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misery factory
Nov 15, 2018
Sounds kinda funny, 'catch the bus by train'. I'm not sure if everyone's comfortable with outright saying 'suicide'?

Anyway I'm still thinking about different methods, and one that has completely flown over my head is getting hit by a train. Seems pretty efficient, and relatively quick. There's a track through town too, I just have to look at the timetable.

Anyone else thought about this method? Opinions?
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Nov 17, 2018
I think about it a lot but what worried me is the chance of survival. I think my best bet would be to rest my head over one of the rails not long before a train comes, but the very thought of that makes my survival instinct kick in so strongly it's not funny.
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SS village idiot
Nov 22, 2018
Problem is you will traumatize the train driver. Even passengers who don't directly see any of it are shook up after such incidents, I know I had a friend who was on a train where someone committed suicide.

Also it's just a nasty sight for anyone that sees it.

Very brutal way of doing it as well. And if you lie on the track and survival instincts kick in you may survive maimed and worse of then you were before the attempt.
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Sep 21, 2018
I have no issues with 'suicide'. Not at all. Frankly, at first I had no idea what people meant when they used the phrase 'ctb'.

Check out some of my threads, I asked questions about the 'train' method. ' Anyway I'm still thinking about different methods, and one that has completely flown over my head is getting hit by a train. Seems pretty efficient, and relatively quick. There's a track through town too, I just have to look at the timetable.' success not guarantueed, certainly not instant painless death.
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Nov 21, 2018
I wouldnt ctb due to jumping in front of a train. The chance to survive disabled is too high.
If you chose a method like jumping in front of a train, there is no going back. Either you are dead or you are disabled.
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Nothing Special
Nov 24, 2018
I've thought about it a lot since there's tracks near me, and even in the station there's often fast trains that don't stop. I don't think I ever would go for it though. I don't want to survive horribly maimed or worse still, having someone catch me before the train even hits and yelling at me or something
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Oct 30, 2018
If you could do a decapitation that's a for sure death but anything else could be really painful.
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Sep 29, 2018
Decapitation is high on my list. No passenger trains through here, just coal and commodities. Wait for a few cars from the front to pass and lay my neck down on the tracks. Trains through the city pass slowly and give time for this setup. I've had too many not go my way and need something close to 100%. Every person that suicides is found by somebody, I'm not concerned with the conductor.
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Aug 31, 2018
I've thought about it, but wouldn't do it. The train drivers will be traumatized, the train schedule will be backed up, and the person having to identify your corpse might also be traumatized.
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Veteran Veteran
Nov 8, 2018
Decapitation is high on my list. No passenger trains through here, just coal and commodities. Wait for a few cars from the front to pass and lay my neck down on the tracks. Trains through the city pass slowly and give time for this setup. I've had too many not go my way and need something close to 100%. Every person that suicides is found by somebody, I'm not concerned with the conductor.
I was thinking the same. Let a few train cars go past then lay neck on the rail underneath a car in the middle. Train decapitations are pretty clean. The vessels and arteries look like they get pinched shut by the weight of the car.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I am far from anti suicide, but i have always tried to limit the damage to just me, hell i even waited what seemed like forever 26yrs ago to jump off a carpark so that no one had to see me go splat, sorry i digress, anyways i have met 2 train drivers over the years in the loony bin, both were there solely because of as they saw it they had killed people.
I judge no one for nothing, but i cannot be the cause of so much pain.
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Sep 23, 2018
Exactly ive read posts where people have just said well the driver will get training for things like that. So what, a soldier is trained for years fo go to war and some come back messed up, PTSD, kill themselves. People really need to open their eyes more, dont let your suicide impact especially those who have done nothing to you
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Sep 19, 2018
Problem is you will traumatize the train driver. Even passengers who don't directly see any of it are shook up after such incidents, I know I had a friend who was on a train where someone committed suicide.

Also it's just a nasty sight for anyone that sees it.

Very brutal way of doing it as well. And if you lie on the track and survival instincts kick in you may survive maimed and worse of then you were before the attempt.
If we had the universal right to die, traumatizing conductors or passangers would be a non issue. I bet you anything that if the train conductor was to vote on the right to die for people in our situation, he would probably vote against it. Same with the majority of the passengers. So as long as the anti-choice/pro-life agenda reigns supreme, people should continue to exept blood.

You made a great point about the brutality of it all. I seriously thought about going by train but they go pretty slow up here. Plus they have bumpers that could make decapitation more difficult. I figure I'd be rolled around by the train before going under. Maybe not but I don't want to take that chance.
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Sep 30, 2018
If you could do a decapitation that's a for sure death but anything else could be really painful.

There was news about a girl in Russia who put her head on train tracks and was decapitated. Someone who accompanied her or came there later took pictures of her head and corpse and sold them and her bloody scarf in Internet for highest pid which is sick.

Here was a young woman from England before who killed herself by jumping in front of the train this summer. I saw her messages only when she had sent goodbye notes and then I read some of her other messages. She seemed like a really nice person who had suffered much.
Anyways, in England they wrote it in the news the next day.

By doing that one could get to the news and be famous after they have died. Especially if they get decapitated and people who come to the scene take photos and upload them to Internet.
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
I was thinking the same. Let a few train cars go past then lay neck on the rail underneath a car in the middle. Train decapitations are pretty clean. The vessels and arteries look like they get pinched shut by the weight of the car.
How would you wait for a few cars to go by and then lay down under a car in the middle? Really slow train? We have slow trains here....hum....
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Nov 6, 2018
How would you wait for a few cars to go by and then lay down under a car in the middle? Really slow train? We have slow trains here....hum....
Ughh.. don't do it... it sounds really painful. If you are going to do it, do it with fast train so you'll die instantly.
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
Ughh.. don't do it... it sounds really painful. If you are going to do it, do it with fast train so you'll die instantly.
Yeah, I'm not going to do it. It would be near impossible to find a spot. Just pondering it now.
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Veteran Veteran
Nov 8, 2018
How would you wait for a few cars to go by and then lay down under a car in the middle? Really slow train? We have slow trains here....hum....
Yep, there is a huge commercial train terminal in this city and a passenger terminal as well. The trains slow down/stop when going through the city. I would wait until the middle of the train and then lay my neck down on the rail.
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Nov 24, 2018
I had two friends cbt by train. One was a small skinny girl and an average guy. Both 18.

At night they took all the drugs they could and laid on the train tracks. The guy laid across the tracks as you'd expect while the girl laid down the tracks with her head resting on him. (Forming a T. I can draw a pic if you're confused)

The impact killed the guy instantly. His body was found in one piece in a ditch. The girl was not so fortunate. She was small, like I said, 5'2 and skinny maybe 100 lbs. She got tangled underneath the train. (Not sure if the train spit her out or stopped or what. She broke both her legs, many ribs and survied. She was air lifted to a hospital and put in a coma. She had woken up only to cry, probably in a lot of pain. She survived for about a month in the hospital before she passed.

I just wanted to share in hopes no one will suffer like she did.
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Sep 21, 2018
Awful, any ideas about speed ?
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Oct 28, 2018
I think trains are less than optimal. I have lived in a large city for all my professional life. I've seen two people jump in front of a moving subway car and another shoot himself in a public space. Both of those attempts carried a lot of collateral damage emotionally to those who witnessed it.

I think we all have the right to make the choice to end our suffering, but there have to ways that are less painful to you and don't impact dozens of people you don't know. I almost think we have a duty to minimize the pain our act could put onto others.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
you goNna traumatize the fuck out of people.
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Apr 30, 2018
The impact killed the guy instantly. His body was found in one piece in a ditch. The girl was not so fortunate. She was small, like I said, 5'2 and skinny maybe 100 lbs. She got tangled underneath the train. (Not sure if the train spit her out or stopped or what. She broke both her legs, many ribs and survied. She was air lifted to a hospital and put in a coma. She had woken up only to cry, probably in a lot of pain. She survived for about a month in the hospital before she passed.

Auw that hurts. The boss of my old friend had a son jumping in front of the train (no idea about details) but he survived without legs and still driving around in his wheelchair after 20 years. So a definite no-go here.
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Nov 26, 2018
Sounds scary. If I survive, I'll probably be paralyzed or disabled. And there's probably gonna be more than one person on the train that'll be pissed because of delays. I have thought about it though.
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Feb 2, 2019
Here was a young woman from England before who killed herself by jumping in front of the train this summer. I saw her messages only when she had sent goodbye notes and then I read some of her other messages. She seemed like a really nice person who had suffered much.
Anyways, in England they wrote it in the news the next day.

By doing that one could get to the news and be famous after they have died. Especially if they get decapitated and people who come to the scene take photos and upload them to Internet.
The postmortem publicity is definitely an issue for those who want to go out discretely.

I've thought about this and the best thing to do if one ctb via a train and wants to go out without attracting media attention is to not have any i.d. on them. The press can only refer to you as a "John" or "Jane" Doe.

The authorities will of course do an investigative back track. That, combined with friends or family filing a missing persons report will eventually lead them to identify the deceased. When that time comes the press will have lost interest in the jumper, as they will be focusing on things like Kim Kardashian's ass.

The only exception would be if the deceased is a celeb or mainstream famous for something.
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Feb 2, 2019
The impact killed the guy instantly. His body was found in one piece in a ditch. The girl was not so fortunate. She was small, like I said, 5'2 and skinny maybe 100 lbs. She got tangled underneath the train. (Not sure if the train spit her out or stopped or what. She broke both her legs, many ribs and survied. She was air lifted to a hospital and put in a coma. She had woken up only to cry, probably in a lot of pain. She survived for about a month in the hospital before she passed.

I just wanted to share in hopes no one will suffer like she did.
Fuck worrying about train conductors, it's the above scenario is that should serve as the strongest deterrent to ctb via train. When one dies instantly from a train impact, it's all good - mission accomplished. But if it goes awry, like what was previously stated : amputation, paralysis, disfigurement AND all combined with survival. That is a fate worse than death.
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