
Aug 18, 2020

Did not find a better article on English I prefer to read such news in my native language.

I think the fight against climate change is extremely important. For the humankind as a species, economical development, life quality on earth etc.

Though the action of these climate rebels are very detrimental. Maybe I am not educated enough on the ulterior meaning of destroying art. I have the feeling they want to say look this art is way less important than climate change. Spend less time on art and focus on more important issues.

Honestly if this is the reasoning I find this world view kind of naive and childish. By the destruction of art you won't encourage people to join the anti-climate change movement. Most people will react in the opposite direction by saying these idiots cannot be serious. Many people will not take them serious if they have this naive understanding of the world. I mean attention no matter what is no good marketing. Ask Andrew Tate.

In my opinion they really give climate change deniers a good argument when they say these people are insane.

Even though I think the fight against climate change is esential I am not so much into the movement. I won't have kids and future generation will have it way worse. Probably climate change will hit the most vulnerable groups. But I am not able to change anything anyway. I cannot even save my own ass I cannot spend my resources on saving the world. I mean does the earth ever want to save my ass? Okay the last joke is probably not funny and kind of cyncial. But when I see how some people are so anxious about the destiny of this planet I think at least these people konow a little what anxiety about the future and the feeling of powerlessness means. I think often the people who are very scared of climate change come from rather affluent familes. Though this is no general law of course.

What is your opinion?
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Oct 8, 2022
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Oct 11, 2022
I mean, climate change is destroying the art of the night sky, amazon biosphere, barrier reef, etc. Greater artworks than we've ever accomplished imo. Depends on what you value aesthetically really.

But yeah, this isn't the most sympathetic or effective way to go about fighting it.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
I heard they threw a can of tomato soup on Van Gogh's Sunflowers…

When I think of the long days and hours that wonderous man spent pouring his heart and soul into the painting, and the magic that came out of his eyes and his divine hands onto the canvas, only to have it vandalized by a bunch of idiots who probably cannot even scribble their own names….

This is all that's wrong with this cruel and injust world in a nutshell.

More tomate soup to the activists! They have something important to say and all we must listen!
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b a n g
Sep 15, 2020
the majority of these artworks are protected under glass and haven't been harmed. from the article i read, none that had been targeted had been actually damaged.

this is stupid though, it just paints the organization in a bad light. on the other hand, any press is good press to zealots like these. trying to destroy artwork isn't going to change anything. honestly, i think we are fucked anyway.
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Oct 16, 2022
Climate change will happen either way I agree with the post above