Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
Sorry everyone I need to vent. Why is it in a "developed" country we can't let people die when they want to die with dignity? America? why can't you legalize euthenasia already? Why resort to feeding us pills that cause other health problems, brain damage, or plain don't do shit? Why make us have to take our lives in unsavory ways when we could go peacefully with our family all around us? The fact is I'm tired to do anything anymore. I'm too exhausted to deal with other people's problems which is what work is. ( You're paid to care about someone else's problems.) I'm too tired to get out of bed. I'm too tired to live. Let me swallow some N in the presence of my loved ones and let me die GOD DAMN IT! I'm not even convinced the medical community gives a shit about mentally ill people. I think they keep us alive because they make more money by keeping us alive. If we're dead they lose money. Fuck the medical system and fuck backwards America. sorry had to rant, Willow.
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Feb 24, 2019
Omg, I was thinking this lately. I 100% agree with you, we gotta catch up with Switzerland! I think it's very unfair, why continuously let us suffer? I thought we had a freedom in America, to do as we please, its our bodies, our minds.
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Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
Omg, I was thinking this lately. I 100% agree with you, we gotta catch up with Switzerland! I think it's very unfair, why continuously let us suffer? I thought we had a freedom in America, to do as we please, its our bodies, our minds.
I think they make too much money off our suffering! that's why, compassion my ass!
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
Sorry everyone I need to vent. Why is it in a "developed" country we can't let people die when they want to die with dignity? America? why can't you legalize euthenasia already? Why resort to feeding us pills that cause other health problems, brain damage, or plain don't do shit? Why make us have to take our lives in unsavory ways when we could go peacefully with our family all around us? The fact is I'm tired to do anything anymore. I'm too exhausted to deal with other people's problems which is what work is. ( You're paid to care about someone else's problems.) I'm too tired to get out of bed. I'm too tired to live. Let me swallow some N in the presence of my loved ones and let me die GOD DAMN IT! I'm not even convinced the medical community gives a shit about mentally ill people. I think they keep us alive because they make more money by keeping us alive. If we're dead they lose money. Fuck the medical system and fuck backwards America. sorry had to rant, Willow.
Mental illness is difficult to understand... Do you think your family will let you ctb if it were legal?
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Feb 24, 2019
Exactly! They "pretend" to care, and half the time I feel like they know most of us are gonna go nowhere and end up killing ourselves. They prob think to themselves, "Let me milk the situation before this person ends it."

I just wanna add - there are genuine people tho out there, but a LOT of people are money hungry and selfish.
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Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
Mental illness is difficult to understand... Do you think your family will let you ctb if it were legal?
I'm 26, if it were legal they couldn't stop me. I'd tell them I'm going to leave, and they're welcome to spend my last moments with me. If they don't come with me, that's on them. If euthenasia became legal tommorow, I'd jump on that shit.
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
I'm 26, if it were legal they couldn't stop me. I'd tell them I'm going to leave, and they're welcome to spend my last moments with me. If they don't come with me, that's on them. If euthenasia became legal tommorow, I'd jump on that shit.
Fair. and yeah I think I'm going to give my family a few months with me before I go... I watch a lot of videos of families bereaving their children etc. and they always say if I just had one more conversation moment etc...
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Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
Fair. and yeah I think I'm going to give my family a few months with me before I go... I watch a lot of videos of families bereaving their children etc. and they always say if I just had one more conversation moment etc...
they might try to talk you out of it though. That would be one of my fears.
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
they might try to talk you out of it though. That would be one of my fears.
Oh no I'm not going to tell them... Just make some lovely memories with them before I pass
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Dec 17, 2018
Fair. and yeah I think I'm going to give my family a few months with me before I go... I watch a lot of videos of families bereaving their children etc. and they always say if I just had one more conversation moment etc...

Damn, those videos are intense. I avoid them because they make me feel even more guilty, but don't they make you feel some sort of regret over your choice to CTB?
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May 31, 2018
Sorry everyone I need to vent. Why is it in a "developed" country we can't let people die when they want to die with dignity?

I completely agree. As other members of even this site, which I wager most US law and medical authorities would consider radical, readily argue, "rational suicide" is a contradiction. And as our "justice" system is still predicated on many unspoken religious worldview biases (like the value of life), our judgment of what a sound mind is, too. By definition, therefore, policy authorities, including the wealthy and powerful pharmaceutical, clinical psychology, and psychiatric industries, judge being suicidal as sufficient evidence of unsound thinking and reasoning. Unlike every other branch of human reasoning dependent on a rigorous scientific model, mental health reasons about disease states (and therefore cognitive soundness) from unsubstantiable personal, cultural, and professional beliefs and has successfully liaised with legal authorities to usurp individuals' personal freedoms.

This is the result, at least in part, of prioritizing cultural beliefs over rigorous empiricism. And society's majority, largely secular transcendentalists, have allowed it.
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
Damn, those videos are intense. I avoid them because they make me feel even more guilty, but don't they make you feel some sort of regret over your choice to CTB?
Sometimes I feel really bad about it... sometimes I don't care at all (empathy problems) bc my entire family is already severely depressed and struggling. They won't be truly happy regardless and life is short and in the grand scheme of things everyone suffers and pains.. Sometimes when I don't care I watch those videos to try to make myself care. Doesn't always work... impaired empathy makes it difficult to connect with others one of the main reasons I want to ctb ... I think the fact that you cannot comprehend the way I think is a good sign
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
they might try to talk you out of it though. That would be one of my fears.
Yeah and that is why when I go, I planned to leave a note or send a delayed email (at least some time after my death) to my family, which means at least I would be able to cancel if things didn't go to plan (I'm 99.9% sure I will succeed after obtaining the courage and overcoming survival instinct).

@FTL.Wanderer Pretty much summed up what is wrong with the psychiatric system in the US and makes a whole lot of sense to why euthanasia and the right to die is still not a thing in the US. I don't have a lot of confidence that voluntary euthanasia would be a thing in the US at least not within my lifetime. I'm 28 and I believe things will likely get worse before they get any better, that is, if it does get any better even...
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
I completely agree. As other members of even this site, which I wager most US law and medical authorities would consider radical, readily argue, "rational suicide" is a contradiction. And as our "justice" system is still predicated on many unspoken religious worldview biases (like the value of life), our judgment of what a sound mind is, too. By definition, therefore, policy authorities, including the wealthy and powerful pharmaceutical, clinical psychology, and psychiatric industries, judge being suicidal as sufficient evidence of unsound thinking and reasoning. Unlike every other branch of human reasoning dependent on a rigorous scientific model, mental health reasons about disease states (and therefore cognitive soundness) from unsubstantiable personal, cultural, and professional beliefs and has successfully liaised with legal authorities to usurp individuals' personal freedoms.

This is the result, at least in part, of prioritizing cultural beliefs over rigorous empiricism. And society's majority, largely secular transcendentalists, have allowed it.
Well said. Religion is such shit and it goes hand in hand with paternalism, which is also shit. It's painful to imagine how great a world could be without the retarding influence of those two forces.

Realistically, I could see death with dignity winning for terminal illness in the last six months, but only 5-15 years and a few Supreme Court cases from now. I don't think we'll ever get a state sanctioned, humane suicide option, as much as I hate to say that.

Now that I think about it, part of the reason why I want to suicide is to say a big fuck you to all those forces–paternalism, religion, the government, gossipy moms in their 40s and 50s–and if it became kosher it would lose a lot of that fuck you power
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Jus wanna be a tree
Oct 16, 2018
This problem exists is almost all countries..

Now then I realised hospitals are generating profits out of pple's sufferings by "helping" them.

But there do have some good healthcare professionals who truly care about their patients, not all.
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Oct 8, 2018
People need to realize something simple.The mental health industry has only one purpose:to make money off patients.
Psychiatrists are not doctors.They can get away with anything they want.The patient cannot expect to be cured,or has any objective way to judge if he is even cured.
At least when you break your leg,you expect the doctor to do his job and fix it.
If after months its still bad,you will be asking questions.

With psychiatrists its like vodoo magic.If you want to spend money on them,thinking its one of your last options you are free to do so.But do not expect anything.Its not a "medical" profession.
You could just as well spend that money partying with friends,or doing yoga.
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
People need to realize something simple.The mental health industry has only one purpose:to make money off patients.
Psychiatrists are not doctors.They can get away with anything they want.The patient cannot expect to be cured,or has any objective way to judge if he is even cured.
At least when you break your leg,you expect the doctor to do his job and fix it.
If after months its still bad,you will be asking questions.

With psychiatrists its like vodoo magic.If you want to spend money on them,thinking its one of your last options you are free to do so.But do not expect anything.Its not a "medical" profession.
You could just as well spend that money partying with friends,or doing yoga.

This whole post is a lot. Closed minded. I'm sure you have your reasons ...
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