

Jan 10, 2021
i've realized people who i try to open up to, or just people who are generally good at reading others tend to look at me a lot different than a normal person. it's just the look in their eyes as if they have to treat me more carefully.
i don't know how to deal with it and i wonder if it's everyone or just certain people
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New Member
Apr 19, 2021
Sometimes they do notice and reachout because they do care. Somethings they are oblivious and just don't know. Sometimes they do know but just don't care.


Mar 21, 2021
That is nice. Some people claim to be able to sense how other people are feeling or even feel how other people are feeling but I think that is BS. My eyes look dead when I look in the mirror and I don't like making eye contact because it hurts so no idea what another person thinks.


The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
That is nice. Some people claim to be able to sense how other people are feeling or even feel how other people are feeling but I think that is BS. My eyes look dead when I look in the mirror and I don't like making eye contact because it hurts so no idea what another person thinks.
Sensing auras and stuff is (probably) BS. Reading isn't.

I have a selfie in which I look like a stage 4 cancer patient in their 10th round of chemo. Had I gone outside in that moment, someone would notice something for sure.

But there's a limit.

When I started college, I was pretending to be fine and did a class on "Psychanalysis and Law". The professor, a woman in her 50s, never noticed anything. She even came up to me to offer some work. Also, none of the psych-types or pastors who claim to have a direct connection with God have received the message either, so it really seems like it's about how much we let out.

When you go outside, if your eyes look dead and you avoid making eye contact, more perceptive people would conclude you feel sad/empty and insecure. Most of these would approach you more carefully. Some could be predators and see a potential victim. The vast majority of people, however, wouldn't notice anything (not consciously).
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