
Aug 18, 2020
Recently I had the naive dream to make my master degree after bachelor. There are many reasons why this won't happen. I only study part-time because I am so fragile. I don't have the money to sustain my studies for such a long time. And my parents were not that happy when I told them my consideration.
Though the bigger problem is: I doubt I will finish the bachelor without a relapse and I plan to kill myself after the next psychosis. I am anxious as fuck about the pain that will likely return.

But there is another thought which gave me the idea for this thread.
A person who impressed me very much was a physics professor. He saw through my charade to pretend I was exceptionally smart. This dude was insanely smart and educated. He accurately pointed out that my knowledge and education is pretty shallow. I am glad I met him and that he gave me that feedback. It motivated me to read more on scientific methods and search for better sources. At one point he was kind of rude but it is pretty good when people bring you back to earth. I am often very reflective many therapists praised me for that and told me how smart I was. This guy helped me to become less arrogant and more humble. I am not sure whether I am that now and how much I improved actually. Interestingly he also noticed a certain pathological thinking of mine. This guy hated me though. He hated my whole personality and behavior. Lol.
To sum it up. This guy really deserved the title professor. And I have huge respect of people who are professors now.

In college I met some professors who did not really seem to be that smart (or even educated). I have some professor who are very obviously not interested in their subject or at least not at teaching, So maybe it is a generalization. I am really not sure. In general I would say yes professors usuallly are experts in their field. But one probably also has to differentiate between different subjects. There are probably also bad apples. But I give them the benefit of the doubt. However maybe I worship authority figures a little bit too much.

I think to make a hierachy and to say the highest title means the highest intelligence does not work at all. It is rather a ridiculous thought. Many variables determine such a position like socio-economical background. I have met many smart doctors in medicine. I think a PhD for them is a necessity whereas the title professor is not that common among them. So in this field I don't see a huge difference between doctors and professors.

I told many stories in this forum about my experiences with psychologists and psychiatrist. I really had the feeling the psychiatrists were most often smarter than the psychologists. Still there are bad apples on both sides.

Only anecdotal: I met one very competent psychologist. Still he had clearly flaws and made mistakes. That is probably human and cannot be avoided. However he was pretty good at giving diagnosis and "could see through the patients". For example pathologies in their behavior. So a very good observer. He had a PhD.

So the perfect counterexample. Another psychologist of mine. Honestly this woman was a mess. I feel sorry for her patients. She was horrible at her job. She had a PhD and was even lecturer at a college. She gave me wrong diagnoses and was anti-empathetic. I did not take antipsychotics at that time and told her a lot of bullshit and she believed everything without questioning it for any second. I was very agitated at that time. She never realized that despite the fact we met us more than 30 times.
The former psychologist realized that just by looking at me within 5 minutes.

The ironic thing is both came to the conclusion that I am an hopeless case who will kill himself at the same timepoint (when I was fired), The good therapist insisted that I should give college another shot (my last chance). When I told that the bad therapist she laughed at me and called the idea crazy,
So far I am able to study and made some progress. I still think my future looks very dark and that suicide awaits me. But for the moment my life quality increased a lot because I listened to his advice.

So it is all anecdotally. I think academic titles can be hints. I am ambivalent on it. I might be too obsessed by status and worship things like that too much. I will never reach a high title for sure. Though I hope I can avoid homelessness.

What is your opinion and experience with it?
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Aug 26, 2022
It means 0 in my opinion. The university I went to was filled with arrogant, unintelligent, close minded people who just were able to score really good on tests (teachers and students alike). Ted Kaczynski has a really nice quote about this:
"The university intellectuals play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values."
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Aug 29, 2022
I am into this system for about 15 years, now even as an actual professor. The post above about professors being conformists is the absolute truth. People outside the academic world really do not know how funding and research work. We (professors) follow essentially the money trail. In each field (at least in the STEM sector) there ar mainstream topics, they are defined in a different way, in general, a mix of political lobbying, fashionable agendas (like green nowadays), and interests of industries. Universities in general starve for money so if there is the possibility to get anything by researching the topic XYZ, professors will blindly jump on the boat. No independent thought at all. If a student tries to do something outside of the pack is immediately isolated.

Publishing is another big scam, the goal is not to advance knowledge but to meet arbitrary metric set by universities for career advancement. Such metrics can be easily played by the academic in such a way to satisfy the criteria of your institution. This include splitting the results across as may articles as possible, taking shortcut in the research, publishing to early. This excluding the cases of frauds that are more common than you imagine.

PhD are not more educated than the norm, noaways PhD students are just papers machines, put into the system and spotted out after the produced the required amount of paper for the professors.

Ah yes, most teacher do not give a fuck about the topic they are teaching. Teaching is just something annoying we have to do but few of us actually enjoy it. I for one do not enjoy it at all, the only small satisfaction is the ability to fail students or to decline their requests. I just cannot stand anymore the laziness of GenZ, they are fragile as glass, entitled, and in general not used to hard work.

This without considering university in ICT. That is the biggest joke on poor people. You do not need a bachelor or a master in computer science. All the material that is required noways is available freely on the internet...
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