bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I'm home alone tonight. I have been able to buy 2 liters of beer and 1 bottle of white wine. I already took the diazepam, zolpidem, and trazadone. I hope I can hold out. I have been all afternoon crying like a child, seeing photos of when I was happy, of my marriage, of me even when I was strong ... Now I am alone, still bruised from the fight with the police that I mentioned in another thread. I think I have some broken chest and shoulder fibers. For those who do not know the history. The police caught me drunk outside of curfew. As soon as they saw me they left. They were 2.a man and a woman. They tried to handcuff me, and they hit me several times with the truncheon. when I fell to the ground I hit my head and was inconvenient for a while. I heard them say now what? We let him sleep the drunken warmth. My guess is that if they call an ambulance and do a study on me, I could report them for brutality. Anyway. I'll be around drunk for anything.
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Mar 4, 2021
I'm home alone tonight. I have been able to buy 2 liters of beer and 1 bottle of white wine. I already took the diazepam, zolpidem, and trazadone. I hope I can hold out. I have been all afternoon crying like a child, seeing photos of when I was happy, of my marriage, of me even when I was strong ... Now I am alone, still bruised from the fight with the police that I mentioned in another thread. I think I have some broken chest and shoulder fibers. For those who do not know the history. The police caught me drunk outside of curfew. As soon as they saw me they left. They were 2.a man and a woman. They tried to handcuff me, and they hit me several times with the truncheon. when I fell to the ground I hit my head and was inconvenient for a while. I heard them say now what? We let him sleep the drunken warmth. My guess is that if they call an ambulance and do a study on me, I could report them for brutality. Anyway. I'll be around drunk for anything.
Today I posted a photo of where I cry. Many have seen them but I deleted the topic. I wish you well, brother.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Today I posted a photo of where I cry. Many have seen them but I deleted the topic. I wish you well, brother.
Look at the tattoo the bastards gave me. 20210412 114238
  • Hmph!
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
And there is more but I do not want to show my ass half purple one glute and the other normal. This photo is from today. a week later
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Feb 27, 2021
I'm sorry you're in such a state. What those police did to you is disgusting. I would mos def report their asses. Especially if you have photographic evidence like what was posted here.
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Mar 17, 2020
Police in Spain sucks. They are violent and illiterates who quench their thrist for blood with the population.
My advice, don't Look at photos of the past, my worst nights hace been When I did it, I miss all my past, and my present sucks.
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Reactions: Fehler, ansiedad and bad luck
bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Listen, it hurts. I sympathize with you! Damn real! Stay strong. The world is full of today. a w

Listen, it hurts. I sympathize with you! Damn real! Stay strong. The world is full of shit.
Now I laugh because two policemen could not expose me. They should have called reinforcements hahaha but I think the moment I was knocked unconscious I scared them off. How pathetic. Now I laugh hahaha next time bring competent people XD
I'm sorry you're in such a state. What those police did to you is disgusting. I would mos def report their asses. Especially if you have photographic evidence like what was posted here.
Yes, but if I denounce it is his word against mine and I would be admitting that I break the rules. They didn't ask me for documentation so the beating serves as a fine. If I am fined then I submit the images.
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Jan 5, 2021
Police in Spain I've seen just rush in with weapons like metal coshs and just hit people even in the face and just don't care. They hit and go
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Police in Spain sucks. They are violent and illiterates who quench their thrist for blood with the population.
My advice, don't Look at photos of the past, my worst nights hace been When I did it, I miss all my past, and my present sucks.
I'm sorry, Isis, the point is that today I almost lost control and I start crying at dinner, with people. Once alone at home I unloaded all that pain. Every time I find it more difficult to control my spirits.
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Mar 17, 2020
He visto policías en España que se apresuran con armas como cuchillos de metal y golpean a la gente incluso en la cara y no me importa. Golpean y se van
Yes, it is
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Jan 5, 2021
No witnesses no chance of reprisal. Unless you can remember them and have the time, energy, funds, to hunt them down and do it to have to live with it afterwards though.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Police in Spain I've seen just rush in with weapons like metal coshs and just hit people even in the face and just don't care. They hit and go
Most of it is rubbish, minus the riot gear. Those are beasts. To reduce a guy like me, they would need 4.As in the interventions that are seen on TV. When I drink my berserker comes out and I usually have more resistance. There I have another anecdote to tell before CTB
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Mar 17, 2020
Lo siento, Isis, el caso es que hoy casi pierdo el control y me pongo a llorar en la cena, con la gente. Una vez sola en casa descargué todo ese dolor. Cada vez me resulta más difícil controlar mi espíritu.
I feel you, I Can't pretend too. We Are out of control. My family know I Am suicidal, i cry in front of them too. You are not alone
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Reactions: bad luck


Jan 5, 2021
The Guardia Civil....I think they're the area police, higher than local and they're the ones to avoid as they're the violent ones especially if you're foreign. I've seen them take phones of people who have recorded them and I've seen them just smash other phones.
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Mar 17, 2020
La mayor parte es basura, menos el equipo antidisturbios. Esas son bestias. Para reducir a un tipo como yo, necesitarían 4, como en las intervenciones que se ven en la tele. Cuando bebo sale mi berserker y suelo tener más resistencia. Ahí tengo otra anécdota que contar ante CTB

La mayor parte es basura, menos el equipo antidisturbios. Esas son bestias. Para reducir a un tipo como yo, necesitarían 4, como en las intervenciones que se ven en la tele. Cuando bebo sale mi berserker y suelo tener más resistencia. Ahí tengo otra anécdota que contar ante CTB
You drink, but their white powder turns them into Hulk
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Reactions: WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and bad luck
bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
The Guardia Civil....I think they're the area police, higher than local and they're the ones to avoid as they're the violent ones especially if you're foreign. I've seen them take phones of people who have recorded them and I've seen them just smash other phones.
How weird. In the police classification the first shitty positions are taken by the municipal, the nationals are in the middle, but the civil guard, being a paramilitary body (Spain has been fined by Europe in the past for having military bodies as if they were police ) I have never had problems with them, perhaps military discipline makes them be somewhat more correct with the citizen. ...I dont know
You drink, but their white powder turns them into Hulk
Ha ha ha no, I get in a good mood. I am not violent, I just have. it is called. .. authority defiant disorder XD. Now I am doing an experiment. I'll take what I bought and then take some pills. I don't know, maybe 50mg of diazepam and 40mg of zolpidem to see what happens (I already have 1 diazepam, 1 trazadone, and zolpidem)
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Mar 17, 2020
La Guardia Civil ... creo que son los policías de zona, más altos que los locales y son los que hay que evitar porque son los violentos sobre todo si eres extranjero. Los he visto tomar teléfonos de personas que los han grabado y los he visto destrozar otros teléfonos.
There is a movie based on a true story about them and their history us torturers. The Cuenca Crime. Nothing has changed
Que raro. En la clasificación policial los primeros puestos de mierda los toma el municipal, los nacionales están en el medio, pero la guardia civil, al ser un cuerpo paramilitar (España ha sido multada por Europa en el pasado por tener cuerpos militares como si fueran policías). Nunca he tenido problemas con ellos, quizás la disciplina militar los hace ser algo más correctos con el ciudadano. ...No sé

Ja ja ja no, me pongo de buen humor. No soy violento, solo lo he hecho. ...como se le llama. .. desorden desafiante de autoridad XD. Ahora estoy haciendo un experimento. Tomaré lo que compré y luego tomaré algunas pastillas. No lo sé, tal vez 50 mg de diazepam y 40 mg de zolpidem para ver qué pasa (ya tengo 1 diazepam, 1 trazadona y zolpidem)
But... Now?
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
After the 2 liters of beer comes the wine. I'm already pretty sleepy but I like that feeling of falling asleep quickly. The pills take a while, but if we mix it it is better
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Mar 17, 2020
Think before.. Perhaps it is an impulsive act.. If It goes wrong you can end up in the psychiatric ward
Después de los 2 litros de cerveza viene el vino. Ya tengo bastante sueño, pero me gusta esa sensación de quedarme dormido rápidamente. Las pastillas tardan un poco, pero si las mezclamos es mejor
If it is to sleep, ok, but be careful
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Music! !!!

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Mar 6, 2021
Hey! You have been through too much. Maybe don't let them define you. You are a person who deserves better treatment. I'm sorry you are going through this. No one should be abused like that. Damn.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Think before.. Perhaps it is an impulsive act.. If It goes wrong you can end up in the psychiatric ward

If it is to sleep, ok, but be careful
Thanks from my heart. It's just to sleep soundly. If I wanted something serious I would open the boxes of zolpidem, diazepam and trazadona all together. I think after wine I will add 2 diazepam and 2 zolpidem. I'm sure I sleep a lot
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Mar 17, 2020
Gracias de mi corazon. Es solo para dormir profundamente. Si quisiera algo serio, abriría todas las cajas de zolpidem, diazepam y trazadona. Creo que después del vino agregaré 2 diazepam y 2 zolpidem. Seguro que duermo mucho
Sweet dreams
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Dec 15, 2020
Just checking in drunk here myself.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Just checking in drunk here myself.
Well, I'm in a state of sleep. I should have bought another wine to get KO
I just come here when I want to die
At least we suicides have happy moments. Fight friend, if you need something, tell me. A hug
ok I fall asleep. I found a super formula. Medication + alcohol. My eyelids close
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Reactions: GenesAndEnvironment, BluesRunTheGame and Isisnefert
bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Still here. I haven't slept anymore. You have to invent something to be drunk all day. Some pill or so
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Reactions: Isisnefert

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