

New Member
Apr 3, 2024
I'm Brazilian, so I apologize in advance for the English.
I belong to an esoteric tradition that says that after suicide I will spend years (the notion of time there is different, so it could be infinitely longer) in a kind of threshold, until I understand the mistake I made with my life. Even though I am skeptical about this, after all different traditions and religions approach this in a different way, I am still afraid of a kind of divine punishment. I hope that when I find the courage to hang myself, I can truly rest.
I want to know if you also share my fear and what mindset do you recommend for me to overcome it?
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May 14, 2024
What they told you is a lie because nobody really knows what happens after death, just like you don't know what was going on all those years before you were born, so you shouldn't worry about where you go after your death just like you don't worry about where you were before you were born, wherever you go you won't remember your life here on earth just like you don't remember the life or lack thereof before you were born into this world.
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thinking about it
Feb 6, 2023
I really hope death is the end of it all, but there's no way of knowing, nor there is reason to think so.

Maybe the suffering is eternal. Given how cruelly we are forced into existence, why wouldn't we be subjected to the cruelty of endless pain?
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Too Little, Too Late
Jun 4, 2024
My only fear is a truly deterministic, fixed cycle in which the universe is eventually recycled in exactly the same manner. Under such a scenario, everyone would live their life exactly as it happened last time, exactly how it will continue to happen indefinitely. People who lived happy, luxurious lives would know infinite pleasure. People who suffered greatly would know infinite pain.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about such a possibility. A lot. But, it's speculative, and I'm at least not getting screwed as hard as some people, so fucking yay I guess?
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Jul 23, 2022
I fear the afterattempt.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
There's no need to fear. I'm trying to get myself to believe in heaven right now because I heard from somewhere on this forum that what you believe manifests on the other side. I'm going to go to heaven and paradise
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Jan 1, 2024
Since fear and pain happens cause of our brain and our brain will be dead I doubt there will be anything to fear in an afterlife
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Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
I don't fear it.
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the Immortal
Jun 28, 2023
I think I do fear what comes after death, but only because I do not know what it is. I'm afraid it will be far worse than life, yet I would not be so afraid if I knew that to be true or not.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
I was raised Catholic so fear of Hell was pounded into my brain my entire childhood. However, as I grew and began researching the Bible on my own I realized the guaranteed Hell for those who kill themselves is very much against the message of an all-forgiving God and more likely came from a church that didn't want to lose members (money). Thinking of it that way gave me some peace.

What really did it for me though was the fact that I am so miserable I just don't care what happens next. It could be heaven, it could be hell, it could be nothing. I will gladly take any optiin over having to live on this damn Earth.
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May 24, 2024
Nope, not at all. I've been an atheist since I've known myself, not a single religious, mystical or spiritually inclined cell in my whole body! I don't think however this can be learned, you either believe in the supernatural or you don't. Maybe overtime, through what happens in your life you'll get there, but most people won't.
The freedom I've enjoyed in life knowing there's nothing on the other side is priceless (anyone who studies science, anthropology, psychology long enough easily understands that gods are creations of the human mind or, if they really exist, the universe is so immense they don't give a damn about what each human does). And no, being an atheist doesn't mean at all that you have no morals and are capable of any evil deed.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
No. that's the last thing i fear.

Is a single brain cell generally the same in a fly a mouse a human? yes. these are also eukaryotic cells. Most cells in a mouse and human are eurkaryotic cells. They are called eukaryotes, all animals plants insects etc are eukaryotes. This kind of cell evolved about 2 billion years ago.

A human is just another animal.

There's no afterlife.

What am I ? you see where i cam from , my ancestors. a cell is my ancestor as it is for all animals and humans . Evolution is true. can i be different from my ancestors ? no .


Even that image has anthropomorphic pro-life bias drawing the human as though the human is great even though you can see the human is just that cell chemical reactions from that same image. a human is just cells.

imo DNA based life is a curse, all the suffering of trillions of beings, the unbearable pain all for no purpose but a random accident of chaos random chemical reactions .
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Apr 25, 2023
I am sure that what comes after death is nothingness, but I am also afraid of uncertainty.


tired all the time
Mar 17, 2022
I was raised Catholic so fear of Hell was pounded into my brain my entire childhood. However, as I grew and began researching the Bible on my own I realized the guaranteed Hell for those who kill themselves is very much against the message of an all-forgiving God and more likely came from a church that didn't want to lose members (money). Thinking of it that way gave me some peace.

What really did it for me though was the fact that I am so miserable I just don't care what happens next. It could be heaven, it could be hell, it could be nothing. I will gladly take any optiin over having to live on this damn Earth.
Raised in the same religion as me, I never remember hearing a lot of hell as a kid. I guess i just didn't care to look into it, but it did make me feel paranoid about what might happen to me. I feel a lot of guilt like I've messed up in life and like if I die i'd end up somewhere bad. Even though I'm not religious anymore i still feel the fear.
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Seeking Aether

Seeking Aether

Off to unchartered islands I only half-believe in
Apr 20, 2024
1. I am quite certain that I will experience something after death (for philosophical reasons, not religious ones)
2. I'm not scared of what's gonna come after because it's not necessarily going to be bad (but also not necessarily going to be good). There's no way to know what'll come afterwards so personally, I don't see why I should worry so much about it, it's not in my control anyway


Trust in my self righteous suicide
May 26, 2024
Well I believe in reincarnation so I'm scared of having a worse life, or losing myself. I hope I will still be the same person just better. Because there are some things I like I can't let go of, even though I no longer enjoy them.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No as I believe death to simply be non-existence, I believe that once one dies they just cease existing and all is forgotten about for them which is why I find comfort in death. For me death is the only relief as it's finally freedom from this cruel and torturous existence where there is no limit as to how much agony one can feel. I fear suffering in this existence, it terrifies me how one can suffer so unbearably yet not die, to me the existence of life truly was the most hellish, horrific tragedy, I never would have wanted or chosen to exist and I'd prefer to cease existing no matter what.
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May 31, 2024
There's no need to fear. I'm trying to get myself to believe in heaven right now because I heard from somewhere on this forum that what you believe manifests on the other side. I'm going to go to heaven and paradise
u dont need to believe anything, u can try for urself. There's a thing called astral projection, u can get more info on what it is on reddit. The subreddit has the same name. Im also trying to do it bcuz it is like getting use to know what happens after death. Astral projection should be what happens when u die, so it is better to try it before death, right? Ofc this according to my research, i still need to test it. If u wanna know more we can talk about it here o via dm.
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Scrap that, nothing matters at all after all
Jun 24, 2023
I'm Brazilian, so I apologize in advance for the English.
I belong to an esoteric tradition that says that after suicide I will spend years (the notion of time there is different, so it could be infinitely longer) in a kind of threshold, until I understand the mistake I made with my life. Even though I am skeptical about this, after all different traditions and religions approach this in a different way, I am still afraid of a kind of divine punishment. I hope that when I find the courage to hang myself, I can truly rest.
I want to know if you also share my fear and what mindset do you recommend for me to overcome it?
I don't have this fear but I didn't grow up religious. I appreciate your dilemma. I think the best way to think of it, as many have said already here, is to remember that no one knows and no one could know. There is no scientific evidence to suggest anything exists. Of course science can never necessarily prove in the negative, but at least there is evidence. Lots of different religions were created around the world and all have different takes, they all claim to know something different about something that cannot be proven. How could they know? Why would they know? On the other hand it is convenient to have a story about ctb so as to stop people from it, it appeals to people's fear. It also appeals to people's pride as I think most religion rests on the concept that human beings are special, that we are superior to other mammals in more than physical sense, and that within humanity there are people that are more "special" than others. I personally cannot believe those two things. I also fundamentally cannot bring myself to believe in something that appeals and is rooted in fear and pride. Everyone will give you their opinion, but ultimately I do think it's more important what you believe yourself, than what is actually the truth. What do you believe?
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Aug 28, 2023
as a non-religious person, i don't fear anything after. i hope there is eternal nothingness, no thoughts, no pain, nothing.

world is unfair

Jun 9, 2024
I'm Brazilian, so I apologize in advance for the English.
I belong to an esoteric tradition that says that after suicide I will spend years (the notion of time there is different, so it could be infinitely longer) in a kind of threshold, until I understand the mistake I made with my life. Even though I am skeptical about this, after all different traditions and religions approach this in a different way, I am still afraid of a kind of divine punishment. I hope that when I find the courage to hang myself, I can truly rest.
I want to know if you also share my fear and what mindset do you recommend for me to overcome it?
I don't believe in afterlife or god


Nov 4, 2023
As a Christian I do believe in hell and an afterlife. I struggle with this but believe God is with us in our suffering and understands when it is so bad that there are times when it is just too much. I am currently trying to trust Him, give Him my pain and stand on His strength. But I am not always successful. I want to keep going but don't know if I will be able to.
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May 16, 2024
Personally I don't believe in afterlife and I hope I'm right because if I'm wrong it just never ends like an infinite nightmare😰
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New Member
May 8, 2024
Shakespeare actually wrote about this a bit in that famous one "To be, or not to be"
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
which is to say, "To sleep, maybe to dream--ay, that's the catch. / For in death what kind of dream may it be?
Hamlet goes on about it for a bit longer and then says

Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all
Not calling anyone here a coward or anything, but it is interesting to see how the same fears about suicide and what may come after go throughout the centuries. Personally, I'm not sure if there is an afterlife or not but science hasn't really shown there to be one and I trust science.


Mar 26, 2024
I really hope their is no afterlife and the lack of evidence for one is hopefully a sign just the physical world exists. The thought of a "living" forever and not being able to die is horrifying.

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