If that is true, then it is highly advised to get an advanced directive and/or living will so that if such situations arise then you would at least have some chance of legal protection. Also, that is really messed up that a doctor will keep someone alive (even in really poor quality of life) against their will just for the sake of it and not wanting to risk legal issues for allowing the person to die. I suppose whoever is in charge of the person or has power of attorney might be able to decide what happens to the person if/should that person be incompetent or unable to care for themselves (quadriplegic, serious illness, etc.) IANAL though. At any rate, I too, am disgusted at the medical system, designed to make a profit off of someone suffering and even go as far as to brainwash and shame those who don't agree with their "life is precious, life is sacred, life is a gift, etc." stance. Furthermore they believe that their view is the "correct" one and they are infallible and refuse to see anything that contradicts or goes against their view on life.