will never know you're not okay, even if they try to look for signs. A lot of people are great at masking and will never let it slip myself included.
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Jul 10, 2023
Those who make these kinds of documentaries or just advocating for suicide prevention in general don't understand why we are like this, instead stating the supposedly obvious because of their ignorance. They will never understand the complexity of our situations and how most of this time it is probably chronic, meaning, they won't be fixed.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I saw an advert from Norwich fc and samaritans. It's two guys at the soccer and one is looking all stressed and depressed and the other is all cheerful and supportive. Then the twist is, the cheerful one ctbs in the end. I feel like this is a bit of trope, that suicidal people don't look like they need help, that they don't reach out, that they wear a false smile. Sure you have people like Robin williams, but anyone who knew anything could see he was struggling.

In truth suicidal people are in plain site but they are often ignored or cast aside. I think this is do gooders just gaslighting themselves
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Waiting to step off in front of an audience
Sep 9, 2023
It would be good if we had a documentary from someone who plans and does CTB. I think that type of perspective would be good to see.
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All human rights are important
Feb 5, 2021
Humans in general behave like sheep (follow everyone one else to a big extend). Do not have the amount of individuality is other animals like cats, dogs. I think that because: These animals for example do not adapt to a language and culture into the society they are born into. If you clone the animals and have them experience the same upbringing, then they would turn out very different. (saw that in a documentary about an Asian guy who did clone his pet. He was disappointed about that fact).

Suicidal feelings aside. If someone wants to suicide themselves and reject help, then that's their decision. But if one wants help instead, then that is also ok. Everyone has the right to make his own decision if he is not a minor anymore and do not affect the freedom of other people. You do not ban people from drinking large amount of alcohol regularly for many years, which they later then regret or cause them health issues.

This stuff banning people from suicide and putting them into some mental facility against their will. It is making suicide much more of a taboo topics and people will not talk about that. But still it will happen.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
You don't prevent suicide by telling people not to kill themselves. You prevent suicide by helping the suicidal person to have a life they feel is worth living.


Suicde = defntly complx & imo thre wll nevr b a 1-sze fts all

Frm wht am awre tho men oftn fnd reachng out mre dffclt & wll suffr in silnce bcse emotnl vulnrblty hs bn mockd fr mny of thm fr s/ lng -- s/ persnlly slf thnk tht d-stigmtisng & normlisng askng fr hlp = v postve stp t/ mke

Slf agree tho tht whle tht wll b benefcl fr mny ppl thre wll stll b a lrge grp wh/ wll nt hve tht luxry of gd spport systm
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Oct 21, 2023
Suicide has always been treated as some sort of "Stop being sad and talk to people who care." Even in suicide prevention lessons, they ask you to recognize people who seem very depressed all the time. People don't want to acknowledge the truth that seemingly happy people can be suicidal because that would point to a failure of society as a whole to actually care about each other's feelings without just pointing towards therapy and self improvement.
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Jul 14, 2023
The main reason people want to kill themselves is they don't think their life is worth living. Instead of locking people up and drugging them we should help them actually work on their life to make it better.
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The one and only king of cucumbers
Feb 22, 2023
When I told a friend that I was in the Psychiatry because of an attempt she said she doesn't want to talk about it because she doesn't know what to say. That's not helpful in the slightest.

I told my Ex about my fathers reaction to me coming out as trans. (He tried to get me drunk so I'd admit I faked it). He said he didn't know what to say to that. I talked with him about his sexual abuse history for 5 hours. I was frustrated.

My father screamed at me for attempting when I got back home from the facility. He got drunk in front of my cousin and uncle and screamed at me again. They didn't even know what had happened.

My mother called me selfish. My therapist did so too. In front of my parents at that.

Friend, family and even professionals aren't always helpful.
The main reason people want to kill themselves is they don't think their life is worth living. Instead of locking people up and drugging them we should help them actually work on their life to make it better.
For real. The worst week in my life was the week after my attempt that I spent locked up.
I'm deadly afraid of being locked up. I didn't know about this before it happened. When I broke down the staff screamed at me that I faked the panic attack just so I could get out and kill myself. The psychologist in there didn't believe me either. Had I been there for another day I'd have banged my head against the wall because being locked up was so much worse than my suicidal thoughts yet no one believed me. It was the worst week of my life and it made everything worse.

I now suffer from anxiety in situations when I feel like I can't get out. Be that on crowded trains or even just watching a movie were a character is locked up. I had a panic attack once because I felt like I was locked up on earth and not being able to leave was a terrifying thought. I'm traumatized because of that experience. Yet everyone thinks locking people up is somehow helping them and they think it is a positive thing. This is so infuriating to me. When I tell them I'm traumatized from that they say I don't know what real trauma is and that they just wanted to help me. Yeah of course. Locking me up and threatening to get a court order to lock me up for at least 2 weeks if I refuse to sign a document stating that I'm voluntarily there is helping me. Lying to me and telling me that I can go after a day when they planned on holding me hostage for 2 weeks is also very helpful. Not listening to me is too. I'm so angry that my country supports this kind of treatment. It's sickening.
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Feb 3, 2023
The only thing anyone who tried to prevent someone from CTB has ever achieved is to make their life worse.

Recovery is as much a personal decision as suicide is.

Suicide prevention is flawed right from the beginning because its goal is to force people to live no matter what.
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Nov 5, 2022
I just feel like discourse needs to be built upon more instead of repeating the same things such as "Reach out for help" and "Seek treatment". Suicide is a very complex issue like you said and the factors leading one to a voluntary death quite often need to be dealt with uniquely to avoid one from feeling like it is their only option.

I have personally been reaching out for help, practically begging for it for a lot of my life and I just never receive true help no matter how much I plead. I've just given up on asking for additional help for the time being. I think true suicide prevention should aim to prevent suicidality more so than the actual act of suicide. I believe that a more effective approach to suicide prevention would be near synonymous with suffering reduction, abuse reduction, etc.

Perhaps I am oversimplifying it a bit, but I just feel like we could all benefit from new approaches being taken to reduce the number of individuals who want to die in the first place. I suppose I'm suggesting suicide preventionists could benefit from focusing on the roots to suicidality instead of chopping away at the metaphorical tree limbs of it. I hope that makes sense.
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New Member
Oct 6, 2023
It sort of seems like everyone thinks people think of suicide on a whim- not everything can be talked through, and the things that are able to be talked through and fixed that way are typically not fundamental to the person's life/well being.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
Suicide is not something that in itself needs to be prevented, so of course a suicide prevention documentary will fail to address the reality of suicide. It is destined to from the beginning because it's based on the misguided idea that suicide must be prevented, so it will ignore the reality of suicidal people to uphold that fantasy.
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
I've been reaching out for 5 years to various people, including to "so called" mental health professionals. Yet to met anyone who REALLY cares beyond what they will get out of it (i.e. a paycheck).
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Apr 8, 2020
As usual, these celebrity do - gooder types are out of touch with reality.
They fail to realise that a large majority of the worlds population have either no friends or family, or like me, they have an extremely toxic family and no friends.
Even if I did have someone to talk to, they wouldn't understand.
Yet, at least the Sanctioned suicide family understands me.
@Nembutal dreams It is time society starred discussing seriously the effects toxic families and relatives can have on an individuals mental health. Family abuse is another cause for people killing themselves or suffering mental health problems as result of the abuse.

I am a child of immigrants and its shocking how in immigrant families abuse within families goes unchallenged. In my parents culture ( African) you are not allowed to argue with older people in the family even if their behaviour is wrong. If you do you are seen as a bad person and coming from a bad family etc. Families in my parents culture value image a lot and anything that brings shame on the family is not acceptable as result my family put pressure on me to be perfect.

My relatives being deeply religious use the concept of Christian forgiveness to shame anyone in the family who chooses not to forgive abusive relatives this is why too many relatives keep getting away with thier behaviour and abuse.

I have grown to hate my relatives and my family can't understand because the relatives can do no wrong in thier eyes and still love these abusive freeloading parasites. Then my own family call me a "sinner" for not loving the relatives.

i was happier during lockdown no longer having to see my toxic relatives anymore.
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Jul 18, 2023
I'm a bit conflicted when it comes to this type of suicide prevention/awareness things. On the one hand, it is unquestionably good that they discuss suicide out in the open, and I believe people like this Roman Kemp fellow mean well, are deeply affected by the loss of someone close, and want to do something to help.

On the other hand, focusing on preventing suicide is going about it backwards. Most people don't kill themselves for a laugh or out of boredom. Most people who kill themselves would rather live, if it weren't for the fact that living is immensely painful for them. If you could take some of that pain away and make the load of life a bit more bearable, a suicidal person might want to give recovery a shot. But alleviating suffering is not something that you can accomplish with a documentary, or an "awareness" campaign online.

You don't prevent suicide by telling people not to kill themselves. You prevent suicide by helping the suicidal person to have a life they feel is worth living.
Absolutely right.


Sep 30, 2023
@Nembutal dreams It is time society starred discussing seriously the effects toxic families and relatives can have on an individuals mental health. Family abuse is another cause for people killing themselves or suffering mental health problems as result of the abuse.

I am a child of immigrants and its shocking how in immigrant families abuse within families goes unchallenged. In my parents culture ( African) you are not allowed to argue with older people in the family even if their behaviour is wrong. If you do you are seen as a bad person and coming from a bad family etc. Families in my parents culture value image a lot and anything that brings shame on the family is not acceptable as result my family put pressure on me to be perfect.

My relatives being deeply religious use the concept of Christian forgiveness to shame anyone in the family who chooses not to forgive abusive relatives this is why too many relatives keep getting away with thier behaviour and abuse.

I have grown to hate my relatives and my family can't understand because the relatives can do no wrong in thier eyes and still love these abusive freeloading parasites. Then my own family call me a "sinner" for not loving the relatives.

i was happier during lockdown no longer having to see my toxic relatives anymore.
I'm so sorry your family is like this. My family was extremely abusive ( narcissistic mother and paedophile stepfather ).
Also my Sister was the " golden child " and could do no wrong, and was loved, unlike me.
I think that the concept of forgiveness is completely illogical. It removes justice and creates an imbalance in relationships.
Toxic families should never be forgiven because they are evil.
Calling you a "sinner " for not loving Toxic relatives is adding abuse to an already Toxic situation.
Christianity is an evil religion, and causes an enormous amount of suffering.
I'm happy you got to experience no contact with your Toxic family during lock down.
These people really dreadful and best avoided wherever possible.
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Apr 8, 2020
I've been reaching out for 5 years to various people, including to "so called" mental health professionals. Yet to met anyone who REALLY cares beyond what they will get out of it (i.e. a paycheck).
@losing hope You deserved so much better. I don't understand why people go into healthcare without any compassion for human suffering of the patients they see everyday. The mental health care system is broken. Society does need to be talk more seriously about how mental health professionals fail to care for the mentally ill people under their care.

People think therapists are nice caring people we see on the TV shows and films but unfortunately in real life they are therapists and healthcare professionals within the mental health care system who are not nice people and can be uncaring to those they are providing care for.
It sort of seems like everyone thinks people think of suicide on a whim- not everything can be talked through, and the things that are able to be talked through and fixed that way are typically not fundamental to the person's life/well being.
@daysfeel Society fails to grasp the real reasons why people choose to end their lives and its a decision not made lightly on a whim. We have people who suffer from more severe mental illnesses which make it extremely difficult to live a normal life ie bipolar, schizophrenia. These severely mentally ill people tried their best to treatment and to live a good life but their illnesses denied them that happiness and peace in life.

Some problems are not temporary ie a person who is declared bankrupt can not do certain things ie take a loan, get a mortgage, work can effect security clearances for certain jobs. A person who has a criminal record can struggle to get a job and will not be allowed to vist certain countries. Being diagnosed with a life changing physical illness like ALS or MS can make life extremely difficult as these conditions have no cure and progress to get worse overtime.

No one wants to leave their loved ones or leap into the unknown which is what death is but life can become too much and even worse than death itself.
I'm a bit conflicted when it comes to this type of suicide prevention/awareness things. On the one hand, it is unquestionably good that they discuss suicide out in the open, and I believe people like this Roman Kemp fellow mean well, are deeply affected by the loss of someone close, and want to do something to help.

On the other hand, focusing on preventing suicide is going about it backwards. Most people don't kill themselves for a laugh or out of boredom. Most people who kill themselves would rather live, if it weren't for the fact that living is immensely painful for them. If you could take some of that pain away and make the load of life a bit more bearable, a suicidal person might want to give recovery a shot. But alleviating suffering is not something that you can accomplish with a documentary, or an "awareness" campaign online.

You don't prevent suicide by telling people not to kill themselves. You prevent suicide by helping the suicidal person to have a life they feel is worth living.
@TransilvanianHunger The documentary host Roman Kemp comes from a preveilged family and was able to get help for his depression which he suffered in his teens and still suffers from. Kemp has very loving parents. I do feel like there is a middle class element in sucide prevention campaigns which is not everyone has the means and rescources to get help the way preveilged middle class people can. Suicide prevention campaign fail to address class issues and how they overlap with mental health.

Not everyone has a family support system. I grew up with a single mother who was always stressed about work, took it out on me at times and always complained about being too tired to deal with things so at a young age I always felt like a burden on my mother so if I had a problem I generally didn't go to my mother for help because she had enough problems already. I have lots of relatives who knew my mum was struggling as a single mother but they were too self centred to care.

Not everyone can afford to see a therapist

"You don't prevent suicide by telling people not to kill themselves. You prevent suicide by helping the suicidal person to have a life they feel is worth living." - Exactly I always believed if we had a much better compassionate world that actually helped and supported people with their problems suicide would be the exception and not the norm.
Not to mention that for a lot of people even having family and friends to reach out to doesn't really help because people's issues are different and complex and suicidality doesn't have the same root for everyone. I've yet to find a documentary on the topic that doesn't feel extremely out of touch to me.
@Scattered-Soul Not all family and friends react well on the issue of suicide. When I was 21 and reached out to my close university friends in my law class what happened was my friends eventually began to avoid me at university and stopped talking to me altogether. They saw me a werido for being suicidal. These friends prided themselves as living as good christians but failed to be good samartian to friend in a time of need.

if people do not reach out it is for a good reason.
I saw an advert from Norwich fc and samaritans. It's two guys at the soccer and one is looking all stressed and depressed and the other is all cheerful and supportive. Then the twist is, the cheerful one ctbs in the end. I feel like this is a bit of trope, that suicidal people don't look like they need help, that they don't reach out, that they wear a false smile. Sure you have people like Robin williams, but anyone who knew anything could see he was struggling.

In truth suicidal people are in plain site but they are often ignored or cast aside. I think this is do gooders just gaslighting themselves
@carac If people do not reach out it is for a very good reason. When I was 21 and reached out to my close university friends in my law class what happened was my friends eventually began to avoid me at university and stopped talking to me altogether. They saw me a werido for being suicidal. These friends prided themselves as living as good christians but failed to be good samartian to friend in a time of need.

There are far too many people who are judgmental and do not want to listen if a person reaches out. Sucide prevention campaigners should be asking why don't people reach out ?
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Deleted member 65988

When I was 21 and reached out to my close university friends in my law class what happened was my friends eventually began to avoid me at university and stopped talking to me altogether. They saw me a werido for being suicidal. These friends prided themselves as living as good christians but failed to be good samartian to friend in a time of need.
Highly hypocritical but these will be the same friends who will cry out for pity if you did ctb.