
Aug 18, 2020
I think it is interesting how heterogenous censorship all around the world is. I read the stances of some American free-speech absolutists and they are quite different to the German standards. Journalists in my country often write that our approach also contributes to the fact demagogues are less influential here compared to the US.

In my country there are even fact-checkers. I think it is proven they made some mistakes themselves. For example they called the lab theory a false conspiracy theory despite the fact they could not evaluate that properly to that time.

Personally I prefer the German approach compared to the US. In the USA you have legally more freedom to say anything. But many companies punish their staff when they misbehave. In Germany you have legally less freedom (example defamation I think) but the companies are less likely to punish their staff for public opinions.

Due to the history of my country playing down the Nazi crimes is prohibited. And I support that. Denying that the holocaust happened is a crime. And I support that.
I am not sure whether the following is still a law. But I think they often changed the evil characters in video games. (when the evil characters were Nazis.) Or I think swastikas in video games (for entertainment purpose) are prohibited. Maybe changing the evil characters is a little bit too much. I think people from foreign countries would (will) laugh about that.

Something many in my country consider ridiculous is the US policy on female nipples. For example on facebook or instagram. As if something like that would pervert young people. I think in my country we are stricter on violence and in the US they are stricter with nudity or swear words.

But maybe this is complaining from a very priviliged position. In other countries they behead people for insulting God, drug possession, sleeping with someone you are not married with. In past centuries people were tortured for trying to commit suicide. At least I think this is what I read. I cannot guarantee that.

Which country has the best approach to it?
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