

Jul 14, 2018
One of the reasons why I think suicide is condemned and it's considered more tragic is because there is this pervasive and underling mindset in pretty much everyone in society that "Nothing in life is that bad to kill yourself" and "Things will always get better if you push through".

It seems that for a sizable majority, this is the case. I mean I'm not speaking for anyone but a lot of people who attempt suicide and never do it again probably were not at risk of being disowned by family, becoming homeless, developing debilitating psychosis that renders them unable to work...these people can fit into society easily but I suppose can be "nudged" by guilt in order not to kill themselves.

There are many people particularly here who are the exception. We know that things may "change" but for us won't get better. Life sucks. We are the ones who can't fit into society. Even if we exercise, do well in school/at our job...nothing will help.

This is what most in society don't understand. Some people are destined to be "losers" and not achieve much. Don't see why the families find it tragic to die in that circumstance.
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Aug 16, 2018
And besides, there are many things that do not change, if you have a mental disorder that will not change, and it sucks.

The phrase "everything has a solution except death" is a lie.
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Aug 30, 2018
There are many people particularly here who are the exception. We know that things may "change" but for us won't get better. Life sucks. We are the ones who can't fit into society. Even if we exercise, do well in school/at our job...nothing will help.

This is what most in society don't understand. Some people are destined to be "losers" and not achieve much. Don't see why the families find it tragic to die in that circumstance.
The idea I've seen is that you're supposed to want to live no matter the circumstances. Even if you're homeless, penniless, and incurably ill, you're supposed to adapt and accept it, and fill your life with whatever pleasures you can find. Food, television, buying trinkets, collecting "friends." Any meaningless chore will do, so long as the conveyor belts keep moving.
They only find it sad because it reminds them how little reason they have to continue. Like the person next to you getting shot, it's too close for comfort. It could've been them. I think of life like a pyramid scheme, nobody can back out of it, because then the rest have to think about all they've wasted. They need a bottom layer. The bottom layer must be content, or they can't be.
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Jul 27, 2018
One of the reasons why I think suicide is condemned and it's considered more tragic is because there is this pervasive and underling mindset in pretty much everyone in society that "Nothing in life is that bad to kill yourself" and "Things will always get better if you push through".

It seems that for a sizable majority, this is the case. I mean I'm not speaking for anyone but a lot of people who attempt suicide and never do it again probably were not at risk of being disowned by family, becoming homeless, developing debilitating psychosis that renders them unable to work...these people can fit into society easily but I suppose can be "nudged" by guilt in order not to kill themselves.

There are many people particularly here who are the exception. We know that things may "change" but for us won't get better. Life sucks. We are the ones who can't fit into society. Even if we exercise, do well in school/at our job...nothing will help.

This is what most in society don't understand. Some people are destined to be "losers" and not achieve much. Don't see why the families find it tragic to die in that circumstance.

Wouldn't agree. People in Africa face hunger, starvation, thirst and what not and they have lots of kids and most people don't kill themselves. It's often a religious matter, being pro life or just not wanting to die.
If I were in Africa, I wouldn't kill myself either. Why? Nature will do it for me due time so I wouldn't harm myself.