

Jun 18, 2019
What size of carbon monoxide cylinder is required to fill a car with 15,000 ppm.
(Car size is 5m^3) and what should the pressure of the cylinder be?


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
What size of carbon monoxide cylinder is required to fill a car with 15,000 ppm.
(Car size is 5m^3) and what should the pressure of the cylinder be?

15000 PartsPerMillion is 1.5% - CO attaches to hemoglobin molecules at least 200 times better than air oxygen, but let's for simplicity's sake assume it's just 100.
The rest should be easily calculated, and the pressure is not important as long as it's a bit above that of the environs. It doesn't hurt at all.


Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
Hm, well a 10 liter tank at 200 bar would have 2000 liters of CO at atmospheric pressure, so if you dumped all that in there you'd be at 40% or 400,000 ppm. That sounds like a decent safety margin. (Not taking into account some of it escaping of course.)

A 5 liter tank is compact and you can easily carry it under your arm. A 10 liter tank is a bit taller but still something you can carry around comfortably. Should weigh around 20 kg I think.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Hm, well a 10 liter tank at 200 bar would have 2000 liters of CO at atmospheric pressure, so if you dumped all that in there you'd be at 40% or 400,000 ppm. That sounds like a decent safety margin. (Not taking into account some of it escaping of course.)

A 5 liter tank is compact and you can easily carry it under your arm. A 10 liter tank is a bit taller but still something you can carry around comfortably. Should weigh around 20 kg I think.

Sounds like a holiday on a private island (though you'd have to airlift the car) - did you check what's actually on offer ?
The average propane bottle would have what, 15 bars and 20 liters ?
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Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
did you check what's actually on offer ?

Nope, I don't live in India either way and he didn't ask for advice on where to buy. Over here industrial suppliers (Linde, Air Liquide) offer CO in 10 liter aluminum tanks filled to 200 bar though. Just not in a no questions asked online shop type of way. :I


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Nope, I don't live in India either way and he didn't ask for advice on where to buy. Over here industrial suppliers (Linde, Air Liquide) offer CO in 10 liter aluminum tanks filled to 200 bar though. Just not in a no questions asked online shop type of way. :I

Yes, it lacks plausibility. Isn't plausibility in itself one of the most beautiful aspects of life ?
I'm sure I could work something out if I was really interested, it used to be my specialty - but I'm not.
I did a nice bubbling acid test yesterday and am basically sure of my method. It's in the 'formic acid + sulphuric acid" thread. It's totally easy and you can choose your aroma ;)


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
What does?

The online shop approach seen from the customer's side, who is after all the one making the approach without any plausible cause except the wish to inhale.
There's plausibility - and then there's plausibility.


Jun 18, 2019
The online shop approach seen from the customer's side, who is after all the one making the approach without any plausible cause except the wish to inhale.
There's plausibility - and then there's plausibility.
if you're implying that buying CO cylinder isn't plausible, you're wrong.
CO cylinders are easily available in india


Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
The online shop approach seen from the customer's side, who is after all the one making the approach without any plausible cause except the wish to inhale.
There's plausibility - and then there's plausibility.

Yeah, well, there's just little demand for carbon monoxide from people who would prefer to order that way. Maybe it would still go smoothly if you just contacted them regularly and sent them a fax asking for a quote.

But I'm that much of a pussy that I'd probably try the acid method first.

But why wouldn't you try to just buy it from a supplier first? You probably don't have that problem.


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
if you're implying that buying CO cylinder isn't plausible, you're wrong.
CO cylinders are easily available in india
Yeah, well, there's just little demand for carbon monoxide from people who would prefer to order that way. Maybe it would still go smoothly if you just contacted them regularly and sent them a fax asking for a quote.
But I'm that much of a pussy that I'd probably try the acid method first.
But why wouldn't you try to just buy it from a supplier first? You probably don't have that problem.

The stuff is not illegal, just implausible - in some countries, that may look different and companies will just sell.
Try buying a large carton of analgetics in countries like Germany or Denmark, and they will drone about how dangerous it is to gulp them all down at once, these are nanny culture mentalities adapted to people who only learned to consume and cannot survive on their own - their governments don't trust them to stay alive unguided. That's really the only problem, a very obnoxious one...
One can easily establish a plausible company contact, but it takes a bit of time.
No serious obstacle, but I've been investigating the acid method for so long that I see no problem with it at all, I just don't need anything else.


Feb 28, 2019
Do not try this method, it is famous method in Japan and South Korea (still)But it is also has many side-effect, pain.... but if you will try to this, i hope you can catch the bus


Jun 18, 2019
Do not try this method, it is famous method in Japan and South Korea (still)But it is also has many side-effect, pain.... but if you will try to this, i hope you can catch the bus
if the concentration is more than 1%, a peaceful death can be achieved in just 2-3 minutes.

even if the concentration is low, the side effects (headache, dizziness, nausea etc) can be minimised by taking alcohol and benzos


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
if the concentration is more than 1%, a peaceful death can be achieved in just 2-3 minutes.

even if the concentration is low, the side effects (headache, dizziness, nausea etc) can be minimised by taking alcohol and benzos

You would need just 50 liters at environment pressure, so you shouldn't have a problem ;)
Also, I almost died in an accident with CO (generator), and I could barely leave the room when I started to lose consciousness.
There were no ill effects at all, my knees gave, I wondered why, realized what was going on and I happened to sink out of the room in the right direction...
So I have reason to trust CO.
Then again, I always found it entertaining to narrowly escape the devil.
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Jun 18, 2019
How easy? Can anyone just walk into the store and buy it no questions asked?
questions will be asked, but people have bought it for CTBing by giving the reason as scientific research

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Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
questions will be asked, but people have bought it for CTBing by giving the reason as scientific research


Do tell if you manage to buy a tank though.

"We also found that the youth had accessed the internet to search for painless methods of suicides."

Oh no, not painless methods! We need to do something about that!
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Do tell if you manage to buy a tank though.

Oh no, not painless methods! We need to do something about that!

Careful now ! I heard that under new legislation in several EU countries (UK, F, Possibly D) talk about suicide will soon be considered 'hate speech."
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Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
Careful now ! I heard that under new legislation in several EU countries (UK, F, Possibly D) talk about suicide will soon be considered 'hate speech."
What a world would that be in which you're not even allowed to hate yourself anymore.


Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
questions will be asked, but people have bought it for CTBing by giving the reason as scientific research


The language of that article is ridiculous. They kept calling him a "victim" and "vulnerable. " He had a pre -meditated well-thought-out plan to obtain a co tank , and they're stupid enough to call him a victim of suicide. He made a deliberate choice. He was a victim of LIFE, which gave him ALL of his suffering , and that's the truth. Fuck this paternal idiocracy were living in.


Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
He was a victim of life, which gave him ALL of his suffering . Fuck this paternal idiocracy were living in.
Actually we don't know much about his life and what was bothering him and whether maybe it could have been fixed.


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
What a world would that be in which you're not even allowed to hate yourself anymore.

Human thoughts are ever more easily parseable, have you read that abstract where they grab the speach center signals sent to the vocalizing organs in the laryngeal/pharyngeal area ? Surprisingly simple, we think in language, and so we automatically create these nerve signals as if we were speaking without making a sound...
But what I really wanted to say is that the hate speech argument always fits - but I assume you're a white male, so that would mean everybody is allowed to hate you, even you yourself, at this point in time.
However, if you hated life itself - now that could be considered a thought crime.
DID you notice this forum doesn't allow you to delete your posts, or your profile ? Even Facebook allows you to do that...
The language of that article is ridiculous. They kept calling him a "victim" and "vulnerable. " He had a pre -meditated well-thought-out plan to obtain a co tank , and they're stupid enough to call him a victim of suicide. He made a deliberate choice. He was a victim of LIFE, which gave him ALL of his suffering , and that's the truth. Fuck this paternal idiocracy were living in.

Why call it 'paternal' rather than 'maternal,' when we're scavenging herd mammals who are hardwired to be hierarchic and competitive ?
As long as we don't change our genes, we cannot change the way we live and feel, and individuals will always suffer, while other, more aggressive ones will always oppress them somehow.
But if we change them so nobody subjectively suffers anymore, competitiveness will disappear and with it motivation = stasis.
We're at this time experiencing cultural stasis in a satiated consumer society, which is crumbling because of that...
A nice display. Google "mouse utopia."
It's difficult... if only because primate ethics would keep us from changing our genes even if we wanted to - and we don't.
We're programmed not to - genes try to stay the way they are.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
He already fixed all of his problems. He no longer has any problems.

That's the virgin beauty of it.
On the other hand (I have no idea whom you are talking about), are nonphysical problems objectively existent, or are they mere illusions ?


Oct 14, 2018
There is a reported case of CTBing by this method in India

Can you guys help me with a few questions regarding this method.

1) If we use a mask, can we inhale pure CO from the cylinder directly. Considering the very common available cylinder at about 150-200 bar and 5-10 litres, is there an apparatus so that the pressure of CO be brought down to atmospheric pressure so that it can be inhaled directly through mask?

2) If someone has any citations of suffering caused by CO method, can you please share it. As far as I have researched, this seems to be peaceful and certainly successful method.

3) How much is the appropriate time from inhaling pure CO before death?

4) What kind of masks can be used to inhale CO? Any leak proof, freely available masks online....

I have put out almost all the questions I have. Thanks in advance for the help!
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