

May 22, 2019
Let's emphasize with an example: Person A knows where to get a dog trained to assist people with seizures. When Person B asks about obtaining such a dog, Person A, despite acknowledging the significant help these dogs can provide, refuses to cooperate, displaying a lack of generosity.
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Sep 10, 2023
It's frustrating no doubt, but they're kind of in a tough spot tbh
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Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours
May 6, 2021
I don't think your comparison has the same amount of severity to what this community is for. Sources (which is what I'm assuming this is about) should be dealt with care, whether you give or look for them; they involve a lot of trust due to availability, safety (individual or collective) and legal concerns. If a source disappears, for one reason or another, it's a loss for a part of the community that would've benefitted from it (and a possible risk as a whole).

Who you treat to get a source will depend. Some will not budge; maybe because of ego, maybe for different reasons. Others will be more lenient and actively try to help.

It's frustrating, yes, and it can take long, but there's reasoning behind those decisions.​
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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023

I think you're asking the wrong question assuming that you're talking about someone (not) sharing drugs sources. The question you should be asking is "why are people reluctant to share their drugs source?" Or dog training facilities in the case of your example.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
People who want to CTB mostly seem ok with obliterating their ego.

People don't share method resources for a number of reasons but I doubt many are to do with the size of their ego.

The major reason I imagine is legality. It's illegal in many countries to assist a suicide. I really would be nervous that sharing a source could be construed as that. Especially seeing as there's no way of truly knowing who you're talking to. They could be a 15 year old with retribution seeking parents.

People are also wary of trying to protect sources. No doubt, law enforcement are on this forum. Again- anyone could be anyone. People tend to be especially wary of new members.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't think that it's due to an ego boost but rather how people feel guilty for potentially helping another person to kill themselves by giving them the information to do so. It's incredibly annoying at how some suicidal people do this (I've seen it happen a lot in reddit, especially one case of somebody referring to SN indirectly which of course I didn't realise until after I joined SaSu) but, in the end, it isn't an ego boost. It's more so due to humans being self serving and caring about themselves first and foremost.

SaSu is different as at least people here are willing to share information regarding methods. I've seen some cases of people refusing to give information regarding sources but they have a valid reason for being reluctant on sharing sources. Their reason is that pro lifers are constantly watching this site and, the moment they spot a source for a suicide method, they'll get that source banned. I remember this happening with an SN source.

I will admit that I've seen some SaSu users who do want to not give information on sources due to being self serving but, in the end, the amount of users here who are willing to give information about a suicide method overweighs the ones who don't.

I'm glad that this site exists to give information regarding methods as I believe that we all should be deserve having this information
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I have a problem with my ego but in the opposite direction. Killing myself means killing my ego which I see as a good thing.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
The analogy in the OP is about helping somebody live.

Providing people with information about suicide is about helping somebody die.

I think that's a pretty significant distinction.

Since this is about helping another person die, what if instead of being on an internet forum, you put yourself in a room with them. They want to die, but they don't have the means,. You have a lethal dose of drugs in your possession. Do you give them the drug, or do you withhold it from them? Do either of these options imply an ego problem or any other problem?

If you withhold the drugs, I am definitely not going to judge you for that.

Now, if you refuse to give up information about support animals, then yeah, I'm going to judge you all day long.
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