

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I see it as the most important thing for there to be an instant escape from this cruel and harmful existence, as it's undeniable that there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this existence where chance so cruelly determines everything.

I find it disgusting and unacceptable how we cannot instantly find permanent peace whenever we wish to, as suicide is suffering prevention in this existence that is filled with harm, one cannot suffer from not existing but existing is nothing but suffering, to me suicide feels like the only rational thing to wish for.

Once selfish humans burden someone so tragically with the ability to be tortured endlessly, the option to instantly find peace from this meaningless existence that leads to death and decay anyway should be the most basic human right, nobody should have to be trapped within themselves for even a second longer than they wish to.

There is no justification for purposely making suicide difficult as it isn't like existence could ever be something that is beneficial, in fact it's the opposite, it's just an unnecessary harm.

Existence was just a horrific mistake that was never something desirable and worth enduring in the first place, existence is the source of all suffering and it would prevent so much futile and senseless suffering if the option to instantly find peace from this existence was there, it would be so relieving having the option to never wake again.
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Jul 29, 2021
absolutely yes that's what 100 percent freedom is
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earth's rotation gets me dizzy everyday
Jul 5, 2022
surely, i think suicide pills should just be sold at any drugstore by the corner
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U feel me.
Sep 28, 2023
Yes, I do. That's why sometimes it can be frustrating for me because I am religious. Sometimes I think it is so unfair that people tell others that if they remove themselves from this world, they'll burn from eternity or whatnot. It haunts me and it makes me feel bad. Also, it guilts me into staying around for my family, too. I believe a lot of us just don't want to be here, we were basically forced. The cell that got chosen, basically. Sorry if I said a lot, but yeah…
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I see it as the most important thing for there to be an instant escape from this cruel and harmful existence, as it's undeniable that there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this existence where chance so cruelly determines everything.

I find it disgusting and unacceptable how we cannot instantly find permanent peace whenever we wish to, as suicide is suffering prevention in this existence that is filled with harm, one cannot suffer from not existing but existing is nothing but suffering, to me suicide feels like the only rational thing to wish for.

Once selfish humans burden someone so tragically with the ability to be tortured endlessly, the option to instantly find peace from this meaningless existence that leads to death and decay anyway should be the most basic human right, nobody should have to be trapped within themselves for even a second longer than they wish to.

There is no justification for purposely making suicide difficult as it isn't like existence could ever be something that is beneficial, in fact it's the opposite, it's just an unnecessary harm.

Existence was just a horrific mistake that was never something desirable and worth enduring in the first place, existence is the source of all suffering and it would prevent so much futile and senseless suffering if the option to instantly find peace from this existence was there, it would be so relieving having the option to never wake again.
Yes, that way people wouldn't have to resort to risky and possibly unsuccessful methods to die. I believe that people should have bodily autonomy, and the right to die. None of us even asked to be here in the first place, so we should all have the option for a guaranteed way out.
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Sep 26, 2023
i think it should be an option, but regulated, y'know? like how shock therapy is still a thing but it's not the first treatment you'll get, it's more for treatment and medication resistant people. but it'd have to be regulated, partially to make sure they really want that, but mostly to stop governments and stuff from abusing it. i've heard of some people being given assisted suicide as their only option when they don't want to die and just have complicated medical conditions in canada where it's legal.
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Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
I would say yes, it absolutely should be a thing that's more widespread.
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Aeternum Vale
Sep 18, 2023
As a libertarian, I say yes. This is the ultimate context for bodily autonomy. Just so long as the option isn't in the format of something that could be accidentally activated, viz. a button or something similar, by someone who isn't aware of its function.

It would certainly help global population burdens and the parasitic relationship we have with our ecosystem.
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: )
May 6, 2023
Lol , you guys don't get it.
FC has a double life.
Dental assistant or maybe works in a lawyer office. Shit maybe retail. Housing market.

But she enjoys coming on here to digest her hidden ctb feelings in great poetic and intense articulate sentences of some what meaningful paragraphs. She's not wrong. But loves the reactions.

And I respect it.
Last edited:
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Jan 28, 2019
it'd be a great if theres a button thats pushed just by thinking of it, and a countdown starts and i can abort it at any moment. and when it reaches 0 i just fall asleep and never wake up.

even if not that, at the very least we should be able to turn off all our senses, pain receptors, emotions, etc. like the way we can close our eyes, but yet why does all the other senses have to be constantly on no matter what? would be great if i can switch off all pain receptors, CTB would be way easier
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Mar 21, 2019
If they want it bad enough, they have always had that right.
Asking others to do it for you is another story. Unlikely any time soon in US. We are too dysfunctional.
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Lover of absurdity
Sep 19, 2023
I see it as the most important thing for there to be an instant escape from this cruel and harmful existence, as it's undeniable that there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this existence where chance so cruelly determines everything.

I find it disgusting and unacceptable how we cannot instantly find permanent peace whenever we wish to, as suicide is suffering prevention in this existence that is filled with harm, one cannot suffer from not existing but existing is nothing but suffering, to me suicide feels like the only rational thing to wish for.

Once selfish humans burden someone so tragically with the ability to be tortured endlessly, the option to instantly find peace from this meaningless existence that leads to death and decay anyway should be the most basic human right, nobody should have to be trapped within themselves for even a second longer than they wish to.

There is no justification for purposely making suicide difficult as it isn't like existence could ever be something that is beneficial, in fact it's the opposite, it's just an unnecessary harm.

Existence was just a horrific mistake that was never something desirable and worth enduring in the first place, existence is the source of all suffering and it would prevent so much futile and senseless suffering if the option to instantly find peace from this existence was there, it would be so relieving having the option to never wake again.
No and yes, before I'm called a prolifer I agree that suicide should be easily accessible to everyone and it should be a sure secure way to escape life without fear of permanent damage that will continue to make life miserable. But, I also think that it shouldn't be a quick process ctb should be something that is done with thought and enough life for you to be sure that you want this. Suicide pills should be sold but not like alcohol or drugs more like appointments where you get to think about your decision.
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
I see it as the most important thing for there to be an instant escape from this cruel and harmful existence, as it's undeniable that there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this existence where chance so cruelly determines everything.

I find it disgusting and unacceptable how we cannot instantly find permanent peace whenever we wish to, as suicide is suffering prevention in this existence that is filled with harm, one cannot suffer from not existing but existing is nothing but suffering, to me suicide feels like the only rational thing to wish for.

Once selfish humans burden someone so tragically with the ability to be tortured endlessly, the option to instantly find peace from this meaningless existence that leads to death and decay anyway should be the most basic human right, nobody should have to be trapped within themselves for even a second longer than they wish to.

There is no justification for purposely making suicide difficult as it isn't like existence could ever be something that is beneficial, in fact it's the opposite, it's just an unnecessary harm.

Existence was just a horrific mistake that was never something desirable and worth enduring in the first place, existence is the source of all suffering and it would prevent so much futile and senseless suffering if the option to instantly find peace from this existence was there, it would be so relieving having the option to never wake again.
Of course, we should have the right to die with the help of a doctor whenever we want to, but the reality is that we cannot do that, we are expected to suffer for decades and die from old age. The best would be that people should stop having children. Birth is the cause of suffering and death.
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Mea Culpa

Mea Culpa

Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa, Kyrie Eleison
Sep 22, 2023
We are not allowed to consent to being given life so yes. I think we should be allowed to have an option for death if we choose. I didnt ask to be born, but I will ask to leave.


: )
May 6, 2023
There's 2 threads.
All the questions got answered.
I'm trying to find them.
One was a article / book. about being fucked since we pop put the womb.
Which I... some what agree with.

A few dudes made very good... " arguments" I don't want to call them that but it was alternative thinking or ideas. Maybe ?

I just can't find the thread.
There's 2 threads.
All the questions got answered.
I'm trying to find them.
One was a article / book. about being fucked since we pop put the womb.
Which I... some what agree with.

A few dudes made very good... " arguments" I don't want to call them that but it was alternative thinking or ideas. Maybe ?

I just can't find the thread.
One link was like a 500 page book.
The other was about a pro choice doctor


Sep 10, 2023
I think that if there was a possibility of this kind, human beings would finally feel free in this world and not trapped in conditions and circumstances that are too painful for some of us. I think that perhaps this opportunity would even give a little hope and relief to those who are incurably ill, seriously unfortunate in life or extremely incompatible with this existence
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Sep 27, 2023
yea i don't see how others have a right to tell someone their pain is fixable and they need to stay alive bc they would upset the people who aren't feeling the pain or lose their life to a "temporary" problem. i believe it's best to try to get help at least a few times but once you've tried mostly everything then it should be your choice and the choice shouldn't be "take ur life in secret die alone in some type of pain" we should have a painless n peaceful option available.
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f/uk seeking partner to vanish with
Oct 1, 2023
Unless we could remove our Impulse action then no. Teenagers wouldn't make it. There'd be barely anyone but the elite left. But there should be a way we can be honest to medicals and after a certain time of still feeling same, yes. It should be a painless choice after our suffering. I held my old dog as he slipped away with an injection. Why cant I go peacefully like him. Its inhumane for an animal to suffer so why us? I'm human, its in the word, inhumane, but its ok for us to suffer in death.
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Jul 10, 2018
Let the sinless cast the stones, let em be the one to have rest. Should the sinful humans guilty of encouraging the depravities of our world, the slaughter houses and worse be granted any mercy? Are u the sinless angel who has stood by the side of the weak, the helpless, the guiltless? Or are you the demon who has been playing God, feasting on the slaughtered, the lamb, the bloody wine. Do u truly deserve mercy, or is it just 1 last caprice of urs speaking its endless yearning?

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think people should have the right to end their lives peacefully- yes. Practicality wise though- I think there would need to be an assessment process if either assisted suicide was legalised worldwide- or, more peaceful methods were readily available to individuals.

I think I probably see death differently to you. I can't see it in isolation- it affects other people deeply. I also don't think it's the best option in all circumstances. That's not to say I think I know better than the person deciding. It's more that- I think it can be a decision people make impulsively. There are people who have survived an attempt and remember regretting it the moment they committed. That's why I think it's important people are able to talk about it beforehand. That they are at least offered support and that there is a waiting period- to make sure they aren't making an impulsive decision.

Put it this way. Say- all your family decided to kill themselves tomorrow. They didn't tell you- they just disappeared and didn't come back. Would you really be ok with that? Wouldn't you be screwed? I imagine you rely on them. What if you were still a child? Do you REALLY think it's ok for parents to leave infants behind without any kind of arrangements to see that they are cared for? Do you really think you can rely on someone acting out of desperation to arrange all that?

Plus- look at the kickback you get when minors obtain something like SN and kill themselves. Imagine if the government had assisted them! Do you really think parents would stand idly by while their children were (in their eyes) murdered by their own government? It's one thing to say we have the right to take our own lives- I agree with that. It's another to demand that our governments provide free access to Nembutal- no questions asked. That simply isn't sustainable. Say it happened and the first person to do it was a 13 year old. How long do you think it would still be available?
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If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
I think people should have the right to end their lives peacefully- yes. Practicality wise though- I think there would need to be an assessment process if either assisted suicide was legalised worldwide- or, more peaceful methods were readily available to individuals.

I think I probably see death differently to you. I can't see it in isolation- it affects other people deeply. I also don't think it's the best option in all circumstances. That's not to say I think I know better than the person deciding. It's more that- I think it can be a decision people make impulsively. There are people who have survived an attempt and remember regretting it the moment they committed. That's why I think it's important people are able to talk about it beforehand. That they are at least offered support and that there is a waiting period- to make sure they aren't making an impulsive decision.

Put it this way. Say- all your family decided to kill themselves tomorrow. They didn't tell you- they just disappeared and didn't come back. Would you really be ok with that? Wouldn't you be screwed? I imagine you rely on them. What if you were still a child? Do you REALLY think it's ok for parents to leave infants behind without any kind of arrangements to see that they are cared for? Do you really think you can rely on someone acting out of desperation to arrange all that?

Plus- look at the kickback you get when minors obtain something like SN and kill themselves. Imagine if the government had assisted them! Do you really think parents would stand idly by while their children were (in their eyes) murdered by their own government? It's one thing to say we have the right to take our own lives- I agree with that. It's another to demand that our governments provide free access to Nembutal- no questions asked. That simply isn't sustainable. Say it happened and the first person to do it was a 13 year old. How long do you think it would still be available?

I have a sister. If she decided to kill herself tomorrow, I wouldn't interfere just because the loss would devastate me ⬅ The italicised word is already a big clue that suicide prevention comes from selfishness - maintaining one's own emotional stability at the expense of the suicidal person's pain.

As for parents, that's a special case. It was cruel of them to procreate in the first place, and once they've done it, there's no going back. I agree that they have a duty either to stay and care for their children, or to make sure, and I do mean make sure, that someone trustworthy and principled is looking after their offspring before they go.
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Sep 27, 2023
Thats the least we should have as we didnt asked to be born in the first place
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Sep 10, 2023
Throughout history suicide has been demonized and then criminalized because the working powers need us as slaves as long as we are physically and mentally capable of it--hell, even when we aren't, we are still worked to our bones for these powers. Of course suicide is going to be made as difficult and torturous as possible.
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