
Sep 29, 2023
I saw so called "shadow people" after a real, young woman whom I was dating at that time announced those creatures beforehand.

Since the woman and her words were real, I can only conclude that these beings, whatever they are, also exist outside my mind, unfortunately.

I've heard a lot of times that it was just an hallucination, and I would wish that to be true so bad. But it would be absurd to believe that a real person can 'announce' an hallucination that I'm about to experience, how would that be possible?

Anyway, I concluded that this supernatural phenomena has to do something with the afterlife, which really gatekeeps me from going to the point of no return. What's the point of ending earhly misery if I end up in a far worse state in which I'm trapped for an unknown amount of time (some hellish realm)?

Although I don't understand that I passed out on GHB many times (for hours) and didn't leave my body as a ghost or something. So there is a state of 'nothingness' and my hope is still that this state just persist after one's death.

This is by far not the only supernatural/paranormal event that I went through, but I don't understand what's really going on in that regard. Unconsciousness exist, dead people and animals just seem to be 'gone' from what the eye perceives, so what the heck is this paranormal stuff or the afterlife then?

Can someone 'love me' and give me an answer to all of this, please? I can't cope with it anymore.


Jul 3, 2022
After reading about major and minor religions, near-death experiences, theories like Prison Planet and about paranormal stuff, my gut feeling is that no matter what we do, everything will be fine in the end.
Everything else is false grim views of life, universe and everything borne out of reasons of social control, realities of survival in this life reflected into ideas about the world in general or in cases sheer malice.
I feel at home in the universe, I belong here and don't feel like worrying is ultimately what I'm meant to do or should be doing, if I let myself draw conclusions about the universe based on what I know and feel.
If you want to research things yourself I'd advise to not get stuck on any one thing for any reason and to not dismiss anything because it's fringe or unpopular.
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Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
You don't have to fear anything, it's just a social convention invented in the past to scare people and not commit suicide.
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Dec 14, 2023
Was she a witch? Some kind of voodoo priestess? I'm serious. I'm not mocking you. I want to know more. I know there are things outside the realm of human understanding. I myself have had pre-cognitive dreams (dreams that actually come true). Sometimes I know something is going to happen b4 it does. Not often enough and have no control over it. I read tarot cards 1 time when I was younger for 3 people. What I foresaw was not good for 1 of them in particular. The 3 were a man, his wife, and his friend. After very little study of what the cards mean I read the cards for all 3. I never had read tarot cards for anyone b4, nor have I since. What I foresaw I didn't want to even tell it all to them and I didn't. I really downplayed everything. But I saw that the man's wife would have an affair with his friend and shortly thereafter they would break up. And shortly after that I saw that the man would die. Everything I saw came true. It all happened as the cards predicted. No bullshit. So I am really interested in this phenomenon you're talking about with shadow people.
Btw this was a very young man at the time. A teenager as a matter of fact. So it wasn't like a 98 year old who anyone could predict would soon die
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Sep 29, 2023
Was she a witch? Some kind of voodoo priestess? I'm serious. I'm not mocking you. I want to know more. I know there are things outside the realm of human understanding. I myself have had pre-cognitive dreams (dreams that actually come true). Sometimes I know something is going to happen b4 it does. Not often enough and have no control over it. I read tarot cards 1 time when I was younger for 3 people. What I foresaw was not good for 1 of them in particular. The 3 were a man, his wife, and his friend. After very little study of what the cards mean I read the cards for all 3. I never had read tarot cards for anyone b4, nor have I since. What I foresaw I didn't want to even tell it all to them and I didn't. I really downplayed everything. But I saw that the man's wife would have an affair with his friend and shortly thereafter they would break up. And shortly after that I saw that the man would die. Everything I saw came true. It all happened as the cards predicted. No bullshit. So I am really interested in this phenomenon you're talking about with shadow people.
Btw this was a very young man at the time. A teenager as a matter of fact. So it wasn't like a 98 year old who anyone could predict would soon die
Maybe this just means that the future is determined and there are some ways, like through expansion of consciousness, to see that future in the now?


Dec 14, 2023
Maybe this just means that the future is determined and there are some ways, like through expansion of consciousness, to see that future in the now?
Yeah if only could control it. When it happens and what future events we see. Imagine how rich you could be if you know who's gonna win every game.
Have only been able to use it to my advantage that way a handful of times in my whole life. I wish I could just summon it up every time but never could and as I got older I stopped having the dreams and I guess that goes just like everything else when you get older
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
I saw so called "shadow people" after a real, young woman whom I was dating at that time announced those creatures beforehand.

Since the woman and her words were real, I can only conclude that these beings, whatever they are, also exist outside my mind, unfortunately.

I've heard a lot of times that it was just an hallucination, and I would wish that to be true so bad. But it would be absurd to believe that a real person can 'announce' an hallucination that I'm about to experience, how would that be possible?

Anyway, I concluded that this supernatural phenomena has to do something with the afterlife, which really gatekeeps me from going to the point of no return. What's the point of ending earhly misery if I end up in a far worse state in which I'm trapped for an unknown amount of time (some hellish realm)?

Although I don't understand that I passed out on GHB many times (for hours) and didn't leave my body as a ghost or something. So there is a state of 'nothingness' and my hope is still that this state just persist after one's death.

This is by far not the only supernatural/paranormal event that I went through, but I don't understand what's really going on in that regard. Unconsciousness exist, dead people and animals just seem to be 'gone' from what the eye perceives, so what the heck is this paranormal stuff or the afterlife then?

Can someone 'love me' and give me an answer to all of this, please? I can't cope with it anymore.
Assuming there's no punishment for suicide in the afterlife- whether you die tomorrow or in sixty years doesn't matter considering the (again assumed) infinite nature of the afterlife. Even if whatever comes after is a hellish wasteland of perpetual suffering, living a bit longer here won't help you avoid it.
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Feb 21, 2024
Dealing with constant thoughts of suicide is bad enough. If you can, please rid
yourself of the thoughts of an afterlife and the torment it can bring.
There is no good evidence that any God or devil exists
There is no paranormal event that can be proven or hasn't been debunked .
I would assume that you and your friend experienced a hallucination together, which is not uncommon. Delusional thoughts can and have been transferred from one person to the other. Auditory and visual hallucinations and or delusions are very common and are in no way indicative of an afterlife.
If you are susceptible to delusions or hallucinations and a friend suggests something is going to happen and then it does happen….its the power of suggestion.
I have had many psychotic episodes in my life that have produced both hallucinations and delusions, and at the time nobody could convince me that they weren't real….but they were not
I understand that hallucinations, delusions and suggestions can be very powerful and seem very real. But they are only real to us who are experiencing them at the time
They are not reality
Give yourself a break on the thoughts of afterlife…..there is simply no evidence there is one
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