

If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
Do any of you here believe in God ?

I have come to the conclusion that there is no logical way that any of the religious God's can exist , but I do believe there MAY be some sort of life force , especially after an experience I had with a dream on the morning of my grand father's death

What are your thoughts or beliefs ?

I think that life is so disproportionate , that there can be no good God

Also , the whole concept of God from both the Christian and the Muslim faiths defy the law of logic
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
yes, in a way. not in the way most do. i cant think of another way to word it, but i will explain it. i believe i am god. not in an almighty way though. one might pray to god, or look to god for guidance or strength, other things like that. i just look inside myself for that.
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Mar 22, 2020
I don't believe in God but I can't deny his/her/its existence at a 100%.
For that reason, I've become agnostic.

If there's a God, I bet he's cruel because just look at the hell we're living in! Even innocent children die!

If there's no God, the universe and everything would never make sense because how can something come from nothing? The theory of evolution is not enough. There was a "point zero" once. I just wanna know the truth! Will we find it out once we die? Who knows...

I think the only "Gods" here are the programmers of this simulation. I'm pretty sure we're living in one. Just compare games and virtual stuff from 40 years ago with technology now. Once you do that, imagine what videogames will look like in 300 years. We won't be able to distinguish reality from a virtual world.
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Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
Tfw you don't believe in god, so god isekaies you as a ww2 loli and to use your OP isekai protagonist powers you have to pray to him every single time you use them.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
There's no way any type of god exists, especially as most religions think of the concept.

People stretch the definiton of a "god" so far to suit their narrative, but in the sense of "intelligent creator of the universe and life," absolutely no way.
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Mistake of Nature

Mistake of Nature

A shadow suspended on dust
Mar 30, 2020
God and religion were created by humans as a way to cope with their fear over the pointlessness of life and inevitable death and suffering. As Antonius Block observed in the Seventh Seal, "Life is a senseless terror. No man can live with Death and know that everything is nothing. We must make an idol of our fear and call it god."

It's too shocking and damaging to our psyche to acknowledge that we come from nothing and will return to nothing, and that our brief time alive is devoid of any real meaning. We aren't special -- our bodies are just a collection of cells and our consciousness is nothing but the rapid firing of our neurons creating the illusion of reality.
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Jan 27, 2019
law of logic

God is a construct, so is Logic.

I'm Muslim and praying helps a LOT in relieving my anxiety. I think the West started to decline when it abandoned Jesus. Now, everyday I see French hardcore intellectuals converting back to christianisme (or even islam), and becoming preacher lol.

Religion is necessary. Look what happens without it: AI.
AI is what happens without God. God is nature. God is contentment. God is sustainability. God is religion.

Satan is a bot.
feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
yes, in a way. not in the way most do. i cant think of another way to word it, but i will explain it. i believe i am god. not in an almighty way though. one might pray to god, or look to god for guidance or strength, other things like that. i just look inside myself for that.
I get what you mean. What you said reminds me of a song by one of my favorite artists who is now dead. The specific part of the song I thought of when I read your post is this:

"And when I close my eyes, I see eternity as a story
A God imagined the God that imagined me
And I am God
And so on"

It's a song about the universe, consciousness, life, what everything means, etc.


Dec 13, 2020
Those who believe will continue to believe no matter what "evidence" you present to them.

Those who do not believe will continue to not believe no matter what "evidence" you present to them.

And never the twain shall meet.

You're wasting your breath to try present one argument or the other, like vote democrat or republican, brexit or remain, labour or conservative.

Once someone has made up their mind that's it, all it leads to is arguments.
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Apr 5, 2018
I can believe in God as a sum of all cells that were/are/will be, or as a prior cause of everything, but not so much in Judo-Christian-whatever God, which I assume was the kind of God you're talking about.

One could also think of gods as negative numbers. They might not "really" exist, but can make the "reality" a tad more manageable. They are nice concepts that allow some to make more sense of the world. I'd like to be on at least just as good terms with gods as I am with numbers...
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Suffering. The one word that invalidates the existence of an all-powerful, all-loving God.
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Feb 24, 2021
I think the main religions like islam, christianity, judaism are outdated. If any god exist, he's not like the one in their holy books. The 'old' people had no idea how the civilization would develop.

People invented religion to comfort themselves, to explain what they didn't understand. Religion itself keeps changing, in the ancient Rome or Greece people used to be polytheists, then the concept of one god gained popularity. I think in the future, there will be another religion or movement with the new god idea, adjusted to modern world.

Personally I am atheist - I don't find any known god concept true, but my beliefs would be the closest to the simulation theory. I don't think it's 100% adequate, yet the last 20-25 years and the development of electronics and AI shows that there is no limit for inventions of mankind. I also think it is possible, such a technology able to project a world could exist.

That would be a short summary of my beliefs. Yeah, I know I probably may sound here like crazy.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I believe god or some close approximation to god exists because random chance alone cannot explain just how much I've been getting fucked with in life. I imagine I'm not the only one though. Lots of people are suffering or benefitting in ways that can only be planned by powerful supernatural beings.
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Apr 7, 2019
Spiritual faith and belief for me is beyond logic and reasoning sometimes. That's why it's called faith in my opinion. Is there a god? I am not to say. I hope there is some sort of higher power watching over me. Right now though all I can be certain of is that I am here, right now, and that when I pass, I will not be here. So I will hold on to life for as long as I possibly can.


May 29, 2020
i love how everyone on earth is so certain that there is or isn't. there is totally no way to know until you are dead. thats why its such an obssession for some. i like to think there is a loving god but who knows
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Mar 4, 2021
I don't understand why people look to a higher being for meaning. To me the only way the human experience (as it exists) makes any sense is if it all came about by chance. Then it's easier to accept the opportunities of life and roll with the flaws. But if you told me some higher power engineered the world to be this way, that would be a really difficult pill to swallow because the world could be SO MUCH better. I wouldn't want to live under the sway of any being that would leave a universe in this state, least of all the Abrahamic God who's obviously comfortable with infinite punishment for perceived finite wrongs determined by them.
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Jun 29, 2020
I would like there to be one. It seems like such a comforting concept, an all-powerful being that looks over your shoulder and provides you with reassurance and strength when you most need it. Along with an afterlife if you've been a good boy.

I don't believe in the Christian or Muslim God due to a lack of evidence. I'm sorry but some books that have been written thousands of years ago and then edited don't seem compelling enough. But I do believe in some sort of divinity and oneness with the universe. I believe in something existing in higher dimensions and different types of beings. It's hard to define what I believe but I'll tell you why I believe in these things. It's simply for a sense of comfort.

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