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Jul 29, 2021
To force people to die when they think that their lives are still worth living would be an undue interference with people's freedom.
To force people to suffer when they think that their lives are no longer worth living would be an undue interference with people's freedom.

it's all about the sovereignty of the individual to choose and they've taken away the right of the individuals autonomy they are interfering with that right

why would anyone want a forced bad life
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Each year feels like 10
May 29, 2024
To force people to die when they think that their lives are still worth living would be an undue interference with people's freedom.
To force people to suffer when they think that their lives are no longer worth living would be an undue interference with people's freedom.

it's all about the sovereignty of the individual to choose and they've taken away the right of the individuals autonomy they are interfering with that right

why would anyone want a forced bad life
Totally agree, and you wrote that much better than I could.
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
Define "force". I think it's crappy that methods are restricted and assisted suicide is illegal, but no one is forcing anyone to live unless they've tied them up and connected them to life support. If you tie someone up and keep them on life support against their will, I'd say that's in the same range as murder. Anything less is not as bad as murder.

It's the difference between invading one's personhood. No one owes someone a suicide method. No one owes someone food and shelter. But you do owe it to me to not invade my personhood with force to hurt me or end my life.
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Jul 29, 2021
psych wards are one place where you are forced to live against your will
Define "force".
force obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power.
coercion the government uses threats of imprisonment for ordering substance illegal substance and all out right bans them all
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
psych wards are one place where you are forced to live against your will

force obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power.
coercion the government uses threats of imprisonment for ordering substance illegal substance and all out right bans them all
I agree on psych wards (long term, at least - I'd say a short hold is a grey area depending on the circumstances). Disagree on the regulations, so much as I personally don't like them. It is an infringement, but not close to murder, imo.
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Jul 21, 2024
psych wards are one place where you are forced to live against your will
Well said, that and jail I suppose.

It's almost a form of tyranny. A misuse of force against your fellow human. It's contrary to the natural order either way.

So yeah, they are definitely on two sides of the same coin. I think people forget persuading someone is ok but forcing/manipulating them is not. It's a violation of individual sovereignty, like you said.
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Jul 11, 2024
I feel its more like preventing someone from living, imprisonment for example, vs preventing someone from dying. Murder just ends Concience and Experience, its hard to compare something to nothing.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
I suppose in the realm of lost autonomy. My knee jerk reaction is to say no, almost nothing is worse than murder. Though when you think about it in that light I'd say it has the potential to be as unethical depending on the circumstances and the personal beliefs of the person being kept alive.
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Nov 23, 2023
Murder brings suffering to family members; forcing the death seeker to live only brings suffering to the death seeker
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Jul 24, 2024
If someone doesn't feel comfortable with the life they live in, they should have a say whether or not they continue to live that life.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think the problem with suicide attempts is it likely is possible for someone to do it during a psychotic episode or, impulsively. Seeing as 'normies' likely will be shocked at the sight of someone trying to commit suicide- seeing as we aren't allowed to discuss it openly- so, they may not have thought about it from all perspectives- they likely will try to stop the person- thinking they are out of their minds.

Companies will restrict selling things like SN because minors may be trying to buy it and a commercial business isn't in a position to assess someone's mental capacity. It shouldn't be their job to either. Plus- why would a company want to be sued by angry parents? A company itself may not be too keen on the idea of people killing themselves with its products either.

I think that's the problem with DIY suicide. Even people who might be more pro-choice probably would still agree that certain things need to be regulated in order to stop children accessing them and impulsive attempts. But, seeing as suicide isn't even legalised in many parts of the world- so, can't be regulated officially via clinics, how else do they do this- other than blanket bans on things they know people use?

I'm not exactly supporting them by the way. I just feel like, as things are at the moment, it's an impossible situation. It's kind of impractical to think reliable suicide methods could become freely available without changes in the law and a whole lot of regulation.

But, like other people have said, they aren't exactly forcing people to live, they are simply making it hard to die. But, not impossible. The police officers let me keep my SN, despite me telling them what I had bought it for. I think the main thing was- I made it clear it wasn't for imminent use and I (hopefully) came across as reasonably mentally stable.

Obviously, anything in public will be stopped if people can stop it. I think, to a certain extent, it's pretty foolish to attempt where there's a strong likelihood you would be noticed and stopped. Plus, I suspect most people don't want them or their children to witness something like that, so they'll prevent it for those reasons also. Some public suicides endanger others too so- same goes.
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Randy Savage

Randy Savage

“Macho Man”
Jul 23, 2024
It depends on the situation and the person, but I would tend to say that someone being unable to choose their actions for too long can easily ruin their life.
In my life, the control that's exerted over me makes me forget who I am and drives much of my suicidal ideation. I've known people who have came back strong and with an even greater zeal for life from their abusive situation, however.
Have a talk with people who have survived the draft, prison, troubled teen industry, etc. and your perspective on this particular issue may change.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
I agree that restricting suicide methods is as bad as murder, it's like kidnapping someone and saying they aren't entitled to the front door key..
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Jun 26, 2024
I fucking hate the moral stiffnecks thinking throwing suicidal people in inpatient somehow helps them. It makes me just even angrier.
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Jan 9, 2024
forcing those without will to care would be seen as awful to me...

Everyone has a right and reason to do certain things

Forcing some people to live against their beliefs and wishes. To do labor and contribute to a stupid, , flawed, corrupted, meaningless society
is horrible to me..
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Aug 18, 2022
Let me put it this way: normal people will never understand the pain of wanting to live in a different reality.
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