
Dec 13, 2020
I'm a traditional engineer, nuts and bolts and all that (but in electrical & electronics), so I'm not a super fan of quantum physics and other abstract ideas, or things like the law of attraction (maybe I'm missing something), but there's one thing that is unquestionably true that boggles my mind, and so far no one can explain it.

This is the dual slit experiment.

In essence, if you have a "gun" firing electrons randomly, one at a time, in random directions, and facing it is a screen with 2 slits in it, equal size, equal shape, etc - and behind that is a plate that will indicate (like a photographic plate) where the electrons hit...

Then what you'd expect is that some of the electrons hit the screen and bounce away, some of them go through slit 1, and some of them go through slit 2.

So the back plate should show 2 lines, one corresponding to slit 1, and one to slit 2.

What you actually get is an interference pattern, with rows of lines, several of them, like if you'd sent waves of water at the wall (see video below).

If you then set up a sensor so you can see which slit the electron goes through - the pattern on the wall changes to 2 lines.

Take away (or turn off the sensor) you get the interference pattern again.

2 lines suggests the electrons are particles, and an interference pattern suggests they are waves.

So it seems like just observing, i.e. being aware of what is actually happening changes the outcome of the experiment.

I suppose another way of thinking about it is that it's probabilities, but when you KNOW then there is no probability, there is only certainty.

Maybe we are so certain that things are going to be bad that they are, we have determined the outcome of the experiment, but normies don't have a clue since they don't think about it - this might happen, or that, or neither.

So do we determine our own reality, story, life, now, then, the future, etc? And it becomes like a self fulfilling prophecy for us?

Where for a normie - life is a cauldron of possibilities and probabilities???

Has anyone tried the law of attraction or power of positive thinking, and did it work - I guess no, otherwise we wouldn't be here :)

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Dec 4, 2020
The normie doesn't have a sensor besides every action he ever takes. He doesn't think and rethink before doing something. He just does it. Maybe this is what brings him luck. In a plane of endless probabilities he fires randomly and always hits something. A person who overthinks will focus on one point and by aiming only at that point, he's wiping out every other possible target.

Don't know how to implement that though.
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Dec 13, 2020
The normie doesn't have a sensor besides every action he ever takes. He doesn't think and rethink before doing something. He just does it. Maybe this is what brings him luck. In a plane of endless probabilities he fires randomly and always hits something. A person who overthinks will focus on one point and by aiming only at that point, he's wiping out every other possible target.

Don't know how to implement that though.
I think maybe we have a negative sensor next to every action and it creates a negative outcome to any and all actions, or stops us even trying in the first place?


Mar 22, 2020
I used to believe in things such as the law of attraction but now I find it ridiculous.

I think we all create our reality. We choose some things that happen in our lives. For example, we can choose to be in a bed 24/7 or have a productive life. However, there are some things which we can't prevent, such as the death of a person we love, your bf/gf stopping loving you, etc.

What's more, I even believe we're living in a simulation so everything that is happening is what "our players" want.

That's why we can't understand how can something (the universe/big bang) come from nothing!
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Just a bunch of victim blaming against people with dismal lots in life. "It's not society's fault your life is shit. It wasn't due to your environment, or your genetics, or anything else outside of your control. Nope, it's simply on account of your rottenly pessimistic attitude! Just think happy thoughts and everything will turn around for you! If you keep thinking poorly, then everything bad that happens to you is your fault!"

Take the "law" of attraction, for instance. Give me a fucking break with this Peter Pan-tier bullshit. At the end of the day, it's just a buttress to the just world fallacy and to stop people from complaining about their horribly unjust predicaments, or to otherwise prevent them from organizing against systems of power that directly kneecap their ability to maintain a decent existence, by atomizing the public in their ways of thinking. It's a fact that those in power hate complainers and anything that reminds them that it wasn't due to their positive can-do attitude that got them where they are, but sheer dumb luck, along with, I'd wager, the vast collection of knives they used to stab in the back anyone who got in their way. For proof positive of this, demonstrable garbage like "the law of attraction" was pretty popular on Wall St. right before the big real estate bubble burst. These morons in their $10k dollar suits were clinging white knuckled to the notion that so long as everyone kept positive thoughts about the numbers, then everything would be fine. Anyone who said otherwise and actually tried to exercise some rational thought was immediately fired on account of "tainting the energy" with their bad thoughts. You literally can't make this shit up.

At the end of the day, those who are the most extroverted will always win the biggest at life. They don't overthink, they don't over examine, they don't hem or haw. They just do. There's some merit to this kind of attitude obviously, but I'd say people like this are closer to an unconscious animal than something that could actually be construed as "enlightened". They just follow their instincts and will knock over any who get in their way. It's also hopeless to embody this kind of thing unless you're already wired to be that kind of way. Just like those people could never think/act like me, I can never think/act like them.

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Jan 17, 2021
Posted this elsewhere already:

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Apr 5, 2018
I had some experiences that make me.. not so eager with giving a definitive answer to the question in question.


Dec 4, 2020
I think maybe we have a negative sensor next to every action and it creates a negative outcome to any and all actions, or stops us even trying in the first place?
Of course you won't act if you expect a negative outcome. And my life has surely turned out to be a self-prophecy. I had some amazing moments of bad luck, but I was playing with fire, so I fully blame myself for everything - nothing of it was predictable, but I remember thinking and feeling that my actions will ammount to no good. I couldn't predict it, but it turns out - I did.
But there is no mention of positive or negative in the experiment. So maybe it's beyond that.
Maybe it's about talent. Talent doesn't think hard about what it's doing. Everything comes easy to talent. You don't even have to try. It's almost like you're a god. You don't have to think because you have absolute control.
Maybe I'm just not talented enough, for life. Weaving a web of metatextual platitudes over something that I'm actually very bad at. It's almost like I'm holding my life hostage while trying to convince it that I'm not so bad - the text has disappeared under the interpretation.


Jun 29, 2020
I think law of attraction works as a placebo, making people act more confidently towards the direction they want to take their life in. Also if you internalize that you are a hard worker, for example, you can trick yourself into working hard. The idea that you have control over your health is also partly true, a person who believes he will recover will have a greater chance of recovery because he isn't under as much stress.

There's quite a lot of bullshit surrounding law of attraction though. People publish books, host seminars, etc, etc... all for money, without bringing any value to the discussion.

Any discussion surrounding quantum physics though is quite speculative. It's all quite difficult to understand and applies to small particles.


Jan 17, 2021
Any discussion surrounding quantum physics though is quite speculative. It's all quite difficult to understand and applies to small particles.
Small particles are more fun because they make you think what the world is made of.
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Sep 16, 2020
Just a bunch of victim blaming against people with dismal lots in life. "It's not society's fault your life is shit. It wasn't due to your environment, or your genetics, or anything else outside of your control. Nope, it's simply on account of your rottenly pessimistic attitude! Just think happy thoughts and everything will turn around for you! If you keep thinking poorly, then everything bad that happens to you is your fault!"

Take the "law" of attraction, for instance. Give me a fucking break with this Peter Pan-tier bullshit. At the end of the day, it's just a buttress to the just world fallacy and to stop people from complaining about their horribly unjust predicaments, or to otherwise prevent them from organizing against systems of power that directly kneecap their ability to maintain a decent existence, by atomizing the public in their ways of thinking. It's a fact that those in power hate complainers and anything that reminds them that it wasn't due to their positive can-do attitude that got them where they are, but sheer dumb luck, along with, I'd wager, the vast collection of knives they used to stab in the back anyone who got in their way. For proof positive of this, demonstrable garbage like "the law of attraction" was pretty popular on Wall St. right before the big real estate bubble burst. These morons in their $10k dollar suits were clinging white knuckled to the notion that so long as everyone kept positive thoughts about the numbers, then everything would be fine. Anyone who said otherwise and actually tried to exercise some rational thought was immediately fired on account of "tainting the energy" with their bad thoughts. You literally can't make this shit up.

At the end of the day, those who are the most extroverted will always win the biggest at life. They don't overthink, they don't over examine, they don't hem or haw. They just do. There's some merit to this kind of attitude obviously, but I'd say people like this are closer to an unconscious animal than something that could actually be construed as "enlightened". They just follow their instincts and will knock over any who get in their way. It's also hopeless to embody this kind of thing unless you're already wired to be that kind of way. Just like those people could never think/act like me, I can never think/act like them.

If only the Bible had more wisdom like this.

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