

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I have left notes before, but I tend to get too caught up/excited in the build up to write notes.

I can be very spontaneous, and I either wake up and it's switched on or it isn't (EUPD/BPD.)

I'd say sorry to the one family member who I care about hurting (fuck the rest of them) and I'd be very detailed in my disgrace of the "mental health service" and how they have failed me, time and time again.

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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Something aside from the erotic short story? Maybe some tips in regards to whatever method I'm using so that my family can get out of here before the bad shit happens.
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Mar 21, 2021
No I can barely write the required words on a birthday card let alone a long note.
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Jul 7, 2019
I'll probably leave a few letters behind, I'm actually putting a lot of thought into every single word that goes in them, with this I'm hopping that the ones who read it understand why I did it and feel completely absolved of any guilt.

In the end, all I want is to express my love for them and the terrible guilt I feel.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
No I can barely write the required words on a birthday card let alone a long note.
The note doesn't have to be long?

Would there be no-one you'd want to say goodbye to? Nothing you'd want to get off your chest?


Mar 21, 2021
The note doesn't have to be long?

Would there be no-one you'd want to say goodbye to? Nothing you'd want to get off your chest?
I think I am socially retarded or something I can't talk about an emotional thing to someone I know, and this second it would only be my mother who I would be expected to say anything to or leave anything for. Rather just disappear, she already knows I am not right in the head anyway. A note would just end up seeming fake and cliched to me not authentic to me as a person.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I would write a note explaining my reasons why. It may help the grieving process to those that are left behind if they now know that I am free from my suffering. It would probably act as a form of mental closure for me knowing I will soon be gone.
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Apr 3, 2019
Yes, I have one written already. I've been revising it here and there for when I actually write it down on paper. It's mostly apologies, a little on how I feel about myself, the point I've gotten to, a thank-you, things like that. Not super in-depth, but it's something.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yesterday, there was a thread asking something similar so, I'll copy and paste my comment:

The intro of my letter, at least, will be something like:

"I really did what I could. I certainly tried to live this unasked thing called life. I've experienced great and horrible moments: fun, sadness, love, depression, bipolar disorder, being fat, being slim, being handome, being ugly, joy, ecstasy and every single emotion you can think of. However, I was never really "here". I'm just not capable of grasping the idea of existing and be happy with a normal life. I need answers which I will probably never get such as "what are we? what's the universe? why is there something instead of nothing" and so on.

I thank all of you, who have been part of my life somehow. I really liked you but I decided that becoming a lonely person and ending my life was the answer.
Now, let me share some more words which I've written exclusively for some of you:"

And then I'll write specific letters to my dad, brother, nephew, dog (he can't read but he's a good listener), some ex friends and my mom explaining them what I want them to with my stuff and how much I love them.
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Mar 30, 2021
I've written one. It's around 3 paragraphs. Mostly to say the main contribution to my depression and wanting to die, that it's not an impulsive decision and I've been considering it for a very long time, no one is responsible and reassuring my family that my suicide was inevitable and nothing they could've done would have prevented it from happening.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Yesterday, there was a thread asking something similar so, I'll copy and paste my comment:

The intro of my letter, at least, will be something like:

"I really did what I could. I certainly tried to live this unasked thing called life. I've experienced great and horrible moments: fun, sadness, love, depression, bipolar disorder, being fat, being slim, being handome, being ugly, joy, ecstasy and every single emotion you can think of. However, I was never really "here". I'm just not capable of grasping the idea of existing and be happy with a normal life. I need answers which I will probably never get such as "what are we? what's the universe? why is there something instead of nothing" and so on.

I thank all of you, who have been part of my life somehow. I really liked you but I decided that becoming a lonely person and ending my life was the answer.
Now, let me share some more words I've written exclusively for some of you:"

And then I'll write specific letters to my dad, brother, nephew, dog (he can't read but he's a good listener), some ex friends and my mom explaining them what I want them to with my stuff and how much I love them.
That was lovely to read, mate.

Actually quite triggering, and I haven't been triggered for a little while.
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Mar 6, 2021
I don't think so. I don't feel like I have much to say anyway.

"Sorry, love you guys"
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May 27, 2020
I am still writing my note... if it can be called a note - more like a messy, overworded essay. Anyhow:

The first page starts with a basic paragraph which lists the reasons (briefly) why I ended my own life; the bullying, isolation, constant rejection and the rudeness that seems to plague the current climate - to name a few. The rest of this page goes into more detail with some specific parts of life that contributed to me leaving.

The second page will mostly be about explaining and trying to justify the pro-choice stance on suicide. Why? Because even though my death will not have an impact, considering that I am a nobody, there will likely still be at least a few people who will berate my act with anti-choice rhetoric. I will not be around to defend myself directly, so I am trying to include arguments that cover all of the main points, and will hopefully silence any anti-choice individuals or virtue signallers - like a passive pre-emptive strike.

As for the tone: it is not intended to be too aggressive and hostile, but at the same time it will not sugarcoat my experiences; considering that there are others who have hurt me very badly.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Very simple, "You Know Why"
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Fuck you. You may not think so, but I win.


I'm so decaying, feeling like an ashtray
Jan 5, 2020
Leaving a suicide note behind is very important to me. Probably a few letters, or a few pages. Just detailling why. Maybe even how. I excuse myself a lot in real life, so i'll probably excuse myself on a little post it note about the state I'll be in when the paramedics will find me...
But overall, pages for the family so their minds could be (a little) eased. Having a dead child is already a sad enough thing, I don't need to point my fingers at people, and push them further down. Probably detailing why I did it at the spot I will choose, why at the date I will choose, etc ... Probably a lot of questions and stuff like that ; that will surely fill up more than one page.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
I think I'll just write a few for the most important people in my life, telling that I've never felt okay and this is the thing I was waiting for for so many years.

And ask them to not even try blaming themselves because they couldn't have helped.

And finally ask them to celebrate rather than grieve as much as they possibly can. Cause I am so much better now (as in, not existing anymore) and I'd be celebrating if I could.

I think that's it.
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Jan 23, 2021
I thought about it, and have written a doc like 10 pages long, but I'll probably just end up leaving something with practical info on it
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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
I've decided to only write a note here, and another for my family. Nobody else would care for one—only one I think could care doesn't deserve to be mixed in all this.

I might tell everyone the news by linking me to here, either by my username or a straight up link, but sometimes I wonder if that's even a good idea and not my resentment speaking. Guess I'll see that when I get there
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Apr 19, 2021
I won't write a note ... it doesn't matter but I will send a message to my ex bf telling him I loved him much but he did me wrong :(
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