glad it’s night

glad it’s night

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…
Apr 19, 2021
Has a family member, relative or friend of yours (in real life) CTB?
What was the method?
Did they leave a note?
What were the stated or suspected reasons?
What kind of job did they have?
Did they have a family? Or significant other?
What age were they at the time?
When did it happen?
How did you and others who knew the person react?

My uncle hanged himself almost 10 years ago at age 42. Didn't leave a note as far as I know. He worked a low wage job at a loading dock and lived in a spare room at his sister's (my aunt) house. He had been married once for a short time but had been divorced for probably 8-10 years and they'd had no kids. I'll always wonder about the exact reasons. I heard a rumor it was because he fell in love with a con artist who robbed him, but maybe that was just the final straw that broke the camel's back.
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Apr 10, 2021
Do we have the same uncle?? My uncle hanged himself too at the age 42. In my family it's said he did it because of financial reasons or because he did something and was afraid of going to jail.
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Dec 18, 2019
A friend of mine's son, who killed himself around two or so years ago.
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Jan 11, 2021
my cousin. 3 years ago. He was around 30. he was ok. then he went nuts. they say it was bhang. i think he just lost his mind. he poisoned himself. he died a slow death. was hospitalized in vegetative state for almost 2 weeks. kind of he did the right thing. he had become just a zombie.
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Jun 27, 2020
An uncle by partial hanging in his car. I don't know well this part of my family but I would say that he had around 45. Don't know the details.
However I know that one of his sister had a severe depression after that.

One of my aunt with an accident by car. After an argument with her son, she did it. She was hit by her son and her husband. Her daughter posts a note every year on her death's day.

A friend by OD. Don't know why he did it and don't know if he let a letter. But the neighbours called the police or ambulance because the same album was turning since 2 days. I was not feeling good when I learnt it. Every morning when I was going to school, we past in front of his house and I was remembering him each time.

The father of my ex bf. He hanged himself fully. He wrote a letter and did put it in the mail box of his ex wife with the key of his house. In the evening, we read the letter. His son with who his was not in good contact was saying that everything was all right but I didn't agree and we decided to go there. I opened the door and saw his feet in the empty space. I screamed and called an ambulance. His son detached him. It was too late. After that his ex wife became alcoholic and his son was crying every night.
Then, we moved in the house where his killed himself and the bouts of wood were still there. I was not feeling good and decided to leave this house and do my life.
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Circling the drain
May 13, 2020
Yes, set himself on fire after many attempts by other methods.
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I just want to sell out my funeral
Feb 21, 2019
Yes, my best friend in the world in 2018. It's time for me to join her, as much as I wish things were different.
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Oct 8, 2020
A few kids from high school, that's it. One of my classmates's twin. Parents found her hung in her barn apparently, gotta be difficult. I never met the one who CTBed as she did it before we entered high school that I attended with her sister. But her sister was beautiful.

Also this kid who was amazingly athletic. I remember he was just amazing at every sport. Got a hockey scholarship to college. Then heard that he CTB in his first semester, some kind of relationship issue or something.

And another former high school classmate. Just happened a few months ago. Hadn't been in touch with her in a couple decades though.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Quite a few friends now :(
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Yes in various ways.
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Conducting an experiment on how it feels to die
Jun 7, 2021
Yes, a friend many years ago in school. I would of been 16 or so at the time. We weren't especially close but we belonged to the same group of friends and were friendly with each other. As far as we could work out afterwards I may have been the last person he spoke to. Bummed a smoke from him during lunch break, he never went back to class. He went home and hung himself, he was found that evening. To this day we don't know why.
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Nov 16, 2019
A guy I worked closely with at my old sales job..Mark was his name. He drank too much and 2 weeks before his wedding, he got in a fight with his girlfriend and shot himself in the chest while drunk. His fiance was a mess at funeral. It hit me quite hard I was only 23. RIP buddy.
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gianni rage

gianni rage

Oct 23, 2020
Has a family member, relative or friend of yours (in real life) CTB?
What was the method?
Did they leave a note?
What were the stated or suspected reasons?
What kind of job did they have?
Did they have a family? Or significant other?
What age were they at the time?
When did it happen?
How did you and others who knew the person react?

My uncle hanged himself almost 10 years ago at age 42. Didn't leave a note as far as I know. He worked a low wage job at a loading dock and lived in a spare room at his sister's (my aunt) house. He had been married once for a short time but had been divorced for probably 8-10 years and they'd had no kids. I'll always wonder about the exact reasons. I heard a rumor it was because he fell in love with a con artist who robbed him, but maybe that was just the final straw that broke the camel's back.


I am 51 this year. I have personally known seven people who have "self-delivered". One of them I was married to, she was 30 when she CTB, I was supposed to go with her but backed out. She did it the day after my birthday and the day before Thanksgiving in 2000---two days I was never fond of anyway. She was a writer and had really emotionally unravelled over the previous three years and her fucking control-freak aunt, who was the trustee of all of her money, made her check into this posh, renowned psych hospital near Harvard where they held her for months, ultimately giving her Electro-Convulsive Therapy. She agreed to it, so she couldnt accuse them of forcing her, but she really wasnt thinking clearly during the discussions..Llater, in retrospect, she felt like they pushed her into it. In any event, they didn't work, and they affected her memory terribly, which never came back, and she ended up sliding into the deepest depression she had ever been in. She came back to NYC and I took care of her the best I could (her fucking aunt owned our apartment!), but I was myself in a freefall, which led to us making a schedule, with a CTB date sometime in autumn. I procrastinated having the follow up conversations until late October, when I told her I wasn't ready and wanted to wait a little while longer (I was 30) She said she understood and I thought the discussion was off the table for a while but then she disappeared that morning in late November but left all of her private papers and banking information and anything else I might need neatly on the table for me, and I knew something was up.
I didnt know what to do so I called her best friend in Boston and let her handle the family, who also made the necessary calls to police, etc...But she had outflanked them, and turned up at the Algonquin Hotel (a New York City hotel with famous literary associations that she loved), in a room, having OD'd on all of her many anti-depressants and just about every other pill we had in the house. I still hate to think about her death, that it may have been painful and frightening, with her body going into shock, maybe seizures---I dont know...She had an eating disorder and was only 98 lbs, so hopefully she died fast---she also had 60 xanax, which might have knocked her out before she experienced the worst of it.... She left several notes in the room, none of which expressed any resentments or recriminations toward anyone (in spite of her bitterness toward her family)and had put on her most beautiful dress. I dont think a day goes by, and some days, not an hour passes, that I dont wish I went with her...

Later was a close friend of her's, a well-known, commercially successful folk-pop singer who actually managed to stab himself in his own heart with a steak knife when he was 34. He was very troubled, but the immediate trigger remains a mystery (his girlfriend was in the next room and they were having an intense argument, but nothing freakishly intense or scary) Another two were my close friends, a brilliant couple who I knew from the East Village. Teresa was a phenomenally successful game designer, but Blake (Jeremy, but we all called him by his last name always) was truly considered an important up-and-coming creative force in the art world, and today is regarded a digital art genius whose works are at MOMA. She took an overdose and he disappeared, but it is believed he walked into the ocean on Long Island about a week later....She was about 40 at the time, and I am pretty certain he was my age, so he would have been 36 (it happened in 2007) Until this day no one is sure why they did it.

WAY BEFORE ALL of that there was my friend Scotty, who, at the tender age of 15 and a half, found himself 10 grand in debt to a coke dealer...Frightened, desperate and not knowing what the hell to do, he used his father's service pistol (retired USMC) and put a bullet in his brain. All of us were questioned by the police, not because there was ever any suspicion of foul play, but due to a larger investigation that was coincidentally at that very moment trying to tighten a noose around this dealer (and several others) If my poor friend had held on a little bit longer the source of his terrible fear, fear which had proved mortal, would have been behind bars...

THERE ARE SEVERAL MORE---more than 7, truth be told, probably way more---but those are all I can exhume right now...There is another bizarre case: A psycho-stalker who I connected with through a writing group on Facebook ten years ago who was aging this batshit campaign against me (he had gone off his meds, and right around that time I had rebuffed advances of his), sending the most otherworldly, insane emails to friends in this group, accusing me (and another person in London) of being Satanists and witches and ritual child murderers (because I had an album of pix dedicated to Wednesday Adams)----all the while communicating with me in a completely civil, congenial spirit via email and PM, although I hesitated corresponding with him because he was getting weirder and weirder) The other members of the group actually KEPT HIS LUNACY from me because they were afraid I was too emotionally labile at that moment to deal with it, and tried to solve this issue by themselves!!
Long story short, I received a phone call from the LAPD wanting to ask me some questions after he jumped from his 20th story condo, because his computer was PACKED with a thousand folders and documents and screen-shots pertaining to ME---and his fucking family were CONVINCED that their LUNATIC SON had to have been "driven" to suicide....The cops never really did more than just go through the motions with these people, as it was clear this man was frighteningly unhinged, and almost certainly the real danger, so the call was just a routine chat that they werer almost embarrassed about making, but I was more than cooperative----I let them have the entire archive of my exchanges with him so his fucking family could see that their son who they were suddenly so righteously concerned with, was spinning the darkest, sickest web out of his own twisted mind which would ultimately strangle him while they were busy with their live....

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Apr 19, 2021
My relative but I never met her personally..she hanged herself to death
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