

Metal Fan- Wants to hang Under The Oak
May 8, 2023
I think that the suffering we experience in our lives is the primary reason for why we choose to CTB but does anyone else also view it as a moral decision? For me, I've come to view suicide as a morally justified and, in some cases, morally correct decision. My exist unfortunately ends up burdening the people around me; thus I feel an urge to correct this wrong by leaving this world. It feels morally wrong to me to continue living as I am. It honestly feels like dying might be the only way to free my loved ones from the metaphorical albatross around their necks. I try my best to do no harm to others, but it seems that my simple act of existence does so by default.
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Feel free to contact me <3
Aug 29, 2023
I dont think i think its immoral but simply sad. it is tragic that someone has no other out to misery but it is understandable,
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I have known of someone who developed sadistic desires as a result of trauma they experienced. It sounded like they did all they could to seek treatment but it sounded to me like that failed them. Their primary motive in CTB was to stop those thoughts and presumably- stop them from acting on them. I thought that was incredibly brave and moral to be honest- they knew they could possibly become a danger to others. They made an attempt to address that via therapy etc. but it didn't work, so, they prevented themselves from causing harm to others via CTB. They wanted to end their own pain too but I think there was a lot of self sacrifice in that case.

In terms of being a burden on others. I can see how people could feel that. Honestly, I doubt many people left behind would be happy to see someone go though- if I'm honest. I guess I've thought about it in monetry terms. I'm estranged from most people in my life. Not in terms of- we've fallen out. I just haven't seen them in years. I still think they would be upset if I CTB. But- when you think about the practicalities of it- it's kind of ridiculous. We maybe send one or two texts a year and exchange Christmas cards. Not a huge amount to miss really! Seems like it would be more beneficial for them to inherit a bit of money to have a nice holiday or something. Realistically- I could very well hate the majority of the rest of my life. I feel like I'm here under duress.

As a general principle- in terms of- we are all taking up resources that this world is running out of- why not let those of us who want to leave go? Then- better distribute resources to those who want to stay?

Honestly though- no- I don't think suicide usually will be seen as a moral act because it isn't what most loved ones want. They want to see that person recover but- if they can't do that, they'd probably rather look after them rather than have to cope with their loss. (Sorry- just a personal opinion.) Where I think the situation is different is if the person is OBVIOUSLY in a terrible way. Say they are bedridden or suffering mentally where they are in extreme distress the majority of the time. If the person is no longer really themselves also- I think in that case, it might feel more like a relief for the families. In most cases though, I think enough of the original person remains that families want to hold on to them in some naive hope they will become 'their old self' again.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Imo morality is subjective.

I'm shifting more towards nihilism... nothing matters

Every human alive now will be dead in 130 years. All 8 billion humans alive now will be dead in 130 years forgotten nothing that they did will remain or be remembered by anyone.

Life is short.

The sun will die too and destroy the earth. The universe is expanding into nothingness . The nearest star to the sun is 25 trillion miles away , an unimaginable distance

Nothing matters . What will Matter in 200 Years ? Will watching that dumb utube clickbait video matter then?

However To "me" extreme pain or extreme suffering are the only real things. So avoiding extreme pain ctb is my only objective goal for me. to reach non-existence asap to avoid torture , extreme suffering , extreme pain, . only in non-existence forever can I be guaranteed to never suffer unbearably

I believe after death is non-existence forever no problems , no pain, no suffering ever

Imo morality is subjective. Which imo means fictional ideas people try to brainwash others with, for example religious, political , or cultural ideologies.
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I used to be blind, but now i see
Feb 22, 2023
I think if my existence is doing objectively more harm than good to the people around me CTB-ing is the moral decision. Sure it causes pain to them, but so will I if i keep on living, for example.