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"If my soul be lost, its nobodys fault but mine"
Mar 21, 2019
Hey everyone!
This forum is good but sadly everyone here want to kill themself and are not doctors or experts on how to suicide correctly and so we all left with questions and fear.

Lets try to figure out together all the cheap home DIY methods for suicide.
(Using supplies that each of us have at home)
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Jun 29, 2018
The cheapest is bleach. An old family friend chugged it and it burned up her insides to the point doctors couldn't save her. All the cheap is stuff is painful stuff.


May 20, 2019
Hey everyone!
This forum is good but sadly everyone here want to kill themself and are not doctors or experts on how to suicide correctly and so we all left with questions and fear.

Lets try to figure out together all the cheap home DIY methods for suicide.
(Using supplies that each of us have at home)
Why will u DIY new ways without proven . It is the most important day of your life isn't it .
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Mar 17, 2018
I have one, which I shared some time ago. This one is called the bootleg "Helium" generator. It doesn't produce helium, but it's similar in terms that it acts as a simple asphyxiant. That's right, it's hydrogen.
What you'll be needing is an apparatus, which the parts required to build one would be a 2-4 litre heat-resistant glass container with a screw on cap, vinyl/silicone tubing, and a plastic 1-2 litre bottle. Then you'll need a plastic bag for your head. It should look like this.

To begin, you need to fill the plastic bottle with cold water. You should probably add ice cubes to make sure it's really cold.This will act as a bubbler filter and cool down the resulting hydrogen gas while filtering out the lye-water vapor. Then in the glass container, you fill the glass container about half way with 15-25% lye and add about 5-10 ft² of aluminium foil (rolled into balls). The lye will react with the aluminium foil producing sodium aluminate and hydrogen gas. This is what the final product will look like.

Of course... you're gonna be needing some motion sickness pills due to the possibility of decompression sickness due to hydrogen having lower density than air, and even helium.

It's very important that the lye is 99.9-100% in purity or is food grade.
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Mar 16, 2019

Bleach: extremely painful
Hydrogen: highly flammable - Hindenburg disaster anyone?

Seriously, I don't think this discussion is a good idea. There are many resources available (Five Last Acts, PPeH, etc.) that detail tried and trusted methods, some of which don't require specialist materials and that are readily available around the home.

We're here to help those in need with peaceful methods should they require them.

If you want to continue this simply as a hypothetical/theoretical exercise, then could you please make this clear in the OP so that other members aren't misled into thinking these are practical options.
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Apr 1, 2019
Best options are



Exit bag

Why the hell would anyone drink bleach?
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Still here?
Sep 13, 2018
There are literally thousands of ways to kill yourself, IF you are determined enough... It can certainly be free, there are lots of household items that could potentially kill you, but does anyone really want to die that way?

It all comes down to what you consider an acceptable death. It's such a personal decision that everyone will have their own opinion on and will need to choose what's best for them personally.

The level of pain, peacefulness, complexity, cost, detail, gore, risk factor and time will always vary and is too personal a choice for this discussion to be effective.
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Lost child in time
May 20, 2019
I am hearing excellent things about tert-amyl alcohol, for example from @nixonnate32. Doing the research on it, it appears to be not only incredibly potent, an order of magnitude more so than plain EtOH, but also doesn't metabolize to acetaldehyde or any other nasties that do the fandango all over your tender little liver. My one concern with the stuff is, does it make you hurl, and if so, are OTC anti-emetics enough to prevent that?

I found a 100mL bottle for $50 on Amazon, which is surprisingly cheap for how incredibly well-suited to suicide this is. 30mL sounds like a lethal dose, so if I just chug the lot (maybe with some benadryl, dramamine, and/or my expired old propranolol) with any luck it'll work. I don't mind aspirating vomit if I'm unconscious while it happens.
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Mar 17, 2018
I am hearing excellent things about tert-amyl alcohol, for example from @nixonnate32. Doing the research on it, it appears to be not only incredibly potent, an order of magnitude more so than plain EtOH, but also doesn't metabolize to acetaldehyde or any other nasties that do the fandango all over your tender little liver. My one concern with the stuff is, does it make you hurl, and if so, are OTC anti-emetics enough to prevent that?

I found a 100mL bottle for $50 on Amazon, which is surprisingly cheap for how incredibly well-suited to suicide this is. 30mL sounds like a lethal dose, so if I just chug the lot (maybe with some benadryl, dramamine, and/or my expired old propranolol) with any luck it'll work. I don't mind aspirating vomit if I'm unconscious while it happens.

It is less likely to make you hurl being that it appears to be much less irritating than ethanol according to this report. https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/2-methyl-2-butanol-2m2b-vodka.490389/page-3

"Someone better nominate me for a Nobel Ig Prize for this ....

100 ul of the following was tested (% v/v in dH2O)
Ethanol: 99%, 75%, 60%, 40%
GBL: >99%
2m2b: >99%

Liquid was placed onto the centre of the tongue, held for 5-10 second then swallowed. Irritation was subjectively quantified from from 0 (no irritation) to 10 (severe irritation). Mouth was rinsed thoroughly with water, and ~250 ml was swallowed between the application of each substance.

GBL was found to be minimally irritating to the oral mucosa (2/10) but significantly irritating to the throat (10/10). Oral irritation clears immediately with water, throat irritation persists a long long time.

Ethanol (99% ) was moderately irritating to the oral mucosa (6-7/10) and significantly irritating to the throat (10/10). Oral irritation clears somewhat with water, throat irritation persists a while, but definitely much shorter than experienced with GBL.

2m2b (100% ) was mildly irritating to the oral mucosa (4/10) and minimally irritating to the throat (2/10). Irritation cleared immediately with water. Dose titration experiments with ethanol revealed the level of irritation caused by 100% 2m2b to be comparable to 40% ethanol, although the "burn" from 40% ethanol still lasts a lot longer than with 2m2b.

Of note, 2m2b left a residual "numbing" or "cooling" sensation in the oral mucosa that could be masking the true degree of chemical irritation."

However, it's best to dilute it with water at at least 8 times the volume. So say... you're gonna use 50ml. You use ummm... 400 ml of water. And perhaps for the antiemetic, use some datura inoxia seeds (contains primarily scopolamine and hyoscyamine About 10 should do it). . If you can't get those, then I suppose using what you got might do. And when drinking it, plug your nose. As the taste of camphor is actually the smell.
Hydrogen: highly flammable - Hindenburg disaster anyone?
Wait... didn't I mention...
Oh crap! I forgot to paste that in the disclaimer! My humblest apilogies!

But then again, there's no reason to involve fire in building the apparatus and beginning the process. And I don't think anyone would be crazy enough to do it near a flame knowing the fact.
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