Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm not that far advanced- I can't control what I dream. I do sometimes realise I'm dreaming though and I question what I'm doing. Last night, I dreamt I was trying to survive in some post apocalyptic world. Then- I sort of became aware of the narrative I was in and I was like- why am I trying to survive?!! I want to kill myself after all!

How about you? Do you have moments of realisation in dreams? Can you lucid dream even?
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On the outside looking in
Jul 17, 2023
I can't lucid dream, I don't know how to, I wish I could though because then I would probably never have nightmares and I'd wake up in a better mood and be happier the whole day
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Strawberry Carnivore
Jul 17, 2023
I have before. I write my dreams down sometimes and I've heard that can help trigger them.
I think being sick and taking NyQuil are part of what triggered some for me.
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May 20, 2023
I think I've done it a few times but it's still very rare for me and I think if I were able to do so again I would be too aware to continue the dream

I saw this video where this girl talked about how since she was too aware of the dream/she knew it was a dream she kept getting taken away by her ?? subconsciousness self ?? because each time she announced it was a dream everyone stared at her like she was in danger I assume or as if she said something forbidden
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I hardly dream anything or I simply don't remember whether I dreamt sth or not.
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Jul 4, 2023
When I stopped smoking weed for a while, I ONLY lucid dreamed. Not only would I become aware I was dreaming in every dream I had I would have 4-5 false awakenings in which I felt like I was waking up only to be in another lucid dream. Made sleep horrible. Sometimes it was funny like one time I realized I was lucid dreaming of a gas station I go to so I just bought some Doritos and walked around. They tasted like real Doritos too...crazy. It started raining but my Doritos never got wet even though I was walking around outside. Woke up when the bag was like half empty because people started getting mad at me in my dream and started attacking me for some reason.

Sometimes I can control things in the dream and sometimes I can't. The worst part is desperately trying to wake up.
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Professor K

Professor K

your eyes vacant and stained
Feb 9, 2023
i used to lucid dream a few years ago, it worked very well on me as i was able to make at least one lucid dream every two days! they were absolutely fantastic! i felt so many deep inexplicable emotions (not always positive) and felt so ''real''. im glad im seeing your post right before going to bed because i've been thinking about trying again but i keep forgetting and there you are reminding me of it!

also, what you've experienced in your dream seems like a good sign to me that you're getting closer to being completely lucid and get some control. it used to be that way for me too at times, it's is a pretty weird experience, quite scary when you are in the middle of a nightmare.

unfortunately as of right now all i experience practically every night is sleep paralysis...not fun to say the least
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The sun goes down
Jul 17, 2023
I think I always lucid dream, to some degree. My dreams are out of my control, but once they take the wrong turn (read: they start scaring the hell out of me), I make a conscious decision to wake up. It's like I'm always aware of the fact that I'm dreaming, but I'm choosing to ignore it until I feel like I'm in danger. I don't know if that actually qualifies as lucid dreaming, though.
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Apr 18, 2022
I have occasionally, but not consistently. My dreams tend to be fairly vivid and I usually remember them for at least a bit which helps. I know methods to lucid dream more consistently which I should go back to trying because I really want to lucid dream more often. I know it might not be the greatest idea because I could probably become too attached to sleeping but. I would do a lot to have anything remotely better and lucid dreams have the chance to provide that.
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Nov 22, 2022
I used to have lucid dreams often ( on average 2-3 times a week) when I was younger. I didn't try to have them. They just happened on their own. I didn't have them all the time. I would have them several times a week for a few weeks, and then not have one for a couple of months, before I would start having them again. All the dreams weren't the same. The degree of lucidness varied. Sometimes I would be aware that I was dreaming, but I wasn't able to influence the dream and would watch it play out. Other times I would be aware that I was dreaming and I could influence how the dream progressed. I was able to change the landscape and decide who was in the dream with me. I still have them sometimes but not as often as I once did.

I have also had lucid nightmares but not as often as the lucid dreams. Those are terrifying. I am aware that I am dreaming, but I can't control them. I become trapped in the nightmare and am unable to wake myself up.
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Why am I still here
Jul 25, 2023
I first started practicing lucid dream when i was 11yo. Im not constantly practicing it but if i do it i have like 5 lucid dreams per week but often i dont have the time or sometimes even motivation to do it.

But in general i love this topic bc it gives you access to a new world without any limits or pain
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Mar 31, 2022
I had 4 lucid dreams but they lasted very little and exclusively in my room, im actually looking into inducing one again. the prospect of being aware in a dream is so appealing to me, i wish i could just exist in dreams
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Nov 26, 2021
I've had a few on accident but I can't control them very well. It's like I'm having a lucid dream inside of a regular dream so it's all wonky
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heart rot
May 7, 2023
i wish I could. maybe I should try but I am worried about getting sleep paralysis again
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Feb 1, 2023
I can. For those of u looking for methods:

1. Sleep with body along a north-south axis. It'll only take 2-4 days to realise which is better for u.

2. Methods include FILD, SSILD, WBTB, and counting as u fall asleep
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Apr 15, 2022
Lately I've been dreaming more vividly than usual and remembering more of them. Last night I had two separate dreams. In one I was at my dad's house and I was defending myself against some kind of attack. There were others there, but that part I can't remember, nor can I remember who was attacking. I remember shooting out the front window at whoever was attacking, though. And I remember moving the refrigerator in the kitchen over in front of the back door to block it and then thinking that may not be such a great idea because the stairs to the basement are right there and I might have to retreat down there for cover. Weird. I haven't been in that house in nearly 25 years since my dad passed away.

In the other dream, I had this double bladed butter knife with the blades at each end and a short handle connecting them, and I needed to hide it near some lamp post than was outside the fence of a public pool in my old neighborhood that was torn down many years ago. I think this was the first dream I had last night and it sort of led into the other one about being attacked.

I always find it strange how I can "see" myself in my dreams, since I can't see myself IRL unless looking into a mirror.
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
I managed to once, and even willed myself into flying. Since then, I have been performing constant reality checks in the hopes that it will help me lucid dream, though no success thus far.
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Jun 1, 2023
I don't usually sleep that much, but if I get any decent amount of sleep and take medicine (Quetiapine and benzo) then maybe it happens 2/10 times
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