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May 31, 2018
If only it were possible to escape to a corner of the world where the powerful weren't making decisions that impacted so much of life. The inevitable conflicts of interest and the disproportionate self-serving influence of the super-wealthy on policies we're all bound by are enough to entice giving up.

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Nov 8, 2018
I'm reasonably sure it's satire. It has that TheOnion vibe going.
That said, considering TheOnion predicted quite a lot of things, I imagine there's at least one guy there going
"Please... Please... This is too stupid to be real... Why can't I stop being a prophet..? Please make it stop... Please..."
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Oct 23, 2018
I have ranted about this before, but it is a rant I can endlessly repeat and so will. Not that it will do any good...

To say I am disillusioned would be an understatement. It goes from disillusioned to having the same reaction as if I was watching a Westminster pedophile having their way with a crying four-year-old. While being kept behind clear bulletproof plastic, forced to watch as other MP's take photos on their smartphones that the already hard done taxpayer paid for.


I have so many integral issues with it. From first past the post systems meaning new parties with fresh ideas more reflective of the youth don't even get a chance to breathe. To gerrymandering to skew outcomes reducing the mathematical weight of your vote into pointlessness. To stuffing the lords full of cronies who barely show up and when they do seem to sleep. To party whips making sure the entire party votes the same way, even if it means local constituents will suffer and their platforms for selection in the first place get disregarded. To not answering a fucking question, or citing sources. Or acting like they are on the set of a pantomime, with jeering, booing and heckling as standard.

Disgust is a better descriptor. However, even that is not strong enough! What word is there for policies that have driven my best friend to suicide, killed numerous numbers of my former clients? Left existing clients with nowhere to go. Are busy shutting down A&E's and libraries. What word is there for a system that is indirectly killing the disabled and creating a climate of terror? On a scale, they refuse to even measure. Which allows them the convenience of saying there is no correlation and the disabled are engaged in scaremongering. Whose odious policies form my own trigger point for suicide? Even the terminally ill are winding up homeless for fuck sake!

The UN has condemned this government multiple times for its callous disregard of vulnerable demographics.


The governments response was honestly painful to watch, did they address any of the points raised. Laughably no, instead they took issue with the tone and accused the UN of being 'too political.'

Revulsion is not a strong enough word either. Skyrocketing rates of food bank usage. Posed in front of like opening a new one is a good thing! Children coming to school so starved that breakfast clubs are starting to become common and dickens era maladies are returning!



No, I am not disillusioned I am instead at a frothing state of rage. A rage that comes from having worked alongside it and seeing what amounts to a tribalistic playground rife with bigotry and privilege that only serves themselves.

I am left utterly horrified that this is the state of politics and that we accept it as normal. In any other job if your boss asks you a question and you instead talk around the question never answering it. That boss would get sick of you eventually and fire you for someone who can answer a fucking question, and quote some damn figures!

At the end of the day, we are meant to be the boss of these people, they work for us. But the truth of it is we are a mere annoyance who have to be pandered to every 4 years. Empty promises, equally empty hope and no accountability.
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  • Aww..
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I don't believe in politics at all for solving all of our problems.

If you want a better world you need to build better people.
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May 31, 2018
I don't believe in politics at all for solving all of our problems.

If you want a better world you need to build better people.

I agree the root cause of our problems is us, humanity. I'm not confident we can improve on ourselves. I spent my life in education. I haven't noticed that scholarship leads to significantly better people. The most powerful politicians are among the best educated humans. And they contribute heavily to our problems. And there's reproducible research evidence that "moral experts" (secular or religious) are either just as or more hypocritical than the rest of us when it comes to their actions relative to what they acknowledge as morally appropriate. I think we need something vastly different. Something not human...
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May 31, 2018
At the end of the day, we are meant to be the boss of these people, they work for us. But the truth of it is we are a mere annoyance who have to be pandered to every 4 years. Empty promises, equally empty hope and no accountability.

I'm also very angry. From what I experience, it doesn't matter who's in charge. I've lived in communist governments, socialist ones, and various kinds of democracies. Small countries and large ones. Rich and poor. It's the same thing everywhere: no matter who's in charge, eventually self interests displace what's good for the community. New, idealistic leaders come into power and eventually the cycle starts all over.

And I'm not sure I can blame the leaders when normal folk like me are very often just as hypocritical and self-serving as the powerful. If we average people can't get it together, I see don't see why the super-powerful should be able to.

I've utterly lost faith in humanity--all of humanity.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I agree the root cause of our problems is us, humanity. I'm not confident we can improve on ourselves. I spent my life in education. I haven't noticed that scholarship leads to significantly better people. The most powerful politicians are among the best educated humans. And they contribute heavily to our problems. And there's reproducible research evidence that "moral experts" (secular or religious) are either just as or more hypocritical than the rest of us when it comes to their actions relative to what they acknowledge as morally appropriate. I think we need something vastly different. Something not human...
I totally agree 200%
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