
Jul 29, 2024
Saw someone mention in a thread discussing how many pills would be needed for DDMA, D-DMA or DDMPh that there was little chance of getting it all down without vomiting. They briefly mentioned using SN too to reduce the pill count. So what would this look like?

- still the AE and fasting leading up to lethal intakes
- small dose of digoxin pre 30mins? This is one of the drugs needing the highest pill count, so is it of any value to take it with much lower dose?
- Propranolol pre? PPH currently recommends taking propranolol at same time as SN. But most protocols on here say pre to allow for time to max effect. P is also not part of the DDMA/Ph protocol, so would there be value? Interference?
- Benzo in the DDMA is with the mixture, theres bee much discussion on here taking it prior, I had been thinking a small amount 5-10mins pre would be about the right timing (avoiding passing out before lethal dosing if take eg 30mins out)
- this leaves SN, M and A at same time. Again A requires a lot of pills, so value in taking much less? Possible interference?

I guess overall challenge is replacing the stomach dealing with lots of pills to now dealing with 'half' the pills but SN too. Maybe overall it just leads back to the same place?

I had thought M could be a replacement for ibuprofen as recommended in SN protocol. Maybe then its just missing digoxin out?

Anyway, keen for discussion.
Thanks all.
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