
Jun 5, 2024
any conversation i have falls squarely flat, conversations more cerebral feel like conversations between colleagues and not "friends", and even the more naive girls in pinafore dresses are looking elsewhere in environments which facilitate the sort of potential interaction they want to have, and i can't fit that model because frankly i'm not interested in modifying my behaviour so as to appeal to some arbitrary "ideal" anymore, it's laughably absurd and jesuistic, makes my flesh crawl, and honestly now i just feel sorry for my friends who seem to care far more than i ever could

they also have many gripes about companionship, "it's draining, mental taxation. high effort, no payoff" or some other phrase streamlining defeatism, their considerations now placed into resolving their problems with escorts or pining for bariatrics just to get it over with, lol. seems to be almost true of everyone i know, aside from my parents and distant acquaintances who have been bred into robust sinecures. either that or they play to their ignorance, saying that they want security, someone who isn't a whore etc., all with the purpose of evading the issue

well, i am limited to the locale of my network, so -- refusing to participate in the barbarism of dating apps again -- i'm to watch as my friends all either turn to bordellos or flounder and martial in cope after cope. wish that i could do something for them, but again i've become too tired of theorycrafting ways to develop, i can only offer airy pathologizing and nothing concrete, though that's still better than following PUA spiel, i don't want to see them reduced to comically gauche morons subscribing to "self-made" Ponzipotentiary internet gurus

TL;DR, title-question


Jun 19, 2023
With every day, men are getting more and more pitiful to me. It's pathetic how they're ready to shower a woman with attention, gifts, and compliments and humor them just to get laid. It's pathetic then how they are ready to throw bucks at some whore to just get laid when the first option is too difficult. Men are ready to bend heavily to women not understanding that that's exactly why it's "draining, mental taxation. high effort, no payoff". That's why the imaginable reversed situation seems ridiculous and unreal now. I am disappointed in the members of my sex. At least from what I see on the internet. So the so-called "fall of men" is completely understandable and expected
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Jun 5, 2024
With every day, men are getting more and more pitiful to me. It's pathetic how they're ready to shower a woman with attention, gifts, and compliments and humor them just to get laid. It's pathetic then how they are ready to throw bucks at some whore to just get laid when the first option is too difficult. Men are ready to bend heavily to women not understanding that that's exactly why it's "draining, mental taxation. high effort, no payoff". That's why the imaginable reversed situation seems ridiculous and unreal now. I am disappointed in the members of my sex. At least from what I see on the internet. So the so-called "fall of men" is completely understandable and expected
one of my friends called it "parasitic", and i feel inclined to agree that veering off this course of inevitably showering women with gifts to gain favour seems to bottom out in the long run, the distinction between buying women martinis in a club or inviting them to beachside cabanas to drink cruisers and cocktails all points to the same idea, that all appeals to self-improvement are just tactics for drawing women, that the complete erasure of that idea is something unobtainable; MGTOW is viewed as a cartoonish movement because of the emphasis on a friend-enemy distinction, feminism corrupts blah blah. it's just a denial of basic social realities -- philosophers never needed to emphasise that, they were just apathetic to the entire premise. no serious thinker would ever devote more than an essay or two to the question of splitting away from male-female sexual competition, it just goes without saying

that's true of all intra-social relationships, but it's more forcibly regulated by the sexes when men are threatened by latent dissatisfaction in not having partners, which is when they get caught up in insular thinking and start believing "women want X, i need to obtain X" which just makes them more desperate and leads to ironic circularity: women express their dissatisfaction with men pursuing X because it's contrived and barely masks their intent of wanting to "score", and those who evolve beyond that step are appealing to female desires once again i.e "just don't care about them, just talk with them as if they were just sexless beings, etc." already places them within the back of your mind, makes it far more cerebral than what it should be like if you had just developed naturally, could just conform without issue, etc
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